不列颠哥伦比亚大学:Early Confucian Virtue Ethics and the Situationist Critique

EarlndCatfncian Virtue Ethics and the Situatiioryis t rithdreembia
Early Confucian Virtue Ethics and the Situationist Critique Edward Slingerland University of British Columbia

empirical turn
“empirical turn

empirical turn philosophy can no longer be a self. contained, a pron undertaking
“empirical turn” philosophy can no longer be a selfcontained, a priori undertaking

empirical turn philosophy can no longer be a self. contained, a pron undertaking needs to be informed, constrained by empirical work on human cognition( Flanagan 1991 Johnson 1993)
“empirical turn” philosophy can no longer be a selfcontained, a priori undertaking ◦ needs to be informed, constrained by empirical work on human cognition (Flanagan 1991, Johnson 1993)

empirical turn philosophy can no longer be a self. contained, a pron undertaking part of a larger trend toward vertical integration
“empirical turn” philosophy can no longer be a selfcontained, a priori undertaking part of a larger trend toward “vertical integration

empirical turn philosophy can no longer be a self. contained, a pron undertaking part of a larger trend toward vertical integration plugging human level truths into a chain of explanation that includes the natural sciences
“empirical turn” philosophy can no longer be a selfcontained, a priori undertaking part of a larger trend toward “vertical integration” ◦ plugging human level truths into a chain of explanation that includes the natural sciences

(Where I ve been last 5-6 years.) EDWARD SLINGERLAND Cambridge university press 2008 What Science Offers the Humanities INTEGRATING BODY AND CULTURE
(where I’ve been last 5-6 years…) Cambridge University Press 2008

empirical turn hilosophically-relevant aspects of human cognition
“empirical turn” philosophically-relevant aspects of human cognition

empirical turn hilosophically-relevant aspects of human cognition o reasonin ng grounded in, guided by emotions o importance of automaticity, unconscious cognition fragmented nature of self crucial role of radial categories, analogical reasoning (imagination)
“empirical turn” philosophically-relevant aspects of human cognition ◦ “reasoning” grounded in, guided by emotions ◦ importance of automaticity, unconscious cognition ◦ fragmented nature of self ◦ crucial role of radial categories, analogical reasoning (imagination)

the empirical turn and virtue ethics
the “empirical turn” and virtue ethics
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