《医学免疫学》课程教学课件(PPT讲稿)抗原递呈细胞与抗原递呈 Antigen presenting cells and antigen presentation
Antigen presenting cells and antigen presentation
Antigen presenting cells and antigen presentation
T cells do not recognise native antigens B R《 BCR交联 活化增殖、产生抗体 T T 无增殖 无CK产生
T cells do not recognise native antigens Y B Y Y Y Y Y Y Y B Y T Y T 活化增殖、产生抗体 无增殖 无CK产生 BCR交联 Y B Y B Y B Y B Y B Y B Y B
Processing and presentation of antigens APC (antigen presenting cells a. Processing and presenting pathway
Processing and presentation of antigens ◼ I. APC (antigen presenting cells) ◼ II. Processing and presenting pathway
I Antigen presenting cells ■ Concepts Endogenous antigens: antigens produced within cells Exogenous antigens: antigens internalized by endocytosis Ag capturing---m---Endocytosis Phagocytosis Pinocytosis Receptor-mediated endocytosis Ag processing and Ag presentation ■APc
I. Antigen presenting cells ◼ Concepts Endogenous antigens: antigens produced within cells Exogenous antigens: antigens internalized by endocytosis Ag capturing-------Endocytosis Phagocytosis Pinocytosis Receptor-mediated endocytosis Ag processing and Ag presentation ◼ APC
Antigen presenting cells Concepts Endogenous antigens: antigens produced within cells Exogenous antigens: antigens internalized by endocytosis Ag capturing-------Endocytosis Phagocytosis Pinocytosis Receptor-mediated endocytosis Ag processing and Ag presentation a protein antigen be degraded into peptides by a sequence of events The degraded peptides associate with MHc molecules and the peptides-MHC molecule complexes are transported to the membrane, where they are displayed
I. Antigen presenting cells ◼ Concepts Endogenous antigens: antigens produced within cells Exogenous antigens: antigens internalized by endocytosis Ag capturing-------Endocytosis Phagocytosis Pinocytosis Receptor-mediated endocytosis Ag processing and Ag presentation A protein antigen be degraded into peptides by a sequence of events The degraded peptides associate with MHC molecules, and the peptides-MHC molecule complexes are transported to the membrane, where they are displayed
细菌抗原 (外源性抗原 内体溶酶体中( 降解的细菌 内体中的细菌 内吞 整合 转录 细菌 货得从内体脱壳 进入胞浆 翻译 病毒◎ 吸附 合成的病毒蛋白 穿入 (内源性抗原) 外源性抗原和内源性抗原的产生
细胞表面 外源性抗原 cliP 融合 晚期内体 HLA-DM 早期内体 抗原降解 高尔基体 CI类分子 内质网 APC 外源性抗原的加工及提呈过程
细胞表面 胞浆 高尔基体 2m 内质网 钙连接蛋白 TAP-1 TAP-2 MHC la链 抗原肽 蛋白酶体 之内源性抗原 内源性抗原的加工及提呈过程
The process of immune response ■ EXogenous antigens Site of infection peripheral lymphoid organ Peripheral tissue ■ Endogenous antigens Site of infection peripheral lymphoid organ Peripheral tissue
The process of immune response ◼ Exogenous antigens Site of infection peripheral lymphoid organ Peripheral tissue ◼ Endogenous antigens Site of infection peripheral lymphoid organ Peripheral tissue
Antigen-presenting cells cells that can process and present antigens(MHC peptide) to T cells Professional APc Dendritic cell Macrophage B lymphocyte nonprofessional APc Several other cell types, classified as nonprofessional antigen-presenting cells, can be induced to express class II MHc molecules or a co-stimulatory signal Many of these cells function in antigen presentation only for short periods of time during a sustained inflammatory response
Antigen-presenting cells cells that can process and present antigens (MHCpeptide) to T cells Professional APC Dendritic cell Macrophage B lymphocyte nonprofessional APC ◼ Several other cell types, classified as nonprofessional antigen-presenting cells, can be induced to express class II MHC molecules or a co-stimulatory signal Many of these cells function in antigen presentation only for short periods of time during a sustained inflammatory response
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