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《组织学与胚胎学 Histology and Embryology》课程PPT教学课件讲稿(英文版)Chapter 05 Blood and Hemopoiesis

《组织学与胚胎学 Histology and Embryology》课程PPT教学课件讲稿(英文版)Chapter 05 Blood and Hemopoiesis

Chapter 5 Blood and Hemopoiesis

Chapter 5 Blood and Hemopoiesis

1. Components formed elements: 45% red blood cell-erythrocyte white blood cell-leukocyte 日一血浆 platelets plasma:55%,PH7374,90%l water 白细胞、血小板 contain plasma protein(albumin globulin, fibrinogen), lipidprotein 红细胞 enzymes, hormone,vitamin, inorganic NT salt and products of metabolism serum:is plasma in which thel fibrinogen has been removed by clotting

1. Components: ---formed elements: 45% red blood cell-erythrocyte white blood cell-leukocyte platelets ---plasma: 55%, PH 7.3-7.4, 90% water contain: plasma protein(albumin, globulin, fibrinogen), lipidprotein, enzymes, hormone, vitamin, inorganic salt and products of metabolism *serum: is plasma in which the fibrinogen has been removed by clotting

b Blood smear: Wright or giemsa stain methods

Blood smear: Wright or Giemsa stain methods

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1. Cells

1)erythrocyte, red blood cell normal number. 4255)1012 in male ( 3, 5-5.0)X101/L in female -structure e biconcave discs in shape, 7.5-8.5 um in diameter/1-2um thick o no nucleus and organella e filled with hemoglobin Hb: about 1/3 normal number 120-150g/L in male 105-135q/L in female combine and transfer O, and co2

1) erythrocyte, red blood cell ---normal number: (4.2-5.5)X1012/L in male (3.5-5.0)X1012/L in female ---structure: biconcave discs in shape, 7.5-8.5 um in diameter, 1-2um thick no nucleus and organella filled with hemoglobin, Hb: about 1/3 -normal number: 120-150g/L in male 105-135g/L in female -combine and transfer O2 and CO2

e erythrocyte membrane skeleton change shape main component is spectrin and actin blood type antigen: A, B -membrane protein ABo blood type hemolysis -erythrocyte ghost anemia: RBc <3.0X1012/L or Hb <100q/L

erythrocyte membrane skeleton: -change shape -main component is spectrin and actin blood type antigen: A, B : -membrane protein -ABO blood type -hemolysis→erythrocyte ghost *anemia: RBC <3.0X1012 /L or Hb <100g/L

reticulocyte e05-1% of total erythrocyte population or 3-6% in naonate e immature cell e remained ribosome-delicate network structure when stained with brilliant cresyl blue e Will disappear after 1-3 days --life span: 120 days

* reticulocyte: 0.5-1% of total erythrocyte population or 3-6% in naonate immature cell remained ribosome-delicate network structure when stained with brilliant cresyl blue will disappear after 1-3 days ---life span: 120 days

2) leukocyte --a group of large cells with nucleus involve in defense and immune reaction normal number:(4.0-10)X109/L classification granulocytes: /neutrophil /eosinophil /basophil ● agranulocytes /lympocyte /monocyte

2) leukocyte ---a group of large cells with nucleus ---involve in defense and immune reaction ---normal number: (4.0-10) X109 /L ---classification: granulocytes: /neutrophil /eosinophil /basophil agranulocytes: /lympocyte /monocyte

DO ① neutrophil normal percentage 50-70%of total leukocyte population -structure e round. 10-12um in diameter e rob-liked or poly morphous nucleus, 2-5 lobes e fine neutrophilic granules-pink-cyfteplasm

① neutrophil: ---normal percentage: 50-70% of total leukocyte population ---structure: LM: round, 10-12um in diameter rob-liked or poly morphous nucleus, 2-5 lobes fine neutrophilic granules-pink cytoplasm

EM: specific granule 80% sma,0.3-0.4um ovoid or irregular in shape X15.000 e/contain: lysozyme, phagocytin(defensin) azurophilic granule 20 large, round or ovoid, 0.6-0.7 um electron dense lysosome: acid phosphatase, peroxidase, acidic hydrolase

EM: specific granule: 80% small, 0.3-0.4 um ovoid or irregular in shape contain: lysozyme, phagocytin(defensin) azurophilic granule: 20% large, round or ovoid , 0.6-0.7 um electron dense lysosome: acid phosphatase, peroxidase, acidic hydrolase
