《组织学与胚胎学 Histology and Embryology》课程PPT教学课件讲稿(英文版)Chapter 23 Development of the face, neck and limbs

chapter 2 Development of the face, neck andlimbs
Chapter 23 Development of the face, neck and limbs

1 Development of branchial apparatus branchial apparatus including branchial arch, branchial groove, branchial membrane and branchial pouch 侧舌隆起 鳃弓 鳃沟 咽囊 鳃膜 4
1. Development of branchial apparatus * branchial apparatus: including branchial arch, branchial groove, branchial membrane and branchial pouch

状体板 耳板 板一 额鼻隆起 上頜隆起一 个下饿隆起 i 原始咽 心隆起 心壁 by the 4th week, frontonasal prominence mesenchymal proliferation of ventral surface of brain vesicle --heart prominence: development of heart
---by the 4 th week, ---frontonasal prominence: mesenchymal proliferation of ventral surface of brain vesicle ---heart prominence: development of heart

primitive pharynx: cranial part of the foregut 原始咽 前脑泡 原始咀
---primitive pharynx: cranial part of the foregut

branchial or pharyngeal arch /proliferation of mesenchyma of primitive pharynx /6 pairs branchial groove: the/ depressions between branchial arch 状体板 耳板 稳3 额鼻屠起 隆起 个下隆起 口i跟 原始咽 心隆起 心駐 B
---branchial or pharyngeal arch: /proliferation of mesenchyma of primitive pharynx /6 pairs ---branchial groove: the depressions between branchial arch

第咽囊 第2咽囊 第3咽囊 第4咽囊 第5咽囊 branchial pouch loutpocketings of endoderm of primitive pharynx /opposed to branchial groove branchial membrane: the thin membrane between branchial groove and branchial pouch
---branchial pouch: /outpocketings of endoderm of primitive pharynx /opposed to branchial groove ---branchial membrane: the thin membrane between branchial groove and branchial pouch

2 Formation of face -five elevations / frontonasal prominence /maxillary prominence paired upper 上頜隆起 branches of first branchial arch /mandibular prominence paired lower 下颌隆起 branches of first branchial arch
2. Formation of face ---five elevations /frontonasal prominence /maxillary prominence: paired, upper branches of first branchial arch /mandibular prominence: paired, lower branches of first branchial arch

上頜隆起 鼻板 stomodeum 下頜隆起 /the depression between five elevations /opposed to primitive pharynx by buccopharyngeal membrane, will break down then stomodeum communicates with the foregut
---stomodeum /the depression between five elevations /opposed to primitive pharynx by buccopharyngeal membrane, will break down, then stomodeum communicates with the foregut

内侧鼻隆起 窝 外侧鼻隆走 nasal placode: by the 5th week, thickening of ectoderm of lower part of frontonasal prominence ---nasal pit: depressions in nasal placode median nasal prominence and lateral nasal prominence: proliferation of mesenchyme at the margins of the nasal placodes
---nasal placode: by the 5 th week, thickening of ectoderm of lower part of frontonasal prominence ---nasal pit: depressions in nasal placode ---median nasal prominence and lateral nasal prominence: proliferation of mesenchyme at the margins of the nasal placodes

by the 5th week, right and left mandibular prominences fuse to form the lower jaws and lips by the 6th week, medial nasal prominence merge to give rise to median portion of the nose, middle portion of upper lip, the philtrum
---by the 5 th week, right and left mandibular prominences fuse to form the lower jaws and lips ---by the 6 th week, medial nasal prominence merge to give rise to median portion of the nose, middle portion of upper lip, the philtrum
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