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应激管理(PPT课件讲稿)stress management)

1. Understanding Stress Reponses 2. Learning Stress Management Skills

Stress management Prof Freedom Leung Department of Psychology Dean of Students, Shaw College Chinese University of Hong Kong fykleung@psy cuhk. edu. hk

Stress Management Prof. Freedom Leung Department of Psychology Dean of Students, Shaw College Chinese University of Hong Kong

Learning objectives 1. Understanding stress reponses 2. Learning Stress management Skills

Learning objectives 1. Understanding Stress Reponses 2. Learning Stress Management Skills

Understanding Stress responses

Understanding Stress Responses

How would you feel if you were him?

How would you feel if you were him?

Activating the acute stress alarm Feeling acute stress Cortex Cortex Thalamus Amygda Hipi ppocampus Hypothalamus fast affective-bodily reaction route Endocrine Autonomic system Slow cognitive nervous system processing route (second alarm) (first alarm) (b) Ledoux, J(1996). The Emotional Brain. NY: Simon schuster

Hippocampus Feeling acute stress (second alarm) (first alarm) LeDoux, J. (1996). The Emotional Brain. NY: Simon & Schuster. fast affective-bodily reaction route slow cognitive processing route Cortex Activating the acute stress alarm

Activating the sympathetic responses Preganglionic axons Postganglionic axons The acute stress responses nerves Adrenal medulla Cervical nerves releases adrenaline (8 pairs and noradrenaline Immediately set the body in 'fight Stomach Celiac flight(F/F)alarm ganglion/iver Thoracic mode(pupils (12 pairs) dilation, dry mouth. Adrenal gland increased heart rate that el breathing rate, shut down digestion and Small intestine Lumbar sexual activities Lare ge strengthen muscular n:8 contraction, etc.) nerve (5 pairs) Coccygeal Sympathetic outflow Parasympathetic outflow(1 pair)

Activating the sympathetic responses The acute stress responses Adrenal medulla releases adrenaline and noradrenaline Immediately set the body in ‘fight￾flight’(F/F) alarm mode (pupils dilation, dry mouth, increased heart rate, breathing rate, shut down digestion and sexual activities, strengthen muscular contraction, etc.)

Activating the chronic stress alarm Feeling chronic stress Cortex Cortex Thalamus Amygda Hipi ppocampus Hypothalamus fast affective-bodily reaction route Endocrine Autonomic system Slow cognitive nervous system processing route (second alarm) (first alarm) Ledoux, J(1996). The Emotional Brain. NY: Simon schuster

Hippocampus Feeling chronic stress (second alarm) (first alarm) LeDoux, J. (1996). The Emotional Brain. NY: Simon & Schuster. fast affective-bodily reaction route slow cognitive processing route Cortex Activating the chronic stress alarm

Chronic stress alarm: the HPA-axis Cingulate gyrus Thala The chronic stress responses Septum Hypothalami Adrenal cortex releases ( Paraventricular nucleus cortisol secretes CRH Cortisol breakdowns - Hippocampus body fat, proteins, and Pituitary amino acids into glucose (secretes (gluconeogenesis)to ACTH) Cortisol Amygdala guarantee long term Adre CACTH supply of energy in our gland LOcus body when stress persists (secretes coeruleus cortisol) (neurons release norepinephrine) The Science of Stress Physiology Emotions Fight-flight. You Tube(2008)

Chronic stress alarm: the HPA-Axis The Science of Stress Physiology Emotions Fight-flight. YouTube (2008). Adrenal cortex releases cortisol Cortisol breakdowns body fat, proteins, and amino acids into glucose (gluconeogenesis) to guarantee long term supply of energy in our body when stress persists. The chronic stress responses

Turning off the stress alarms Orbital prefrontal cortex 2 Ventromedial prefrontal cortex Dorsolateral prefrontal Amygdala Anterior Hippocampu cingulate cortex

Turning off the stress alarms 1 2

Turn on the parasympathetic system when stress is gone Preganglionic axons Postganglionic axons Salivary glands nerve (12 pairs) Cervical nerves pairs system: stress Stomach Parasympathetic response s systeme (fight or flight) ganglion relaxation Liver Thoracic response s (12 pairs)(rest and digest) nerve terus Coccygeal nerve Sympathetic outflow Parasympathetic outflow(1 pair Genitals

Turn on the parasympathetic system when stress is gone Sympathetic system: stress response s (fight or flight) Parasympathetic system: relaxation response s (rest and digest)
