《组织学与胚胎学 Histology and Embryology》课程PPT教学课件讲稿(英文版)Chapter 03 Connective tissue

Chapter/3 Connective tissue
Chapter 3 Connective tissue

1. General features small number of cells and large amount of extracellular ground substance 2)extracellular is composed of fibers and amorphous ground substance-matrix 3 all of them originate from mesenchyme- embryonal ct 4) have functions of connection, supporting, protecting, nutrition, defence and repairing
1. General features: 1) small number of cells and large amount of extracellular ground substance 2) extracellular is composed of fibers and amorphous ground substance-matrix 3) all of them originate from mesenchymeembryonal CT 4) have functions of connection, supporting, protecting, nutrition, defence and repairing

mesenchyme ---mesenchymal cel /structure: stellate in shaped with ≥e processes a large nucleus with/ clear nucleoles slight basophilic cytoplasm /function a. undifferentiated cell b. multiple developmenta potential-ct cell, Sm and endothelial cell matrⅸ
mesenchyme ---mesenchymal cell: /structure: stellate in shaped with processes a large nucleus,with clear nucleoles slight basophilic cytoplasm /function: a. undifferentiated cell b. multiple developmental potential→CT cell, SM and endothelial cell ---matrix

2/ Classification cT in narrow sense/means connetive proper which include loose CT, dense CT, adipose T and reticular tissue ---ct in wide sense includes cartilage, bone and blood
2. Classification ---CT in narrow sense means connetive proper which include loose CT, dense CT, adipose T and reticular tissue ---CT in wide sense includes cartilage, bone and blood

3. Loose connective tissue(areolar tissue) e features: have more types of cells and less fibers functions: connection, supporting, defence and reparing e consists of cells, fiber and ground substance
3. Loose connective tissue(areolar tissue) features: have more types of cells and less fibers functions: connection,supporting,defence and repairing consists of cells, fiber and ground substance

淋巴细胞一 酸性细胞 毛细血管一:… 成纤维细艴 基质 驼原纤绯 弹性纤维 助细胞 二··纤维细唰 牝大细胞 细胞 浆细胞 两状纤维

1) cells: seven types of cells are present in LCT
1) cells: seven types of cells are present in LCT

① fibroblast structure: 粪 e large, flattened cell with processes- stellate in shaped e Large ovoid pale nucleus-contain more fine chromatin with clear one-two nucleoli Weakly basophilic cytoplasm-homogeneous
① fibroblast ---structure: LM: large,flattened cell with processes- stellate in shaped Large ovoid pale nucleus-contain more fine chromatin, with clear one-two nucleoli Weakly basophilic cytoplasm-homogeneous

9) EM e rich in RER, Golgi appatatus and free ribosome function synthesize fibers and ground substance
EM: rich in RER,Golgi appatatus and free ribosome ---function: synthesize fibers and ground substance

Synthesis of collagenous fiber m前-多默链 Three steps ↓ m羟化的前7 a synthesis of 多肽链 procollagen (RER) 分子 process(Gog)→ out loo o of cell N/:Q前胶蛋自 ↓内切分子 b procollagen→ 48Gm们 分子 tropocollagen→fbr1N 三原胶原蛋门 c fibril 分子颦合 TTWT胶原原纡维 collagenous fiber
Synthesis of collagenous fiber Three steps: a.synthesis of procollagen(RER) → process(Golgi) → out of cell b.procollagen→ tropocollagen → fibril c.fibril → collagenous fiber
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