北京大学:《普通心理学》课程教学资源(PPT讲稿)Chapter 11 情绪、压力及应对 Emotion, Stress, and Coping(主讲:张智勇)

Chapter 11 Emotion, Stress, and coping Zhang Zhiyong Department of Psychology Peking University
Chapter 11 Emotion, Stress, and Coping Zhang Zhiyong Department of Psychology Peking University

你在闹情绪吗? 心境如何? 口你的情绪深而不露?还是溢于言表? 你有什么烦恼或者高兴的事情? 心情郁闷有什么不好的后果? 口如何保持良好的心情?
你在闹情绪吗? 心境如何? 你的情绪深而不露?还是溢于言表? 你有什么烦恼或者高兴的事情? 心情郁闷有什么不好的后果? 如何保持良好的心情?

Definition Emotion or affect, is an evaluative response(a positive or negative feeling) that typically includes some combination of physiological arousal subjective experience, and behavioral or emotional expression
Definition Emotion, or affect, is an evaluative response (a positive or negative feeling) that typically includes some combination of physiological arousal, subjective experience, and behavioral or emotional expression

Out ines 口Em0t0n 口 Stress 口 Coping Some concluding Thoughts
Outlines Emotion Stress Coping Some Concluding Thoughts

eMotion n Physiological Components n Subjective Experience D Emotional EXpression o A Taxonomy of Emotions n Perspectives on Emotion D A Different Perspective: Integrating the Perspectives on Emotion
1 Emotion Physiological Components Subjective Experience Emotional Expression A Taxonomy of Emotions Perspectives on Emotion A Different Perspective: Integrating the Perspectives on Emotion

11 Physiological Components o William James(1884 the peripheral theory n Carl Lange (1885) James-Lange theory n Cannon(1927)and Bard (1934) TWo criticisms to James-Lange theory Too slow Not specific Cannon-Bard theory
1.1 Physiological Components William James (1884) • the peripheral theory Carl Lange (1885) • James-Lange theory Cannon (1927) and Bard (1934) • Two criticisms to James-Lange theory – Too slow – Not specific • Cannon-Bard theory

James-Lange Theory 害怕
害怕 James-Lange Theory

Cannon-Bard Theory 害怕
害怕 Cannon-Bard Theory

The neuro-psychology of emotion Emotion located in the heart face or the peripheral nervous stem Distributed throughout the nervous system Three areas of the brain of special importance Hypothalamus, Limbic system, cortex The Papez circuit: thalamus, hypothalamus, cortex, limbic system, Amygdala, the brain emotional computer Two circuits of the emotional reaction The role of the cortex with respect to emotion
The neuro-psychology of emotion Emotion located in the heart,face or the peripheral nervous system? Distributed throughout the nervous system Three areas of the brain of special importance: Hypothalamus, Limbic system, cortex • The Papez circuit: thalamus, hypothalamus, cortex, limbic system, • Amygdala, the brain emotional computer Two circuits of the emotional reaction The role of the cortex with respect to emotion

1.2 Subjective Experience n happy, angry, sad, and Elated D Individual difference in the intensity of emotional states Personality disorders/psychological disorder D Acknowledging and examining ones feelings can have a positive impact on health. Berry Pennebaker, 1993 Pennebaker et al, 1990)
1.2 Subjective Experience happy, angry, sad, and Elated Individual difference in the intensity of emotional states • Personality disorders/Psychological disorder Acknowledging and examining one’s feelings can have a positive impact on health. (Berry & Pennebaker,1993; Pennebaker et al,1990)
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