《组织学与胚胎学 Histology and Embryology》课程PPT教学课件讲稿(英文版)Chapter 12 Endocrine System

Chapter 12 三 ndocrine System
Chapter 12 Endocrine System

1. Components small gland or endocrine cell: islet of pancreas and corpus luteum endocrine gland 9 Thyroid gland e Parathyroid gland ● Adrenal gland e Pituitary gland(hypophysis) e Pineal bodi
1. Components: ---small gland or endocrine cell: islet of pancreas and corpus luteum ---endocrine gland: Thyroid gland Parathyroid gland Adrenal gland Pituitary gland(hypophysis) Pineal body

2. General structure capsule: CT -parenchyma: endocrine cells arranged into nest cord cluster or follicle, secrete hormones interstitium: CT, rich in capillaries
2. General structure ---capsule: CT ---parenchyma: endocrine cells arranged into nest, cord, cluster or follicle, secrete hormones ---interstitium: CT, rich in capillaries

According to hormones ---nitrogenous-hormone secreting cell ●RER Golg ● secretory granules steroid-hormone secreting cel ●SER e mitochondria: with tubular-vesicular cristae 9 ipid droplet: raw-materials
* According to hormones ---nitrogenous-hormone secreting cell: RER Golgi secretory granules ---steroid-hormone secreting cell: SER mitochondria: with tubular-vesicular cristae lipid droplet: raw materials

tHyroid gland largest endocrine gland, 15-40g two-lobes, connect/ to each other by isthmus
3. Thyroid gland ---largest endocrine gland, 15-40g ---two-lobes, connect to each other by isthmus

1)General structure capsule of LCT: insert into parenchyma to separate them into lobules parenchyma lobules e follicles g interstitium CT
1) General structure: ---capsule of LCT: insert into parenchyma to separate them into lobules ---parenchyma: lobules follicles interstitium: CT

2) follicle spherical, 0.02-09mm epi t colloid
2) follicle: ---spherical, 0.02-0.9mm ---epi + colloid

① Epithelium simple cuboidal epl -structure LM e cuboidal: flattened(inactive) or columnar( more active) e basophilic cytoplasm e spherical centrally-located N
① Epithelium: simple cuboidal epi ---structure: LM: cuboidal: flattened(inactive) or columnar ( more active) basophilic cytoplasm spherical centrally-located N

EM micro RER, Golgi, secretory granules e lysosome, endocytotic vesicles
EM: microvilli RER, Golgi, secretory granules lysosome, endocytotic vesicles

function: synthesize and release thyroid hormones ,甲状球借白的碘化。晈 甲状球蛋臼苤彳吸收 ● thyroxine(T4) a5、 e triodothyronine(T3)e 更 多| 兴a 氨基酸 降钙森氦堪酸 9T3 a processes (含豁氮酸 皮 . synthesis of thyroglobulin li. lodination of thyroglobulin Release of thyroid hormones
---function: synthesize and release thyroid hormones thyroxine(T4) triiodothyronine(T3) a. processes: i. synthesis of thyroglobulin ii. Iodination of thyroglobulin iii. Release of thyroid hormones
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