山东大学:《医学生理学 Medical Physiology》课程教学资源(PPT课件讲稿,人体生理学 Human Physiology)Chapter 2 Function of the Cell Section 1 Transport of Ions and Molecules through the Cell Membrane

Chapter 2 Functions of The cell
2 Chapter 2 Functions of The Cell

The cell is The basic unit of the body to carry out and control the functional processes of life Contained within a limiting membrane consists of various organelles suspended in cytoplasm
3 The Cell is ➢ The basic unit of the body ➢ to carry out and control the functional processes of life. ➢ Contained within a limiting membrane ➢ consists of various organelles suspended in cytoplasm

nuclear pore chromatin(DNA) nucleus nucleolus nuclear envelope flagellum centriole intermediate filaments ough endoplasmic cytoplasm reticulum ribosome plasma membrane lysosome olgi ampler microtubules vesicle smooth endoplasmic reticulum ree ribosome mitochondrion

General Subdivisions of a cell A Nucleus (regulatory 召. Plasma center of the Membrane cell) (Selectively permeable boundary C Cytoplasm between the (everything cell and the between the environment plasma membrane and the nuclear Organelles are individual compartment compartments in the cytoplasm
5 General Subdivisions of a Cell A. Nucleus (regulatory center of the cell) B. Plasma Membrane (selectively permeable boundary between the cell and the environment) C. Cytoplasm (everything between the plasma membrane and the nuclear compartment) Organelles are individual compartments in the cytoplasm

Basic Physiological Function of the Cells Transport across the cell membrane Bioelectrical phenomena of the cell >Contraction of muscle
6 Basic Physiological Function of the Cells ➢Transport across the cell membrane ➢Bioelectrical phenomena of the cell ➢Contraction of muscle

Section 1 Transport of ions and Molecules through the Cel Membrane
7 Section 1 Transport of Ions and Molecules through the Cell Membrane

I Review Structure of the cell membrane
8 I Review Structure of the Cell Membrane

What do membranes do? Act as a barrier and Membranes are active Receive information Dynamic Import/export molecules Move/expand receivint information 3 capacity for movement and expansion 2 import and export of molecules
9 What do membranes do? ➢ Act as a barrier AND… ➢ Receive information ➢ Import/export molecules ➢ Move/expand Membranes are Active Dynamic !

The cell Membrane system asma internal membrane molecules membrane enclosing enclosing an outside cell cell endoplasmic lysosome compartmentreticulum molecules molecules 。。0 intracellula ●。 ●● compartment (A) (B) >Membranes surrounding the cell mitochondrion membrane >Membrane systems inside the cell The nucleus, endoplasmic reticulum, golgi apparatus, Endosome(内小体) and lysosomes form the endomembrane system
10 The Cell Membrane System ➢Membranes surrounding the cell ➢Membrane systems inside the cell ➢The nucleus, endoplasmic reticulum, golgi apparatus, Endosomes (内小体)and lysosomes form the endomembrane system

Composition of the cell membrane Protein 55% Phospholipids 25% lipid bila Cholesterol 13% (5nm) Other lipids 4% Carbohydrates 3% ipid molecule protein molecule
11 Composition of the cell membrane ➢ Protein 55% ➢ Phospholipids 25% ➢ Cholesterol 13% ➢ Other lipids 4% ➢ Carbohydrates 3%
- 《医学生理学 Medical Physiology》参考教材资料(PDF电子书籍)Martini, Nath Fundamental of Anatomy and Physiology, 9th Edition, 2012.pdf
- 《医学生理学 Medical Physiology》参考教材资料(PDF电子书籍)Mader Understanding Human Anatomy and Physiology 5th edition.pdf
- 山东大学基础医学院:《病理生理学 Pathophysiology》课程PPT教学课件(7年制)07 凝血与抗凝失衡 Imbalance of blood Coagulation and Anticoagulation.ppt
- 《医学生理学 Medical Physiology》参考教材资料(PDF电子书籍)Ross and WIlson Anatomy and Physiology in Health and Illness, 9th edition 2004.pdf
- 《医学生理学 Medical Physiology》参考教材资料(PDF电子书籍)Neuroscience in Medicine, Third edition, 2008.pdf
- 《医学生理学 Medical Physiology》参考教材资料(PDF电子书籍)USMLE Road Map - Physiology.pdf
- 《医学生理学 Medical Physiology》参考教材资料(PDF电子书籍)Fundamental Neuroscience, Third edition, 2008.pdf
- 《医学生理学 Medical Physiology》参考教材资料(PDF电子书籍)Neuroscience, Third Edition, 2004.pdf
- 《医学生理学 Medical Physiology》参考教材资料(PDF电子书籍)SCHAUM'S Outlines of Anatomy and Physiology, 3th edition, 2009(Human Anatomy and Physiology).pdf
- 《医学生理学 Medical Physiology》参考教材资料(PDF电子书籍)Arthur C. Guyton and John E. Hall. Textbook of Medical Physiology(11 edition)2006, Elsevier Science.pdf
- 《医学生理学 Medical Physiology》参考教材资料(PDF电子书籍)Uwe Ackermann. PDQ Physiology, 2002, Uwe Ackerman.pdf
- 《医学生理学 Medical Physiology》参考教材资料(PDF电子书籍)Stefan Silbernagl and Agamemnon Despopoulos. Color Atlas of Physiology, 6th Edition(2009). Georg Thieme Verlag KG.pdf
- 《医学生理学 Medical Physiology》参考教材资料(PDF电子书籍)KAPLA medical. USMLE Step 1 Physiology Notes.pdf
- 《医学生理学 Medical Physiology》参考教材资料(PDF电子书籍)Ashis Banerjee. Clincal Physiology, Cambridge University Press, 2005.pdf
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