《组织胚胎学》课程PPT教学课件(讲稿)上皮细胞 Epithelia
human organization 1. Cell: the basic structure of human cell 2.Tissue: consists of cells and intercellular substance 3.Organ: consists of different tissues which have related function 4.System: consists of different organs which have related function
1.Cell: the basic structure of human cell 2.Tissue: consists of cells and intercellular substance 3.Organ: consists of different tissues which have related function 4.System: consists of different organs which have related function Human organization
Epithelia Connective tissue Human Tissues I Muscle Tissue Nervous tissue
Human Tissues Epithelia Connective tissue Muscle Tissue Nervous tissue
Genera characteristic classiffication of epithet (-)General characteristics of epithelia 1. cells arranged intensively small quantity of intercellular substance 2. cells have polarity 3. no blood vessels 4. Function: Protection, secretion, and absorption, etc
一、General characteristics and classification of epithelia (一) General characteristics of epithelia 1. cells arranged intensively;small quantity of intercellular substance. 2. cells have polarity. 3. no blood vessels. 4. Function::Protection, secretion, and absorption,etc
(= Classification of Epithelia Epithelia mainly classified into 2 sorts: Covering epithelia: Cells arranged like membrane Localization: covering the outer sur face of the body and the inner surface of the cavities sacs or ducts within the body Function: Protection Glandular epithelia: Function- Secretion
(二)Classification of Epithelia Epithelia mainly classified into 2 sorts: Covering epithelia:Cells arranged like membrane Localization: covering the outer surface of the body and the inner surface of the cavities ,Sacs or ducts within the body. Function: Protection. Glandular epithelia:Function- Secretion
二、 covering epithelia Principles of the classification Layers of the cells: simple epithelia stratified epithelia Shape of the cells: Squamous epitheli Cuboidal epithelia Columnar epithelia
二、covering epithelia Principles of the classification: Layers of the cells:simple epithelia stratified epithelia Shape of the cells: Squamous epithelia Cuboidal epithelia Columnar epithelia
faao 100 Simple squamous epithelia Simple cuboidal epithelia Simple columnar epithelia 管 Pseudostratified ciliated Stratified squamous epithelia Transitional epithelia columnar epithelia
Simple squamous epithelia Simple cuboidal epithelia Simple columnar epithelia Stratified squamous epithelia Transitional epithelia Pseudostratified ciliated columnar epithelia
1. simple squamous epithejjan Description: Single layer of flat cells with disc-shaped central nuclei Top view: Polygonal, central nuclei Side view: Squamous, central nuclei Function: Allows passage of material by diffusion filtration and reduces friction by providing a smooth surface &e secreting lubricating serous fluid
1. simple squamous epithelia Description: Single layer of flat cells with disc- shaped central nuclei. Top view: Polygonal, central nuclei Side view: Squamous, central nuclei Function: Allows passage of material by diffusion & filtration and reduces friction by providing a smooth surface & secreting lubricating serous fluid
Localization endothelium h heart, blood vessles lymphatics Simple squanous mesothelium: Pericardium, pleura peritoneum epithelia others: alveoli of the lungs, glomeruli in the kidney, etc
Simple squamous epithelia endothelium : heart, blood vessles lymphatics mesothelium : Pericardium, pleura peritoneum others:alveoli of the lungs, glomeruli in the kidney, etc Localization
simple squamous epithelial BM
simple squamous epithelium
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