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山东大学:《医学生理学 Medical Physiology》课程教学资源(PPT课件讲稿,人体生理学 Human Physiology)Chapter 5 Respiratory Physiology Part 2 Mechanical properties of the lung and chest wall

山东大学:《医学生理学 Medical Physiology》课程教学资源(PPT课件讲稿,人体生理学 Human Physiology)Chapter 5 Respiratory Physiology Part 2 Mechanical properties of the lung and chest wall

Part 2 Mechanical Preperties ofthe lung and Chest Wau staticand Dynamic

1 Part 2 Mechanical Properties of the Lung and Chest Wall: Static and Dynamic

Section i STATIC LUNG MECHMCS The mechanical of a lung whose volume is not changing with time

2 Section I STATIC LUNG MECHNICS: The mechanical properties of a lung whose volume is not changing with time

1. Pulmonary Volame and Capacity

3 1. Pulmonary Volume and Capacity

Pulmonary volumes Males Females IRv 3300 1900 INspiratory capa 50050Jc ERV 1000 700 Functional residual Inspiratory Residual volume 1200 1100 capacity reserve Inspirator 6000ml4200ml volume capacity (IRV) Resting tida Vital volume (VT=500 ml) g capac Volume Expiratory (m) reserve volume (ERV) Functional capacit Residual volume MInimal volume (30-120m


Pulmonary volumes Tidal volume(潮气量) Volume of air inspired or expired during a offal inspiration or expiration(400-500 ml) Inspiratory reserve volume(补吸气量) Amount of air inspired forcefully after inspiration of normal tidal volume(1500-2000 ml Expiratory reserve volume(补呼气量) Amount of air forcefully expired after expiration of normal tidal volume(900-1200 mD Residual volume(残气量,RV) Volume of air remaining in respiratory passages and lungs after the most forceful expiration(1500 ml in male and 1000 ml in female)

5 Pulmonary Volumes • Tidal volume (潮气量) – Volume of air inspired or expired during a normal inspiration or expiration (400 – 500 ml) • Inspiratory reserve volume (补吸气量) – Amount of air inspired forcefully after inspiration of normal tidal volume (1500 – 2000 ml) • Expiratory reserve volume (补呼气量) – Amount of air forcefully expired after expiration of normal tidal volume (900 – 1200 ml) • Residual volume (残气量,RV) – Volume of air remaining in respiratory passages and lungs after the most forceful expiration (1500 ml in male and 1000 ml in female)

Pulmonary volumes Males Females IRv 3300 1900 )Inspiratory capac W 500500 1000 700 ctional residua Inspiratory Residual volume 1200 1100 capacity reserve Inspiratory 6000ml4200ml volume capac ity (IRV) Resting tida Vital volume capacity T=500m) lung capacity Volume Expiratory (ml) reserve volume (ERV) Functional residua capacity Residual volume Minimal volume (30-120m)


Pulmonary Capacities A Capacity is composed of two or more wolynes Inspiratory capacity(.吸气量) Tidal volume plus inspiratory reserve volume Functional residual capacity(功能残气量,FRC) Expiratory reserve volume plus the residual volume Ⅴ ital capacity(肺活量,VC) Sum of inspiratory reserve volume, tidal volume, and expiratory reserve volume Total lung capacity(肺总量,TLC) Sum of inspiratory and expiratory reserve volumes plus the tidal volume and residual volume

7 Pulmonary Capacities A Capacity is composed of two or more volumes • Inspiratory capacity (深吸气量) – Tidal volume plus inspiratory reserve volume • Functional residual capacity (功能残气量, FRC) – Expiratory reserve volume plus the residual volume • Vital capacity (肺活量, VC) – Sum of inspiratory reserve volume, tidal volume, and expiratory reserve volume • Total lung capacity (肺总量, TLC) – Sum of inspiratory and expiratory reserve volumes plus the tidal volume and residual volume

Pulmonary volumes Males Females IRv 3300 1900 )Inspiratory capac W 500500 1000 700 ctional residua Inspiratory Residual volume 1200 1100 capacity reserve Inspiratory 6000ml4200ml volume capac ity (IRV) Resting tida Vital volume capacity T=500m) lung capacity Volume Expiratory (ml) reserve volume (ERV) Functional residua capacity Residual volume Minimal volume (30-120m)


RV/TLC normally less than 0.25 Increase by the obstructive pulmonary disease(rv) Increase during the restrictive lung disease (TLC)

9 RV/TLC • Normally less than 0.25 • Increase by the obstructive pulmonary disease (RV) • Increase during the restrictive lung disease (TLC)

Minute and alveolar ventilation Minute ventilation: Total amount of air /moved Into and out of respiratory system per minute Respiratory rate or frequency: Number of breaths taken per minute Anatomic dead space: Part of respirato epi ory system where gas exchange does not take place Alveolar ventilation: How much air per minute enters the parts of the respiratory system in which gas exchange takes place 10

10 Minute and Alveolar Ventilation • Minute ventilation: Total amount of air moved into and out of respiratory system per minute • Respiratory rate or frequency: Number of breaths taken per minute • Anatomic dead space: Part of respiratory system where gas exchange does not take place • Alveolar ventilation: How much air per minute enters the parts of the respiratory system in which gas exchange takes place
