东南大学:《医学统计学 Medical Statistics》课程教学资源(PPT大纲课件,英文版,余小金)
elcome to Medical statistics 医学统计学 Yu xiaojin余小金 Phd, Associate professor from Department of Epidemiology Biostatistics, public Health school xiaojinyu@seu.edu.cn
1 Welcome to Medical Statistics 医学统计学 Yu xiaojin 余小金 Phd , Associate professor from Department of Epidemiology & Biostatistics ,public Health school xiaojinyu@seu.edu.cn
Syllabus( 2013) 11 lectures, W3-14, Tuesday3-5 computer Lab. W10-20, Tuesday 8, central computer lab (Floor4) Assessment: 60%from quiz, homework and final exam 40% from computer lab
2 Syllabus(2013) • 11 lectures, W3-14,Tuesday3-5, • computer Lab.W10-20, Tuesday6- 8,central computer lab(Floor4) • Assessment: 60% from quiz, homework and final exam; 40% from computer lab
Syllabus(2011) 11 lectures, W3-14, Friday 1-3, computer Lab. W10-20, Wedn 6-8, public Health build. room604 Assessment: 60% from quiz, homework and final exam 40% from computer lab
Syllabus(2011) • 11 lectures, W3-14,Friday1-3, • computer Lab.W10-20, Wedn.6-8,public Health build, Room604 • Assessment: 60% from quiz, homework and final exam; 40% from computer lab. 3
Contents 1. Introduction to medical statistics-relevant terms 2. Statistical description (1) 3. Statistical description(2)-graph and table
4 Contents 1. Introduction to medical statistics-relevant terms 2. Statistical description(1) 3. Statistical description(2)-graph and table
三 books Introductory biostatistics http://w.hstathome.com/tiziyuan/intro ductor%020Biostatistics%020Le%20C.T 620%20ley,%202003)①T(551s)pdf Introductory biostatistics for the health scIence http://faculty.ksu.edu.sa/hisham/docum ents/eBooks/Introductory Biostatistics f or the Health. pdf
E-books • Introductory biostatistics http://www.hstathome.com/tjziyuan/Intro ductory%20Biostatistics%20Le%20C.T. %20%20(Wiley,%202003)(T)(551s).pdf • Introductory biostatistics for the health science • http://faculty.ksu.edu.sa/hisham/Docum ents/eBooks/Introductory_Biostatistics_f or_the_Health.pdf 5
Lecture 1 Introduction to medical Statistics
6 Lecture 1 Introduction To Medical Statistics
An overview of Statistics aWhat does mean by statistics/Medical Statistics? aWhy do medical students need statistics? 口 What wi‖ be learn in medical statistics?
7 An Overview of Statistics What does mean by Statistics/Medical Statistics? Why do medical students need statistics? What will be learn in medical statistics?
Where is my remote control? a study by Logitech revealed that nearly 50 percent chance that your lost remote control stuck between your sofa cushions 4 percent of lost remotes are found in the fridge or freezer 2 percent turn up somewhere outdoors or in the car
• A study by Logitech revealed that nearly 50 percent chance that your lost remote control is stuck between your sofa cushions; 4 percent of lost remotes are found in the fridge or freezer; 2 percent turn up somewhere outdoors or in the car. 8 Where is my remote control ?
Is fishing dangerous? Fishing may seem like a relaxing pastime so low-key, in fact, that some find it infernally dull but it's actually the most dangerous occupation in the United States according to the U.s. Bureau of Labor statistics In 2008. the fatal iniury rate for fishers and related fishing workers was 128.9 deaths per 100,000. That's much higher than the fatal injury rate for truck drivers roofers, electrical power-line installers and repairers and even miners all of whom had death rates below 35 per 100,000 workers in 2008
Is fishing dangerous? • Fishing may seem like a relaxing pastime so low-key, in fact, that some find it infernally dull but it's actually the most dangerous occupation in the United States, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. • In 2008, the fatal injury rate for fishers and related fishing workers was 128.9 deaths per 100,000. That's much higher than the fatal injury rate for truck drivers, roofers, electrical power-line installers and repairers, and even miners, all of whom had death rates below 35 per 100,000 workers in 2008
Smoking is hazard to your health 20-Year Lag Time Between Smoking and Lung Cancer Cigarettes unc Smoked Cancer Per Person Deaths Per Year (Per 100.000 4000 People) Cigarette Consumption men Lun 3000 Cancer ITISH MEDICAL JOURN (men) 2000 1000 1900 1920 1940 1960 1980 Year 10
Smoking is hazard to your health 10
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