上海交通大学:《哲学、科学、技术 Philosophy , Science and Technology》课程教学资源(PPT课件)第八讲 工程师视域中的技术形象:卡普与德韶尔

上浒充通大学 SHANGHAI JLAO TONG UNIVERSITY 上海交通大学通识教育核心课程 哲学科学技术 Philosophy Science and Technology 闫宏秀博士 上海交通大学科学史与科学哲学象副教授 1日g
哲学·科学·技术 Philosophy , Science and Technology 闫宏秀博士 上海交通大学科学史与科学哲学系副教授 上海交通大学通识教育核心课程

上浒文通大学 SHANGHAI JLAO TONG UNIVERSITY 技术演变的哲学思考 第七讲:工程师视域中的技术形象 卡普与德韶尔 nmn。 w兰 SHANG 1日gG
技术演变的哲学思考 第七讲:工程师视域中的技术形象: 卡普与德韶尔

上游充通大兽 SHANGHAI JIAO TONG UNIVERSITY 技术哲学是什么? ROWMAN LITTLEFIELD PUBLISHERS,INC. READINGS in the Published in the United States of America by Rowman Littlefield Publishers,Inc. A wholly owned subsidiary of The Rowman&Littlefield Publishing Group.Inc. 4501 Forbes Boulevard.Suite 200.Lanham.Maryland 20706 PHILOS○PHY of www.rowmanlittlefield.com PO Box 317 Oxford TECHNOLOGY OX2 9RU,UK Copyright2004 by Rowman&Littleficld Publishers.Inc. All righrs reserved.No part of this publication may be reproduced. stored in a retrieval system.or transmitted in any form or by any means,electronic,mechanical,photocopying.recording.or otherwise. without the prior permission of the publisher. British Library Cataloguing in Publication Information Available Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Kaplan.David M. Readings in the philosophy of technology edited by David M.Kaplan p.cm. Includes bibliographical references and index. ISBN 0-7425-1488-9 (alk.paper)-ISBN 0-7425-1489-7 (pbk.:alk paper) 1.Technology--Philosophy.I.Title. T14R392004 601-k22 2003023573 Printed in the United States of America EDITED BY The apershpbcaion ts the minimmofmeric National Standard for Information Sciences-Permanence of Paper for Printed Library DAVID M.KAPLAN Materials.ANSI/NISO Z39.48-1992

上游充通大学 SHANGHAI JIAO TONG UNIVERSITY 10 A Phenomenology of Technics 132 Don Ihde Contents 11 A Cyborg Manifesto 161 Donna J.Harawe变 12 A Collective of Humans and Nonhumans 9 Bnuo Latour 13 Ecological Restoration and the Culture of Nature 191 Andrew Light 14 Democratic Rationalization Acknowledgments 知 209 Andrew Feenberg Introduction x拉 Part II.Technology and Ethics Part I.Early Philosophy of Technology 15 Technology and Responsibility 21 Haus loeas 1 Do Machines Make History? 1 Robert Heilbroner 16 Technology,Demography,and the Anachronism of Traditional Rights 245 Rohert E McGina 2 Toward a Philosophy of Technology 17 Hans lonas 17 The Constitution in Cyberspace 259 aurence H.Trib延 3 Question Concering Technology 35 Martin Heidegger 18 Technological Ethics in a Different Voice 213 Diane P.Michelfelder 4 Heidegger on Gaining a Free Relation to Technology 53 Hubert Drevfus Part IV.Technology and Politics 19 Do Artifacts Have Polities? 28型 5 Social Implications of Technology 63 Langdon Winner Herbert Marcuse 20 Strong Democracy and Technology 303 6 Technical Progress and the Social Life-World 81 Richard E Sclove Jirgen Habermas 21 Socialism and the Democratic Planning of Technical Change 3I9 Part II.Recent Philosophy of Technology Tony Smith 22 The Insurgent Architect at Work 331 7 The Culture of Technology 95 David Harvey Amold Pacey Part V.Technology and Human Nature 8 Technologies as Forms of Life 103 Langdon Winner 23 Panopticism 359 Michel Foucault 9 Focal Things and Practices 115 Albert Borgmann 24 Enhancement Technology? 373 Carl Elliott 25 Twenty-First Century Bodies 381 Ray Kurzweil

上游充通大学 SHANGHAI JIAO TONG UNIVERSITY Contents 26 Why Computers May Never Think like People 397 Huben and Stuart Drevfus 27 Whither Psychoanalysis in Computer Culture? 45 Blackwell Sherry Turkle Companions to Philosopby Part VI.Technology and Science 28 Experimentation and Scientific Realism 435 A COMPANION TO lan Hacking THE PHILOSOPHY OF 29 Laboratories 449 Bnno Latour TECHNOLOGY 3)Scientific Visualism 4组 Danh址 31 Should Philosophies of Science Encode Democratic Ideals? 481 Sandra Harding Index 501 Olsen,Jan Kyrre Berg.Il.Pedersen, Stig Andur,1943-Ill.Hendricks,Vincent F. 2009 Edited by JAN KYRRE BERG OLSEN STIG ANDUR PEDERSEN,AND VINCENT F.HENDRICKS WILEY-BLACKWELL
Olsen, Jan Kyrre Berg. II. Pedersen, Stig Andur, 1943– III. Hendricks, Vincent F. 2009

上游充通大学 SHANGHAI JIAO TONG UNIVERSITY Part I History of Technology 5 11 Technological Knowledge Anthonie W.M.Meijers and Marc I.de Vries 1 History of Technology 7 12 The Interplay between Science and Technology 75 Thomas J.Misa Bart Gremmen 13 Instruments in Science and Technology 78 2 Definitions of Technology 18 Mieke Boon Richard Li-Hua 14 Social Construction of Science Harry Collins 3 Western Technology 23 15 Social Construction of Technology Keld Nielsen Wiebe E.Bijker 16 Theory Change and Instrumentation 95 4 Chinese Technology 28 Joseph C.Pitt Francesca Bray 17 Biology and Technology Keekok Lee 5 Islamic Technology 32 18 Nuclear Technologies 104 Thomas F.Glick William J.Nuttall 19 Engineering Design 6 Japanese Technology 37 Peter Kroes David Wittner 20 Cybernetics 118 Andrew Pickering 7 Technology and War 43 21 Chemistry and Technology 123 Helge S.Kragh Bart Hacker Part IlI Technology and Philosophy 129 22 Introduction:Philosophy and Technology Part II Technology and Science 49 Val Dusek 23 Semioties of Technology 8 Technology and Science 51 14用 Robert E.Innis Don Ihde 24 Critical Theory of Technology 146 Andrew Feenberg 9 Science and Technology:Positivism and Critique 61 25 Cyborgs 154 Hans Radder Ewn Selinger 26 Simulation 157 10 Engineering Science 66 Ewn Selinger Louis L Bucciarelli 27 Technology as"Applied Science" 160 Robert C.Scharf 28 Technological Artifacts 165 Datav-Panl Verhaal nd piater F

上游充通大学 SHANGHAI JIAO TONG UNIVERSITY 29 Technical Practice 172 46 The Reinvention of CO,as Refrigerant for Both Heating and Cooling 276 Bart Gremmen Jan Hurlen 30 Technological Pragmatism 175 47 Environmental Science and Technology 280 Larry Hickman Mary Tiles 31 Hermeneutics and Technologles 180 48 Agriculture and Technology 285 Don Thd止 Joln R.Porter and Jesper Rasmussen 32 Analytie Philosophy of Technology 184 49 The Built Environment 289 Christian Iltes Maarten Franssen 33 Technological Rationality 189 Part V Technology and Polities Lorenzo C.Simpson 50 Technology and Polltics 07 34 Phenomenology and Technology 195 Evan Selinger lain Thomson 51 The Idea of Progress 35 Expertise 202 Danlel Sarew时te 303 Evan Selinger 52 Technology and Power 3 36 Imaging Technologles 205 Daniel Sarewitz Don Thde 53 Technology and Culture 31 37 The Critique of the Precautionary Principle and the Possibility Lucten Scubla for an "Enlightened Doomsaying" 210 54 Technology Management lean-Pierre Dupuy Richard Li-Hua 316 38 Technology and Metaphysics 214 55 Technology Strategy 3 fean-Plerre Dupuy Richard Li-Hua 39 Large Technical Systems 218 56 Technology and Globalization Erik van der Vleuten David M.Kaplan 325 40 Sociotechnical Systems 223 57 Technology Transfer Maarten Franssen and Peter Kroes Evn Selinger 329 41 Information Technology 227 58 Technology and Capitalism 333 Laciano Floridi David M.Kaplan 59 The Politics of Gender and Technology 338 Part IV Technology and Environment 233 Elisabeth K.Kelan 42 Technology and Environment 235 60 European Politics,Economy and Technology Mary Tiles 342 Erik lones 43 The Precautionary Princlple 248 61 Asian Politics.Economy and Technology 347 Andy Stirling Keekok Lee 44 Boundary-work.Pluralism and the Environment 263 62 US Politics,Economy and Technology 353 Jpzr时[Keulartz David M.Hart 45 Global Warming 270 63 Energy.Technology and Geopolities 359 Sir John Houghton John R.Fanchi

上游充通大学 SHANGHAI JIAO TONG UNIVERSITY Part VI Technology and Ethics 365 82 Nanocthics 459 64 Technology and Ethics:Overview 367 John Weckert Carl Mitcham and Katinka Waelbers 83 Nuclear Ethics 65 Agriculture Ethics 384 Koos van der Bruggen David M.Kaplan 84 Religion and Technology 66 Architecture Ethics 387 Carl Mitcham Warwick A.Fox 85 Technology and Personal Moral Responsibility 474 67 Biomedical Engineering Ethics 392 e平er Ryberg Philip Brey 86 Value-sensitive Design 477 68 Bioethics 397 Jeroen van der Hoven and Noemi Manders-Huits Paul B.Thomson Part Vll Technology and the Future 481 69 Blotechnology:Plants and Animals 402 87 Technology.Prosperity and Risk Bart Gremmen 3 Sven Ove Hansson 70 Computer Ethics 406 88 World Risk Society Philip Bret Ulrich Beck 95 71 Consumerism 42 89 Risk Analysis Edward J.Woodhouse 50 Sven Ove Hansso 72 Development Ethics 416 90 Prosperity and the Future of Technology 502 Thomas Kesselring William Simts Bainbridge 73 Energy Ethies 422 91 Converging Technologies 508 Kirsten Halsnes William Sins Bainbridge 74 Engineering Ethics 426 92 Nanotechnology Christelle Didier 5 Alfred Nordmann 75 Environmental Ethics 433 9 Energy Forecast Technologies Thomas Sobirk Petersen John R.Fanchi 517 76 Food Ethics 439 94 Blotechnology 523 David M.Kaplan Jennifer Kuma 77 Future Generations 442 95 Transportation 532 Jesper Ryberg Jonathan L Gifford 78 Genethics 445 96 Global Challenges 53粥 Nils Holtug Jennifer K2m显 79 Technology and the Law 449 97 Chemicals 46 Richard Susskind Bruce E.lohansen 80 Media Ethics 452 98 The Future of Humanity Deni Elliott Nick Bostrom 81 Medical Ethics Index Soren Holm

上游充通大学 SHANGHAI JIAO TONG UNIVERSITY 2006 Contents Philosophy of Technology: Introduction An Introduction 1 Philosophy of Science and Technology 6 2 What Is Technology?Defining or Characterizing Technology 26 3 Technocracy 38 4 Rationality,Technological Rationality,and Reason 53 5 Phenomenology,Hermeneutics,and Technology 70 6 Technological Determinism 84 7 Autonomous Technology 105 Val Dusek 8 Human Nature:Tool-making or Language? 2 Women,Feminism,and Technology 136 10 Non-Western Technology and Local Knowledge 156 11 Anti-technology:Romanticism,Luddism,and the Ecology Movement 176 Blackwell Publishing 12 Social Constructionism and Actor-network Theory 198 Bibliography 211 Index 234

上游充通大兽 SHANGHAI JIAO TONG UNIVERSITY 拉普Friedrich Rapp)1974年, 拉普出版了自己的第一本著述 第一章技术哲学的发覆阶段 《技术哲学文集》。在这本英 1引言………1 2。工程学观点…4 文版论文集中,他将技术哲学 3。文化哲学………7 定位于分析解决工程和自然科 4。社会批判主义………11 5。作为系统的地球… ………14 学领域而不仅仅是社会学的问 6。研究方法的多样性问题……………17 题上。 第二章对“技术”颜念的不同蕾法 1978年出版的《分析的技术哲 1。定义问题……… ……4……20 学》中文名称为《技术哲学导 2。历史分析和系统分析…………………21 3。技术史的分期…22 论》并与米切姆的《技术哲学 4。“技术”概念的语义变化…………27 概论》,戈菲的《技术哲学》 5。技术的定义… 一起成为技术哲学的经典著作 第三章方法论分析 和必读教材。 1。技术发展的次定日素……………32
拉普(Friedrich Rapp )1974年, 拉普出版了自己的第一本著述 《技术哲学文集》。 在这本英 文版论文集中,他将技术哲学 定位于分析解决工程和自然科 学领域而不仅仅是社会学的问 题上。 1978年出版的《分析的技术哲 学》中文名称为《技术哲学导 论》并与米切姆的《技术哲学 概论》,戈菲的《技术哲学》 一起成为技术哲学的经典著作 和必读教材
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