心血管疾病流行病学(PPT课件讲稿)心血管疾病 Cardiovascular Disease

第二十章心血管疾病 Cardiovascular Disease 1.流行特征 2高血压 3脑瘁中 4冠心病 5预防策略与措施
第二十章 心血管疾病 Cardiovascular Disease 1.流行特征 2.高血压 3.脑瘁中 4.冠心病 5.预防策略与措施

◆心血管疾病概述 ◆高血压、脑卒中与冠心病的流行 病学特征 ◆心血管疾病的危险因素 ◆心血管疾病的预防策略
◆心血管疾病概述 ◆高血压、脑卒中与冠心病的流行 病学特征 ◆心血管疾病的危险因素 ◆心血管疾病的预防策略

心血管疾病(CVD)概述 ■是一组以心脏和血管异常为主的循 环系统疾病,包括心脏和血管疾病 肺循环疾病以及脑血管疾病
一、心血管疾病(CVD)概述 是一组以心脏和血管异常为主的循 环系统疾病,包括心脏和血管疾病、 肺循环疾病以及脑血管疾病

中文| English Francais PyccKMMEspanol Search ON World Health Organization All WHO This site only Home Classifications USINESS PLAN About wHo WHO >WHO sites classifications More Information Countries International Classification of Diseases(ICD) EVENTS Health topics Publications ICD-10 was endorsed by the Forty-third World Health Assembly in May : WHO FIC Network 1990 and came into use in WHo Member States as from 1994. The Meeting 2005 Research tools classification is the latest in a series which has its origins in the 1850s The first edition, known as the International List of Causes of Death, was ONLINE WHO sites adopted by the International Statistical Institute in 1893. WHo took over the responsibility for the icd at its creation in 1948 when the Sixth Family of International International Revision, which included causes of morbidity for the first time, was Classification of ublished Classifications Diseases : Online version Family of The iCd has become the international standard diagnostic classification Internationa for all general epidemiological and many health management purposes Classifications These include the analysis of the general health situation of population network ICF ONLINE groups and monitoring of the incidence and prevalence of diseases and Classification of other health problems in relation to other variables such as the characteristics and circumstances of the individuals affected International Diseases (ICD) Classification of Classification of It is used to classify diseases and other health problems recorded on Functioning. Functioning, many types of health and vital records including death certificates and Disability and health

nternational Classification of Diseases (ICD) ICD-10 was endorsed by the forty-third world Health assembly in May 1990 and came into use in WHO Member States as from 1994. The classification is the latest in a series which has its origins in the 1850s The first edition known as the international list of causes of death was adopted by the International Statistical Institute in 1893. WHo took over the responsibility for the icd at its creation in 1948 when the sixth Revision, which included causes of morbidity for the first time, was published The icd has become the international standard diagnostic classification for all general epidemiological and many health management purposes These include the analysis of the general health situation of population other health problems in relation to other variables such as the Sses and groups and monitoring of the incidence and prevalence of dise. characteristics and circumstances of the individuals affected It is used to classify diseases and other health problems recorded on many ty pes of health and vital records including death certificates and hospital records In addition to enabling the storage and retrieval of diagnostic information for clinical and epidemiological purposes, these records also provide the basis for the compilation of national mortality and morbidity statistics by WHo Member States

CD-10规定心血管病主要包括 ●急性风湿热(|00~|02 ●慢性风湿性心脏病(03-109) ●高血压病(110-15) ●缺血性心脏病(即冠心病|20-25) ●肺源性心脏病和肺循环疾病(I26-|28) ●脑血管疾病(I60~169 ●以及其他心脏和循环系统疾病等
ICD-10规定心血管病主要包括 ⚫急性风湿热(I00~I02) ⚫慢性风湿性心脏病(I03~I09) ⚫高血压病(I10~I15) ⚫缺血性心脏病(即冠心病I20~I25) ⚫肺源性心脏病和肺循环疾病(I26~I28) ⚫脑血管疾病(I60~I69) ⚫以及其他心脏和循环系统疾病等

基本概念 冷高血压 冷脑卒中 冠心病 令肺心病 风心病
基本概念 ❖高血压 ❖脑卒中 ❖冠心病 ❖肺心病 ❖风心病

高血压 ☆高血压是一种常见的临床征候指动脉血压增高。 令正常人的血压在不同生理情况下有一定的波动 (如紧张、兴奋时血压可升高),而且也随年 龄增加而增高 ☆由某些疾病或药物副作用引起高血压称为继发 性高血压又称为症状性高血压 ☆动脉血压升高而无特殊原因称为原发性高血压 或高血压病,约占所有高血压的90%
高血压 ❖高血压是一种常见的临床征候指动脉血压增高。 ❖正常人的血压在不同生理情况下有一定的波动 (如紧张、兴奋时血压可升高),而且也随年 龄增加而增高 ❖由某些疾病或药物副作用引起高血压称为继发 性高血压又称为症状性高血压 ❖动脉血压升高而无特殊原因称为原发性高血压 或高血压病,约占所有高血压的90%

血压分类标准 WHO1996年的标准分4类: ■正常(180mmHg或 DBP>105mmHg 单纯收缩期高血压(SBP>140mmHg 且DBP<90mmHg)
血压分类标准 WHO 1996年的标准分4类: 正常(<140/90mmHg) 轻度高血压(含临界高血压) 中/重度高血压(SBP>180mmHg或 DBP>105mmHg)、 单纯收缩期高血压(SBP>140mmHg 且DBP<90mmHg)

脑卒中 ◆脑卒中就是急性脑血管病,分脑出血和脑梗塞 两大类,脑出血即出血性卒中,而脑梗塞即缺 血性卒中 脑出血起因是脑动脉发生晚期硬化,动脉内 膜既有斑块和狭窄,也有退行性变脆,在合并 有高血压的条件下,脑动脉容易发生破裂出血 ◇脑梗塞脑动脉有高度狭窄,加上局部血栓形 成,导致供血阻塞,在晚期脑动脉硬化的基础 上,相关脑部组织发生缺血坏死。临床上也称 脑血栓
脑卒中 ❖脑卒中就是急性脑血管病,分脑出血和脑梗塞 两大类,脑出血即出血性卒中,而脑梗塞即缺 血性卒中 ❖脑出血 起因是脑动脉发生晚期硬化,动脉内 膜既有斑块和狭窄,也有退行性变脆,在合并 有高血压的条件下,脑动脉容易发生破裂出血 ❖脑梗塞 脑动脉有高度狭窄,加上局部血栓形 成,导致供血阻塞,在晚期脑动脉硬化的基础 上,相关脑部组织发生缺血坏死。临床上也称 脑血栓
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