《组织学与胚胎学 Histology and Embryology》课程PPT教学课件讲稿(英文版)Chapter 04 Cartilage and Bone

Chapter 4 Cartilage /and Bone
Chapter 4 Cartilage and Bone

1. Cartilage: organ=Cartilage tissue+perichondrium
1. Cartilage: organ=Cartilage tissue+perichondrium

1) structure of cartilage tissue --cell: chondrocyte -cartilage matrix
1) structure of cartilage tissue ---cell: chondrocyte ---cartilage matrix

e① chondrocyte: -Structure: M e embedded in cartilage lacuna ● peripheral cells: -small and immature --single and flattened central cell: large and mature, --round and in group of 2-8 cells --small and round nucleus -basophilic cytoplasm CEM rich in RER and Golgi complex
① chondrocyte: ---Structure: LM embedded in cartilage lacuna peripheral cells: --small and immature --single and flattened central cell: --large and mature, --round and in group of 2-8 cells --small and round nucleus --basophilic cytoplasm --EM: rich in RER and Golgi complex

isogenous group: several cells locates in one lacuna, which are derived from a single(same) parent cell
*isogenous group: several cells locates in one lacuna, which are derived from a single(same) parent cell

② Cartilage matrix ground substance proteoglycan same to loose ct 5● here are more chondroitin sulfate distributed at the periphery of cartilage lacuna---called as cartilage capsule(basophilic ● chondronectin e water fiber: type and number of fiber depends on the type of cartilage
② Cartilage matrix ---ground substance: proteoglycan: --same to loose CT --there are more chondroitin sulfate distributed at the periphery of cartilage lacuna---called as cartilage capsule(basophilic) chondronectin water ---fiber: type and number of fiber depends on the type of cartilage

2)Classification: according to the fiber a Hyaline cartilage ● less collagenous fibrilk-type‖ collagen e articular surface, rib cartilage trachea and bronchi
2) Classification: according to the fiber a. Hyaline cartilage: less collagenous fibril←type II collagen articular surface, rib cartilage, trachea and bronchi

b. Fibrous cartilage large amount of collagenous fiber bundles cells are small and less intervertebral disc. symphysis pubis
b. Fibrous cartilage: large amount of collagenous fiber bundles cells are small and less intervertebral disc, symphysis pubis

C. Elastic cartilage o large amount of elastic fiber e external ear, epiglottis
c. Elastic cartilage: large amount of elastic fiber external ear, epiglottis

3)perichondrium two layers out layer: contain more fiber-protection -inner layer more cells-osteoprogenitor cell (fusiform in shape)
3) perichondrium two layers: ---out layer: contain more fiber-protection ---inner layer: more cells-osteoprogenitor cell(fusiform in shape)
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