《组织学与胚胎学 Histology and Embryology》课程PPT教学课件讲稿(英文版)Chapter 17 Urinary System

Chapter 17 Urinary System
Chapter 17 Urinary System

Components ---kidney produce urine ureters bladder>-cavity organs, conduct, store and urethra remove the urine functions remove waste products of metabolism requlate the homeostasis e secrete some bioactive factors- renin erythropoietin
1. Components ---kidney : produce urine ---ureters ---bladder -cavity organs, conduct, store and ---urethra remove the urine ---functions: remove waste products of metabolism regulate the homeostasis secrete some bioactive factors- renin, erythropoietin

cavity organs ● mucosa lepi-transitional epI /amina propria e muscularis:SMk、小 ● adventitia:CT
*cavity organs: mucosa: /epi-transitional epi /lamina propria muscularis: SM adventitia: CT

2 Kidney bean-shaped. 10-12cm in length, 5-6cm 弓形动脉 width 3-4cm n 叶间动脉 thickness 肾小盏 肾大盏 小叶间动脉 hilum BV LVn and ureters enter or out 、髓放线 肾盂 皮质迷路 renal pelvis: funnel-RIT 肾柱 shaped expension of/x 肾锥体 upper end of ureter calyx: branches of renal pelVIS
2. Kidney ---bean-shaped, 10-12cm in length, 5-6cm in width, 3-4cm in thickness ---hilum: BV, LV, N and ureters enter or out *renal pelvis: funnelshaped expension of upper end of ureter *calyx: branches of renal pelvis

1)General structure: capsule: DCT cortex: dark stained /medullary ray 弓形动脉 叶间动脉 /cortical labyrinth 肾小盏 medulla: slight stained 肾大盏 十小叶间动脉 放线 /renal pyramid 肾盂 二>皮质迷路 /renal columns 输尿管 肾柱 肾乳头 /renal papillae 肾锥体 / -minor calyX -major calyx pelvis
1) General structure: ---capsule: DCT ---cortex: dark stained /medullary ray /cortical labyrinth ---medulla: slight stained /renal pyramid /renal columns /renal papillae: -minor calyx -major calyx -pelvis

renal lobe one renal pyramid and its bounding cortical tissue renal lobule: renal tissue including one medullary ray and corticaltissue surround it 弓形动脉 叶间动脉 肾小盏 肾大盏 十小叶间动脉 肾盂 皮质迷路 输尿管 肾柱 肾乳头 肾锥体
*renal lobe: one renal pyramid and its bounding cortical tissue *renal lobule: renal tissue including one medullary ray and cortical tissue surround it

According to function, renal/ parenchyma is mainly consists of uriniferous tubules 肾小体 血管球 (皮质逸路、肾柱) parenchyma 青小囊 近端小管由都 反质迷路,肾柱 /uriniferous tubules= 肾单位 近端小管〈 近曲小管) renal tubule+ collecting 近漏小管直部 肾小管 细段 (礴放线、肾锥体) tubules 远端小管直部丿 /renal corpuscle 远格小管远弱小管 泌脉小管 (皮质迷路,肾柱) glomerulus renal (远曲小管) 号形集合小管 《皮质迷路) capsule(beginning part 集合小管系皮质集合小管 (放线肾锥体) of renal tubule) 质集合小管 (肾维体) nephron=renal corpuscle renal tubule c-interstitium CT BV N
According to function, renal parenchyma is mainly consists of uriniferous tubules ---parenchyma: /uriniferous tubules= renal tubule+ collecting tubules /renal corpuscle =glomerulus + renal capsule(beginning part of renal tubule) /nephron=renal corpuscle + renal tubule ---interstitium: CT, BV, N

2)Nephron: structural and functional unit, 1,000,000 renal corpuscle: cortical and juxtamedullary nephron 浅表肾单位 远曲小作小 /renal glomerulus 弓形集合小管 肾小体 近曲小管 /renal capsule 皮质集合小管 髓旁肾单位 renal tubule 近端小管直部 鰱放线 /proximal tubule convoluted portion 远端小管直部 -straight portion 细段 /thin segment 髓质集合小管 /distal tubule straight portion convoluted portion
2) Nephron: structural and functional unit, 1,000,000 ---renal corpuscle: cortical and juxtamedullary nephron /renal glomerulus: /renal capsule ---renal tubule: /proximal tubule: -convoluted portion -straight portion /thin segment /distal tubule: -straight portion -convoluted portion

浅表肾单位 远曲小管 弓形集台小管 肾小体 近曲小管 皮质集台小管 髓旁肾单位 近端小管直部 鰱放线 远端小管直部 细段 髓质集合小管

(1 renal corpuscle: spherical, 200um in D two poles: vascular pole and urinary pole glomerulus: afferent arterioles-capillary network - >efferent arterioles capillary network lendothelial cell: pore, 70-90 nm, no diaphragm 晖旁绷胞 入球改动脉 /basal lamina 330nm 出球微动 一肾小舞层 肾小黄腔 近典小管
① renal corpuscle: spherical, 200um in D, two poles: vascular pole and urinary pole ---glomerulus: afferent arterioles→capillary network →efferent arterioles *capillary network: /endothelial cell: pore, 70-90 nm, no diaphragm /basal lamina: 330nm
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