吉林大学基础医学院:《组织学与胚胎学》课程教学课件(讲稿)男性生殖系统 Male Reproductive System

Male Reproductive System
Male Reproductive System

Constitution of male reproductive system Genital gland -testis Genital ducts epididymis/ductus deferens /urinary duct Accessory sex glands prostate gland Seminal vesicle Bulbo-urethral glands Penis
Genital gland -testis Genital ducts epididymis / ductus deferens / urinary duct Accessory sex glands prostate gland Seminal vesicle Bulbo-urethral glands Penis Constitution of male reproductive system

Bladder AmBulla ejaculatory Seminal vesicle (of vas duct Vas deferens) Prostate deferens Bulbourethral gland Epididymis Urethra Efferent Penis ductules Testis

Testis * producing spermatozoa Producing hormones
Testis * producing spermatozoa * Producing hormones

Testis H&E epididymis tunica albuginea *tunica albuginea mediastinum with rete testis mediastinum testis testicular lobule seminiferous tubules obuli testis tubulus rectus rete testis
*tunica albuginea * mediastinum testis * testicular lobule * seminiferous tubules * tubulus rectus * rete testis

Testis H&E cavity of the tunica vaginalis tunica albuginea seminiferous epithelium seminiferous tubules

Seminiferous tubules: the site of germatozoon production total of 800-1600 tubules about 600 M 66%of the testicular volume Interstitial area: *testicular interstitial cells which produce testosterone *connective tissue capillary
• Seminiferous tubules: * the site of germatozoon production * total of 800-1600 tubules about 600 M * 66% of the testicular volume • Interstitial area: *testicular interstitial cells which produce testosterone *connective tissue ; capillary

seminiferous tubule Testis H&E Spermatogenic epithelium *Spermatogenic cell: spermatogonia *sustenacular cell (Sertoli cell): Seroli cell spermatids (maturation phase】 ◆basement membrane ◆nyoid cell smooth muscle
Spermatogenic epithelium *Spermatogenic cell: *sustenacular cell (Sertoli cell): basement membrane myoid cell seminiferous tubule

Stages of spermatogenic cell development Spermatogonium Base of tubule Spermatocytes Spermatogenesis Spermatids Spermatozoon Lumen of tubule
Stages of Stages of spermatogenic spermatogenic cell development cell development Spermatogonium Spermatocytes Spermatids Spermatozoon Spermatogenesis Lumen of tubule Base of tubule

Spermatogonium *at the base of epithelium Testis H&E *two types Leydig -type A cells smooth muscle type Ad:maintains the germ cell pool type ap Sertoli cells developed spermatogonia -type B spermatids primary spermatocytes primary spermatocytes
Spermatogonium *at the base of epithelium *two types -type A type Ad: maintains the germ cell pool type Ap -type B primary spermatocytes developed
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