中国思想经典(PPT课件讲稿)墨子与墨家 Mozi and His Philosophy
Mozi and his philosophy 13.07,2006
Mozi and his Philosophy 13.07.2006
Outline I Mohism and confucianism ■II.Mozi III. The Teaching of mozi TV The book of mozi V The mohist school after the death of mozi VI. Mozi's Way of argumentation MOZI'S leaching VIII. An Imaginary dialogue with mozi IX How did mozi influence the world?
Outline ◼ I. Mohism and Confucianism ◼ II. Mozi ◼ III. The Teaching of Mozi ◼ IV. The Book of Mozi ◼ V. The Mohist School after the Death of Mozi ◼ VI. Mozi’s Way of Argumentation ◼ VII. Mozi’s Teaching ◼ VIII. An Imaginary Dialogue with Mozi ◼ IX. How did Mozi Influence the World?
I Mohism confucianism Students of Chinese thought are likely to think that Confucianism and daoism have been the two understanding indigenous philosophical systems in China This is true so far as the last 2000 years are concerned In ancient China, up to the beginning of the han Dynasty(206B. C. -220A. D,), the greatest schools were Confucianism and mohism they dominated the intellectual scene from the 5th-3rd century B C These 2 schools vigorously attacked each other
I. Mohism & Confucianism ◼ Students of Chinese thought are likely to think that Confucianism and Daoism have been the two understanding indigenous philosophical systems in China. ◼ This is true so far as the last 2000 years are concerned. ◼ In ancient China, up to the beginning of the Han Dynasty (206B.C.-220A.D.), the greatest schools were Confucianism and Mohism. They dominated the intellectual scene from the 5th –3rd century B.C. ◼ These 2 schools vigorously attacked each other
I Mohism confucianism a These 2 schools were bitter enemies because in their doctrines they were diametrically opposed Confucius took the western zhou (1111 770B.C )as his model MoZi: Looked to the Hsia(2183 1752?BC.)
I. Mohism & Confucianism ◼ These 2 schools were bitter enemies because in their doctrines they were diametrically opposed. ◼ Confucius: took the Western Zhou (1111*770B.C.) as his model ◼ Mozi: Looked to the Hsia (2183- 1752?B.C.)
I Mohism confucianism Confucianism: ethical system is based on the idea of ren MoZi based on the idea of yi("righteous") Both ideas are human created values Confucius: kept ren essentially a human value MoZi: traced yi to the will of Tian ("Heaven 7 God
I. Mohism & Confucianism ◼ Confucianism: ethical system is based on the idea of ren ◼ Mozi: based on the idea of yi (“righteous”) ◼ Both ideas are human created values. ◼ Confucius: kept ren essentially a human value ◼ Mozi: traced yi to the will of Tian (“Heaven”/ “God”)
I Mohism confucianism Confucianism: Tlan does not directly exert its will but leaves the moral law to operate by tself Mozi: the will of tian determines all MoZi: strongly condemns ritual ceremonies ( music, elaborate funerals, and the belief in fate(ming, which were promoted by Confucius and his followers
I. Mohism & Confucianism ◼ Confucianism: Tian does not directly exert its will but leaves the moral law to operate by itself. ◼ Mozi: the will of Tian determines all. ◼ Mozi: strongly condemns ritual ceremonies (li), music, elaborate funerals, and the belief in fate (ming), which were promoted by Confucius and his followers
I Mohism confucianism Confucius: moral life/being ren is desirable for its own sake Mozi moral life is desirable for the benefits it brings. Even his doctrine of the will of Tian is colored by this utilitarian principle
I. Mohism & Confucianism ◼ Confucius: moral life/ being ren is desirable for its own sake. ◼ Mozi: moral life is desirable for the benefits it brings. Even his doctrine of the will of Tian is colored by this utilitarian principle
I Mohism confucianism a The greatest divergence: on the issue of human relations MoZi: universal love equal love for every human being E.g. others' parents, families and countries should be treated as one's own Confucius: love with distinctions ren/love begins from one 's family
I. Mohism & Confucianism ◼ The greatest divergence: on the issue of human relations. ◼ Mozi: universal love, equal love for every human being. E.g. others’ parents, families, and countries should be treated as one’s own. ◼ Confucius: love with distinctions; ren/love begins from one’s family
I Mohism confucianism If the mohist doctrine were adopted the whole confucian system would be destroyed from its very foundation a Thus, mencius attacked mohism mercilessly MenciUs 3A.5, 3B.9) The mohist challenged the Confucians not only in theory but also in actual practices
I. Mohism & Confucianism ◼ If the Mohist doctrine were adopted, the whole Confucian system would be destroyed from its very foundation. ◼ Thus, Mencius attacked Mohism mercilessly (Mencius 3A.5, 3B.9) ◼ The Mohist challenged the Confucians not only in theory, but also in actual practices
II. MoZi (479-438B C Nothing is known about his Mo Ti, or Master Mo, the founder of the moist school The text, MoZi is complied by his disciples a It was believed that mozi lived some time between the death of Confucius(479B C.) and the birth of Mencius (372 B. C) He probably studied under the confucian School, for he quoted frequently from the Book of poetry and the book of documents
II. Mozi (479-438B.C.) ◼ Nothing is known about his Mo Ti, or Master Mo, the founder of the Moist school. ◼ The text, Mozi, is complied by his disciples. ◼ It was believed that Mozi lived some time between the death of Confucius (479B.C.) and the birth of Mencius (372 B.C.) ◼ He probably studied under the Confucian School, for he quoted frequently from the Book of Poetry and the Book of Documents
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