吉林大学基础医学院:《组织学与胚胎学》课程教学课件(讲稿)细胞质The Cytoplasm The Cytoplasm

The Cytoplasm Li Shulei lishulei@tom.com Department of Histology Embryology
The Cytoplasm The Cytoplasm Department of Histology & Embryology Department of Histology & Embryology Li Shulei lishulei@tom.com

Cell components ▣Cytoplasm ■ Plasma membrane ■Organelles Cytoplasmic deposits ■Cytoskeleton ■Cytosol Matrix) ▣Nucleus
Cell components Cell components Cytoplasm Cytoplasm Plasma membrane Plasma membrane Organelles Organelles Cytoplasmic Cytoplasmic deposits deposits Cytoskeleton Cytoskeleton Cytosol Cytosol ( Matrix ) ( Matrix ) Nucleus Nucleus

Plasma membrane ▣Structure Thickness:7.5nm~10nm ■Unit membrane ■Fluid mosaic model ▣Main functions Transmemebrane transport ■ Signal transmembrane transduction
Plasma membrane Plasma membrane Structure Structure Thickness:7.5nm~10nm Thickness:7.5nm~10nm Unit membrane Unit membrane Fluid mosaic model Fluid mosaic model Main functions Main functions Transmemebrane Transmemebrane transport transport Signal transmembrane transmembrane transduction transduction

Plasma membrane trilaminar appearance
Plasma membrane Plasma membrane trilaminar appearance

Plasma membrane Basic phospholipid Hydrophilic group portion Reduced Phosphate group osmium of phospholipids deposits Chain of fatty acids Hydrophobic portion Cholesterol Hydrophilic portion nm nmnmnm The ultrastructure and molecular organization of the cell membrane.The dark lines at left represent the two dense layers observed in the electron microscope. Cholesterol breaks up the close packing of phospholipid chains,and makes the membrane more fluid. The lipid composition of each half of the bilayer is different
Plasma membrane Plasma membrane Hydrophilic portion The ultrastructure and molecular organization of the cell membrane. The dark lines at left represent the two dense layers observed in the electron microscope. Cholesterol breaks up the close packing of phospholipid chains, and makes the membrane more fluid. The lipid composition of each half of the bilayer is different

Plasma membrane Sugar chain Sugar chain of glycolipid of glycolipid phospholipid integral double layer protein face Peripheral protein perip transmembran Lipid prote e proteins Pface B A:The fluid mosaic model of membrane structure. B:Membrane cleavage occurs when cell is frozen and fractured into two parts along the hydrophobic interactions
Plasma membrane Plasma membrane A: The fluid mosaic model of membrane structure. B: Membrane cleavage occurs when cell is frozen and fractured into two parts along the hydrophobic interactions . peripheral protein phospholipid double layer integral protein transmembran e proteins

Plasma membrane Sugar chain of glycolipid Sugar chain of glycoprotein Peripheral protein Extracellular milieu Cytosol Cell membrane Transmembrane protein Transmembrane protein molecular structure of the plasma membrane. one-pass and multipass transmembrane proteins,peripheral protein proteins are present mainly in the cytoplasmic face
Plasma membrane Plasma membrane molecular structure of the plasma membrane. one-pass and multipass transmembrane proteins, peripheral protein proteins are present mainly in the cytoplasmic face

(1)Mitochondria ▣Structure ■Outer membrane ■Inner membrane ■ Cristae:oxidative phosphorylation and electron transport system globular units:ADP to ATP ■Intermembrane space ■Intercristae space ■Matrix ▣Function Transform the chemical energy of the metabolites present in cytoplasm into energy that is easily accessible to the cell
(1) Mitochondria (1) Mitochondria Structure Structure Outer membrane Outer membrane Inner membrane Inner membrane Cristae Cristae: oxidative : oxidative phosphorylation phosphorylation and electron and electron transport system transport system globular units: ADP to ATP globular units: ADP to ATP Intermembrane Intermembrane space Intercristae Intercristae space Matrix Function Function Transform the chemical energy of the metabolites Transform the chemical energy of the metabolites present in cytoplasm into energy that is easily accessible present in cytoplasm into energy that is easily accessible to the cell. to the cell

Mitochondria Outer membrang Intermembrane space Inner membrane Crista Intercristae space Crista b b 0/6 b 0 d Mitochondrion Globular units (ATP synthesis) (energy transformation)
Mitochondria Mitochondria Outer membrane Outer membrane Inner membrane Inner membrane Intercristae Intercristae space Crista Crista

Mitochondria C:Cristae M:Matrix 3 protein-secreting cell Steroid-secreting cell flat,shelf-like cristae tubular cristae
Mitochondria Mitochondria C: Cristae M: Matrix protein-secreting cell flat, shelf-like cristae Steroid-secreting cell tubular cristae
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