《组织学与胚胎学 Histology and Embryology》课程PPT教学课件讲稿(英文版)Chapter 10 Immune system

Chapter 10 Immune system
Chapter 10 Immune system

1。 Components 1) Cells
1. Components 1) Cells

① Lymphocyte: a T-lymphocytes cytotoxic T cell: Tc C-kill the tumor cell, virus infective cell and foreign cell helper T cell: Th C- promotes activity of BLC and Tc c suppressor T cell: TSC-regulate the function of blc and tc b B-lymphocytes: become into plasma cell C. NK cell: counteract virus infective cell and tumor cell
① Lymphocyte: a. T-lymphocytes: cytotoxic T cell: Tc C- kill the tumor cell, virus infective cell and foreign cell helper T cell: Th C- promotes activity of BLC and Tc C suppressor T cell: Ts C –regulate the function of BLC and TC b. B-lymphocytes: become into plasma cell c. NK cell: counteract virus infective cell and tumor cell

②P| asma cell ③ Antigen presenting·s^s 异抗原 cell: MHC 类坑原 内吞 a. dendritic cell 内吞泡 Blood dc 酶体 Langerhans ce‖ 2。内看泡与 溶酶体结合 o interstitial ce‖ veiled cell 细胞核 MHCI类抗P 早抗原结合 interdigitating cel‖ 重新表达于 细胞膜表面 b macrophage mononuclear phagocytic system
②Plasma cell ③antigen presenting cell: a. dendritic cell: Blood DC Langerhans cell interstitial cell veiled cell interdigitating cell b.macrophage: mononuclear phagocytic system

④ other cel|s granulated ce‖l mast cell blood platelet blood-borne stem cell Function immunologic defence function ii. immune surveillance function immune homeostasis
④other cells: granulated cell mast cell blood platelet blood-borne stem cell *Function: i. immunologic defence function ii. immune surveillance function iii. immune homeostasis

6分弹趣 状细刷 会Q一淋巴胞 2) Lymphoid tissue米含了 刘状细 -reticular T 神釬维 o reticular cell: stellate-shaped with processes to form network reticular fiber ymphocytes, macrophage, plasma cell and mast cell
2) Lymphoid tissue ---reticular T: reticular cell: stellate-shaped with processes to form network reticular fiber ---lymphocytes, macrophage, plasma cell and mast cell

a. diffuse lt e no clear boundary ● mainly consists of TLC ● postcapillary venules high endothelial venules opening for LC enter LT from blood
a. Diffuse LT: no clear boundary mainly consists of TLC postcapillary venules: -high endothelial venules -opening for LC enter LT from blood

b Lymphoid nodule e spherical or ovoid have clear boundaries mainly composed of BLC germinal center: stained pale primary LN> secondary LN
b. Lymphoid nodule: spherical or ovoid have clear boundaries mainly composed of BLC germinal center: stained pale * primary LN → secondary LN

3)Lymphoid organs a.Central lymphoid organs: thymus, /bone marrow developed earlier blood-borne stem cell comes from yolk sac e microenvironment + proliferation promoting send lc to pld and lt two weeks before borne
3) Lymphoid organs a. Central lymphoid organs: thymus, bone marrow developed earlier blood-borne stem cell comes from yolk sac microenvironment → proliferation promoting send LC to PLD and LT two weeks before borne

b. Peripheral lymphoid organs: lymph node, spleen and palatine tonsil e developed later ● LC come from clo cell proliferation need antigen stimulating-antigen dependent e place for immune reactions
b. Peripheral lymphoid organs: lymph node, spleen and palatine tonsil developed later LC come from CLO cell proliferation need antigen stimulating- antigen dependent place for immune reactions
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