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《组织学与胚胎学 Histology and Embryology》课程PPT教学课件讲稿(英文版)Chapter 09 Circulatory system

---Closed tubular system ---Blood circulatory or cardiovascular S ---Lymph vascular S

Chapter 9 Circulatory system

Chapter 9 Circulatory system

Closed tubular system Blood circulatory or cardiovascular S Lymph vascular s

---Closed tubular system ---Blood circulatory or cardiovascular S ---Lymph vascular S

The cardiovascular s ● heart s artery e vein ● capillary

The cardiovascular S heart artery vein capillary

Organs: cavity organ Inner→ outer . layers parenchymal organ capsule parenchyma:-cortex -medulla ● interstitial

Organs: ---cavity organ: inner → outer layers ---parenchymal organ: capsule parenchyma: -cortex -medulla interstitia

1. Capillaries 1)LM: ● endothelium ● basement membrane: ● pericyte /flattened with processes /function: support ii. undifferentiated cell

1. Capillaries 1) LM: endothelium: basement membrane: pericyte: /flattened with processes /function: i. support ii. undifferentiated cell


endothelial ce‖ ● processes -microⅶii-ike, finger-|iked ● plasmalemmal vesicle 160-70nm, constitute about 25-35% of total volume /transendothelial channel /function: transport/ large molecules and storage of membrane( for enlarge, enlongated, pore-formed and microvilli e Weibel-Palade body: rod-liked, 3um long, 0.1 0.3um in d, secrete factor Vlll related antigen e microtubule and microfilament

endothelial cell: processes –microvilli-like, finger-liked plasmalemmal vesicle /60-70nm, constitute about 25-35% of total volume /transendothelial channel /function: transport large molecules and storage of membrane( for enlarge, enlongated, pore-formed and microvilli) Weibel-Palade body: rod-liked, 3um long, 0.1- 0.3um in D, secrete factor VIII related antigen microtubule and microfilament

EM classification ① Continuous capillary! Structural feature e endothelial cel‖ -more plasmalemmal vesIcles tight junction ● basal lamina: complete Distribution CT, MT, lung and CNs

EM: classification ①Continuous capillary: ---Structural feature: endothelial cell: -more plasmalemmal vesicles -tight junction basal lamina: complete ---Distribution: CT, MT, lung and CNS

2 Fenestrated capillary Structural feature eendothelial cell: -have fenestrae or pore(60-80nm in D, with 4-6 nm diaphragm) e basal lamina complete -Distribution: gastrointestinal tract, endocrine gland and renal glomerulus

② Fenestrated capillary ---Structural feature: endothelial cell: -have fenestrae or pore(60-80nm in D, with 4-6 nm diaphragm) basal lamina: complete ---Distribution: gastrointestinal tract, endocrine gland and renal glomerulus

sInusoid capillaries(enlarge capillary) Structural feature e endothelium: gap, pore basal lamina incomplete or no( absent) Distribution: liver, spleen and bone marrow

③Sinusoid capillaries( enlarge capillary) ---Structural feature: endothelium: gap, pore basal lamina: incomplete or no( absent) ---Distribution: liver, spleen and bone marrow
