《病理生理学》课程PPT教学课件(讲稿)发热 Fever

Chapter 5 fever Pain of china in 2003 difficulty to forget forever Zhao Mingyao
Chapter 5 Fever Pain of China in 2003, difficulty to forget forever Zhao Mingyao zzu

Childs temperature depends on where it is measured Temperature Method equator higherthan Armpit 37.3°C Oral 37.5°C Ear(tympanic) 38.0°C Rectal 38.0°C
Child's temperature depends on where it is measured . Method Temperature equal or higher than Armpit 37.3°C Oral 37.5°C Ear (tympanic) 38.0°C Rectal 38.0°C

fever means enhance of body temperature?
fever means enhance of body temperature?

Enhance of body temperature 3 types Physiological Body T↑ Hyperthermia Pathological 40℃ Fever 36℃
Physiological ~ Pathological ~ Body T↑ Enhance of body temperature 3 types 36 ℃ 40 ℃

Hyperthermia due to a disturbance of thermal regulator control excessive heat production decreased dissipation loss of regulation 界常
Hyperthermia due to a disturbance of thermal regulatory control excessive heat production decreased dissipation loss of regulation

Fever definition a regulatory body temperature elevation response to the pyrogen, it is induced by an upward shift of the set-point in thermoregulatory center
Fever Definition a regulatory body temperature elevation response to the pyrogen, it is induced by an upward shift of the set-point in thermoregulatory center

Fever 37C|_△ normal Set point 37°c BT Pyrogen affected body 37°c Fever happened
37℃ 37℃ 37℃ Set point BT normal Pyrogen affected body Fever happened Fever

The comparison between Hyperthermia and Fever Hy hyperthermia Fever 1. Cause body or environment changes pyrogens 2. Set-point unchanged or damaged, up regulating or effector or gains fails 3. Body T very high level gher iev 4. Treatment water-alcohol bathing antipyretics and eliminate the cause
Hyperthermia Fever 1. Cause body or environment changes pyrogens 2. Set-point unchanged or damaged, up regulating or effector or gains fails 3. Body T very high level higher level 4. Treatment water-alcohol bathing antipyretics and eliminate the cause The Comparison between Hyperthermia and Fever

Section 1 Regulation of normal body temperature aperature nesos ot ine numan booy in cotd tAy ard wanm [3 ambient
Section 1 Regulation of normal body temperature

Set point 37℃ hypothalamus cold ++++CSN WsN Heat ++十 effectors Heat production Heat loss Body T 37°C Regulation of body T
hypothalamus Set point 37 ℃ effectors Heat production Heat loss Regulation of body T CSN WSN Heat ++++ cold ++++ Body T 37 ℃
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