《组织学与胚胎学 Histology and Embryology》课程PPT教学课件讲稿(英文版)Chapter 02 Epithelium

Chapter 2 Epithelium
Chapter 2 Epithelium

1. General feature. 1)contain more cells and less extracellular ground substance 2)Polarisation: --free outer surface: face air or other things basal surface: face underlying CT, have basement membrane 3) Avascularity, but innervation: -m-no blood vessels --rich in nerve terminals 4) Having functions of protection, secretion, absorption excretion and sensory reception
1.General feature: 1) contain more cells and less extracellular ground substance 2) Polarisaton: ---free outer surface: face air or other things ---basal surface: face underlying CT, havebasement membrane 3) Avascularity,but innervation: ---no blood vessels ---rich in nerve terminals 4) Having functions of protection, secretion, absorption excretion and sensory reception

2. Classification 1)Covering epithelium: the epithelium which cover body surface or line the inner surface of body cavities, tubes and sac 2)Glandular epithelium: the epithelium which main function is secretion 3) Sensory epithelium: the epithelium which has special sensory function
2.Classification 1) Covering epithelium: the epithelium which cover body surface or line the inner surface of body cavities, tubes and sac. 2) Glandular epithelium: the epithelium which main function is secretion. 3) Sensory epithelium: the epithelium which has special sensory function

3.Covering epithelium According to the number of layer and shape of cells Simple epi :---simple squamous epi ---simple cuboidal epi -m-simple columnar epi -pseudostratified ciliated columnar epi. Stratified epi ; ---stratified squamous epi -stratified columnar epl transitional epi
3.Covering epithelium: According to the number of layer and shape of cells Simple epi.: ---simple squamous epi. ---simple cuboidal epi. ---simple columnar epi. ---pseudostratified ciliated columnar epi. Stratified epi.: ---stratified squamous epi. ---stratified columnar epi. ---transitional epi

1)simple squamous epis -structural feature lone layer flattened cells, cell border are interdigitate /with flattened ellipsoid-nucleus
1) simple squamous epi: ---structural feature: /one layer flattened cells, cell border are interdigitate /with flattened ellipsoid nucleus

-distribution: mesothelium: the simple squamous epi. which line the inner surface of body cavities such as thoracic, pericardiac and abdominal cavities endothelium the simple squamous epi. which line the inner surface of cardiovascular and ymphatic system other place: alveoli, parietal layers of renal capsule --function: a) transport of materials b) facilitates movement of viscera
---distribution: mesothelium: the simple squamous epi. which line the inner surface of body cavities such as thoracic, pericardiac and abdominal cavities. endothelium: the simple squamous epi.which line the inner surface of cardiovascular and lymphatic system. other place: alveoli,parietal layers of renal capsule. ---function: a) transport of materials b) facilitates movement of viscera

2) simple cuboidal epi: ---structural feature one layer of cells, with same height and width (in side view) and hexagonal outline in surface view. spherical centrally-located nucleus
2) simple cuboidal epi.: ---structural feature: one layer of cells, with same height and width(in side view) and hexagonal outline in surface view. spherical centrally-located nucleus

-distribution: /the renal tubule /thyroid ithe some ducts of mang glands . -main function: covering and secretion
---distribution: /the renal tubule /thyroid /the some ducts of mang glands ---main function: covering and secretion

3 simple columnar epi: --structural features one layer of columnar cells, with basally lacated ovoid nucleus goblet cell: scattered, secreting granules mucinogen granules-mucus
3) simple columnar epi.: ---structural features: one layer of columnar cells,with basally lacated ovoid nucleus goblet cell: scattered, secreting granulesmucinogen granules-mucus

distribution: /gastrointestinal tract g叫 all bladder uterus ---function: secretion and absorption
---distribution: /gastrointestinal tract /gall bladder /uterus ---function: secretion and absorption
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