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郑州大学:《病理生理学》课程教学资源(PPT课件讲稿)酸碱平衡和酸碱平衡紊乱 Acid-base disturbance

郑州大学:《病理生理学》课程教学资源(PPT课件讲稿)酸碱平衡和酸碱平衡紊乱 Acid-base disturbance

Acid-base disturbance Zhao mingyao BMC.ZZU

Acid-base disturbance Zhao Mingyao BMC.ZZU

acid? Base? pH in arterial blood 7.35-7.45

Acid? ------- Base? pH in arterial blood 7.35~7.45 [H+ ]

Ht concentration in body fluid ECF H+ MoVL p Arterial blood 4.0×1087.40±0.05 Ⅴ enous blood 4.5×1087.35 Interstitial fluid 4.5×10-87.35 Intracellular fluid 1.0 X10-6 6.0 t04.0×1087.4 Gastric fluid 0.9~1.8(3.0) Pancrea fluid 78~8.4

ECF H+ mol/L pH Arterial blood 4.0 × 10-8 7.40 ± 0.05 Venous blood 4.5 × 10-8 7.35 Interstitial fluid 4.5 × 10-8 7.35 Intracellular fluid 1.0 × 10-6 6.0 to 4.0 × 10-8 7.4 Gastric fluid 0.9~1.8 (3.0) Pancrea fluid 7.8 ~ 8.4 H+ concentration in body fluid

Metabolic processes generate acids C S H+- 100 nmol/L H Artery H+- 36 nmol/L H+ H+ pH~7.4 H+ Capillary H+- 44 nmo/L pH-7.36 Vein

Metabolic processes generate acids H+ ~ 100 nmol/L (pH ~ 7) Artery Vein H+ ~ 36 nmol/L pH~7.4 H+ ~ 44 nmol/L pH~7.36 H+ H+ H+ H+

Section 1 Acid-base biochemistry

Section 1 Acid-base biochemistry

1. Generation of Acid-Base 1)Sources of acid 1 volatile acid CO2+H20>H2CO3>H++HCO3 (H 15 mol /d) 2) fixed acid(non-volatile acid hosphoric sulfuric, lactic, ketone bodies etc H+0.05-0.10mol/d

1. Generation of Acid-Base (1) Sources of acid 1)volatile acid CO2 + H2O → H2CO3 → H+ + HCO3 - (H+ 15 mol /d) 2)fixed acid (non-volatile acid) phosphoric, sulfuric, lactic, ketone bodies etc. H+ 0.05 – 0.10 mol /d

Aerobic Anaerobic Oxidation of Incomplete Hydrolysis of respiration respiration sulfur-containing oxidation of phosphoproteins of glucose of glucose amino acids fatty acids and nucleic acids Carbonic Lactic Sulfuric Acidic ketone Phosphoric acid acid acid bodies acid Internal environment Sources of acid in body

Sources of acid in body

(2) Sources of bases 1) products of metabolism (small amounts Such as ammonia(nh3) 2)dietary intake (vegetables and fruits sodium citrate acids production >>bases, in commen renal reabsorption

(2) Sources of bases 1)products of metabolism (small amounts)Such as ammonia (NH3 ) 2)dietary intake(vegetables and fruits) sodium citrate *acids production >>bases, in commen *renal reabsorption

renal reabsorption pH 7.35-7.45 in Arterial blood

pH 7.35~7.45 in Arterial blood renal reabsorption

2. Henderson-Hasselbalch equation lHCO3 pH=pKa+lg H2CO31 20 pKa+lg =61+ lg hco3/0.03×PCO2 6.1+lg24/1.2=74 6.1+13=74 pH7.35~7.45

2. Henderson-Hasselbalch Equation pH=pKa+lg [HCO3 - ] [H2CO3 ] =pKa+lg 20 1 = 6.1 +1.3 = 7.4 pH 7.35~7.45 = 6.1 + lg HCO3 - / 0.03 × PCO2 = 6.1 + lg 24 / 1.2 = 7.4
