吉林大学基础医学院:《组织学与胚胎学》课程教学课件(讲稿)神经组织 Nerve Tissue

919 WARM MIDWAY Nerve Tissue 赵慧 Department of Histology Embryology Jilin University
Nerve Tissue Nerve Tissue 赵慧 Department of Histology & Embryology Department of Histology & Embryology Jilin University Jilin University

General Description Nerve tissue Nerve Tissue 公牛报告 ox.jcxo.com Nerve Cell Neuroglial Cell (Neuron) (Neuroglia) .Receive .Support stimulation .Nourish .Integrate .Insulate message .Protect .Conduct the .Repair nerve impulse Hui Zhao
Nerve tissue Hui Zhao General Description Nerve Cell (Neuron) •Receive stimulation •Integrate message •Conduct the nerve impulse Nerve Tissue Neuroglial Cell (Neuroglia) •Support •Nourish •Insulate •Protect •Repair

Contents Nerve tissue Neuron 2 Synapse Neuroglia Nerve Fiber and Nerve Nerve Ending Hui Zhao
Nerve tissue Hui Zhao Contents 1 Neuron 2 Synapse Synapse 3 Neuroglia Neuroglia 4 Nerve Fiber and Nerve Nerve Fiber and Nerve 5 Nerve Ending Nerve Ending

I.Neuron Nerve tissue 1.Soma 胞体 树突 ■Cell membrane 尼氏体 细胞核 ■Nucleus 轴突 侧支 Cytoplasm 2.Process 髓鞘 -Dendrite ■AXon 施万细胞核 郎飞结 D 轴突终末 骨骼肌纤维运动终板 Hui Zhao
Nerve tissue Hui Zhao I. Neuron 1. Soma Cell membrane Nucleus Cytoplasm 2. Process Dendrite Axon 胞体

1.Soma Nerve tissue Dendrite Nucleolus Nucleus Nissl body Dendrite. Axon hillock Axon Cell membrane Excitable membrane,receiving stimutation,forming and conducting nerve impules Receptor;Voltage-gated channel;Chemically-gated channel Nucleus:spherical,large,centrally-located,pale-staining 冬 Cytoplasm (Perikaryon):Nissl body;Neurofibril;Lipofuscin Hui Zhao
Nerve tissue Hui Zhao 1. Soma Cell membrane Excitable membrane, receiving stimutation, forming and conducting nerve impules Receptor; Voltage-gated channel; Chemically-gated channel Nucleus: spherical, large, centrally-located, pale-staining Cytoplasm (Perikaryon): Nissl body; Neurofibril; Lipofuscin Nissl body Dendrite Axon Dendrite Nucleus Nucleolus Axon hillock

1.Soma Nerve tissue Neurofibrils 8 Nissl body (Chromophil Neurofibril substance,tigroid body) LM:thread-liked dark brown LM:basophilic mass or granules network EM:RER,free ribosome EM:microfilament, Function:produce protein, neurofilament,neurotubule enzyme and neurotransmitter Function:cytoskeleton, participate in substance transport Hui Zhao
Nerve tissue Hui Zhao 1. Soma Nissl body (Chromophil substance, tigroid body) LM: basophilic mass or granules EM: RER, free ribosome Function: produce protein, enzyme and neurotransmitter Neurofibril LM: thread-liked dark brown network EM: microfilament, neurofilament, neurotubule Function: cytoskeleton, participate in substance transport Neurofibrils

2.Process Nerve tissue Axon 树突 Axon hillock,axon terminal 尼氏体 Axolemma,axoplasm 细胞核 No Nissl body and Golgi 侧支 complex 轴突 Function:passes messages away from the cell body to 髓鞘 other neurons,muscles,or glands) Axon Axon 施万细胞核 Dendrite terminals terminals 郎飞结 Dendritic spine 容 Spine apparatus Function:receive stimulation and Spinal D 轴突终末 conduct impulse apparatu Dendritic 骨骼肌纤维 运动终板 into soma spine Dendrite Hui Zhao
Nerve tissue Hui Zhao 2. Process Dendritic spine Spinal apparatus Dendrite Axon Axon hillock, axon terminal Axolemma, axoplasm No Nissl body and Golgi complex Function: passes messages away from the cell body to other neurons, muscles, or glands) Dendrite Dendritic spine Spine apparatus Function: receive stimulation and conduct impulse into soma

2.Process Nerve tissue 粗面内质网 Axonal transport 胞体 Anterograde axonal 高尔基复合体 transport Fast transport 兼有衣小泡 。球形小泡 ●Slow transport @小颗粒小泡 ◎大颗粒小泡 一扁平小泡 ·轴突 Retrograde axonal transport 神经丝 神经微管 滑面内质网 多泡体 轴突终末 突触小泡 Hui Zhao
Nerve tissue Hui Zhao 2. Process Axonal transport Anterograde axonal transport • Fast transport • Slow transport Retrograde axonal transport

Classification of neurons Nerve tissue According to number of processes multipolar;bipolar;pseudounipolar neuron Main types of neurons Bipolar Multipolar Pseudounipolar Dendrites Direction of impulse Axon Axon Axon terminal terminal termina Hui Zhao
Nerve tissue Hui Zhao Classification of neurons According to number of processes multipolar; bipolar; pseudounipolar neuron

Classification of neurons Nerve tissue According to functions sensory neuron;motor neuron;interneuron interneuron grey matter white matter sensory neuron motor neuron sensory nerve fiber skin motor nerve fiber motor end plate sensory nerve ending skeletal muscle Hui Zhao
Nerve tissue Hui Zhao Classification of neurons According to functions sensory neuron; motor neuron; interneuron
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