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山东大学:《人体寄生虫学》课程教学资源(PPT课件讲稿)Introduction to Human Parasitology(主讲:何深一)

Concept of Human Parasitology The Scope of Human Parasitology Terms of Parasitology Parasites’Harms to Man Human Immunity against Parasites Characteristics of parasitic diseases

Human Parasitology Shandong university Department of Parasitology He shenyi(何深一) MD. Ph.D. Professor

Human Parasitology Shandong University Department of Parasitology He Shenyi (何深一 ) MD, Ph.D. Professor

Introduction to human Parasitology o Concept of human Parasitology o The Scope of Human Parasitology o Terms of parasitology o Parasites harms to man o Human Immunity against Parasites o Characteristics of parasitic diseases

Introduction to Human Parasitology ⚫ Concept of Human Parasitology ⚫ The Scope of Human Parasitology ⚫ Terms of Parasitology ⚫ Parasites’Harms to Man ⚫ Human Immunity against Parasites ⚫ Characteristics of parasitic diseases

Human parasitology o Human parasitology is the study of those organisms which parasitise humans. According to the very broad definition of parasitology. parasites should include the viruses, bacteria, fungi, protozoa and metazoa(multi-celled organisms) which infect their host species. However, for historical reasons the first three have been incorporated into the discipline of microbiology

Human parasitology ⚫ Human parasitology is the study of those organisms which parasitise humans. According to the very broad definition of parasitology, parasites should include the viruses, bacteria, fungi, protozoa and metazoa (multi-celled organisms) which infect their host species. However, for historical reasons the first three have been incorporated into the discipline of Microbiology

2. The Scope of Human Parasitology Parasitology claims those protozoa(single celled animals), helminths(worms)and arthropods whose existence depends on the availability of host animals It is also possible to argue about whether certain insects and mites are temporary parasites"or micro-predators'", insects as a group belong to the discipline of entomology, while ticks and mites are the concern of Acarology. The insects that are of most interest in human parasitology are those that are vectors of several parasitic infections

2. The Scope of Human Parasitology Parasitology claims those protozoa (single celled animals), helminths (worms) and arthropods whose existence depends on the availability of host animals It is also possible to argue about whether certain insects and mites are "temporary parasites" or "micro-predators", insects as a group belong to the discipline of Entomology, while ticks and mites are the concern of Acarology. The insects that are of most interest in human parasitology are those that are vectors of several parasitic infections

Class lobosea Medical Class zoomastigophorea Protozoology Class sporozoa Class ciliophora M Class nematoda ledical Class Trematoda 0 Helminthology Class Cestoda Class Metacanthocephala Class Insecta Medical Class Arachnida Arthropodology Class Crustacea Class chilopoda

Human Parasitology Medical Helminthology Medical Protozoology Medical Arthropodology • Class Nematoda • Class Trematoda • Class Cestoda • Class Metacanthocephala • Class Lobosea • Class Zoomastigophorea • Class Sporozoa • Class Ciliophora • Class Insecta • Class Arachnida • Class Crustacea • Class Chilopoda

Class Lobosea Entamoeba histolytica Non-pathogenic amoeba

Class Lobosea Entamoeba histolytica Non-pathogenic amoeba

Class Zoomastigophorea Leishmania sp Giardia Trichomonas vaginalis

Class Zoomastigophorea Leishmania sp Giardia Trichomonas vaginalis

Class sporozoa ⊙o ● Plasmodium spp Toxopasma gondii Cryptosporidium Pneumocystis carinii

Class Sporozoa ⚫ Plasmodium spp Toxopasma gondii Cryptosporidium Pneumocycstis carinii

Class Ciliophora Balantidium coli

Class Ciliophora – Balantidium coli

医学原虫 Medical Protozoa 溶组织内阿米巴杜民利什曼原虫蓝民贾算鞭毛虫 阴道毛滴虫 疟原虫 刚地弓形虫 隐孢子虫 卡氏肺孢子虫目结肠小袋纤毛虫
