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上海交通大学:《脑与机器人》课程教学课件(五)11 RTM-based Ubiquitous Robotic System for Home Service Robots

1, Introduction • Aging trend in China • Personal care robots in China 2, RTM-based Modular Robotics • Modular Robotics, RTC and ROS • RTM-based modularity of service robots 3, RTM-based Ubiquitous Robotics • Ubiquitous Robotics • RTM-based Framework and Task Planning • Demo 4, Conclusions

上泽充通大学 Shanghai Jiao Tong Univer. RTM-based Ubiquitous Robotic System for Home Service Robots -R&D status and market expectation on new emerging robots in China Prof.Qixin CAO Institute of Robotics Shanghai Jiao Tong University 2014-02-18,Tsukuba

RTM-based Ubiquitous Robotic System for Home Service Robots -R&D status and market expectation on new emerging robots in China Prof. Qixin CAO Institute of Robotics Shanghai Jiao Tong University 2014-02-18,Tsukuba

上游充通大学 后 Content Shanghai Jiao Tong University 1,Introduction ·Aging trend in China Personal care robots in China 2,RTM-based Modular Robotics Modular Robotics,RTC and ROS RTM-based modularity of service robots 3,RTM-based Ubiquitous Robotics ·Jbiquitous Robotics RTM-based Framework and Task Planning ·Demo 国 4,Conclusions

Shanghai Jiao Tong University Content 1, Introduction • Aging trend in China • Personal care robots in China 2, RTM-based Modular Robotics • Modular Robotics, RTC and ROS • RTM-based modularity of service robots 3, RTM-based Ubiquitous Robotics • Ubiquitous Robotics • RTM-based Framework and Task Planning • Demo 4, Conclusions

h 上游充通大学 Shanghai Jiao Tong University 1.Introduction The world is aging at a rapid rate,and China and Japan even faster. Percent of the population age 60 and over,2000-2025 28.8 Fommer USSR North America 200D Latin America Cceana Cited from edu/disruptive-demographics 2025 Department of Economic and Social Affairs,Population Division.(2002),World Population Ageing:1950-2050,United Nations,New York. Department of Economic and Social Affairs,Population Division.(2010),World Population Ageing 2009,United Nations,New York. National Bureau of Statistics of China.(2012),China statistical year book 2012,available at:

Shanghai Jiao Tong University 1. Introduction The world is aging at a rapid rate, and China and Japan even faster. Department of Economic and Social Affairs, Population Division. (2002), World Population Ageing: 1950-2050, United Nations, New York. Department of Economic and Social Affairs, Population Division. (2010), World Population Ageing 2009, United Nations, New York. National Bureau of Statistics of China. (2012), China statistical year book 2012, available at: Cited from

上游充通大学 1.Introduction Shanghai Jiao Tong University Family planning is a long-term basic state policy of China. The next 30 years is to ensure that the low fertility level stability,critical period of population by slow growth to zero growth On the current in the aging society,parents and children,fewer children, empty nest,economic pressure,to retirement prospects cast a shadow Care for the elderly/disabled become an urgent social problem Nearly 487 million 嗅儿女们也不客易呀! 35% 30% 25% 20% 15% 10% 5% 0% 1950 2009 2050 The proportion of the older persons aged over 60 all over the world The proportion of the older persons aged over 60 in China

Shanghai Jiao Tong University 1. Introduction Family planning is a long-term basic state policy of China. The next 30 years is to ensure that the low fertility level stability, critical period of population by slow growth to zero growth On the current in the aging society, parents and children, fewer children, empty nest, economic pressure, to retirement prospects cast a shadow Care for the elderly/disabled become an urgent social problem 0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% 35% 1950 2009 2050 The proportion of the older persons aged over 60 all over the world The proportion of the older persons aged over 60 in China Nearly 487 million

h 上游充通大学 1.Introduction 后 Shanghai Jiao Tong University In recent years,supported by the 863 Hi-tech research project and the Natural Science Foundation of China,a number of personal care robots have been designed and developed in the Chinese laboratories

Shanghai Jiao Tong University 1. Introduction In recent years, supported by the 863 Hi-tech research project and the Natural Science Foundation of China, a number of personal care robots have been designed and developed in the Chinese laboratories

上游充通大警 1.Introduction 后 Shanghai Jiao Tong University Wheelchair/wheelbench typed robots Wheelchair,one of the most widely used personal care devices in history,can enable people for whom walking is difficult or impossible to move around more easily. Though some advanced wheelchairs are already motorized and can be moved by using a small joystick mounted on the armrest,it is still far from enough,those wheelchairs should be more intelligent. Standard wheelchair Motorized wheelchair Smart wheelchair

Shanghai Jiao Tong University Wheelchair/wheelbench typed robots Wheelchair, one of the most widely used personal care devices in history, can enable people for whom walking is difficult or impossible to move around more easily. Though some advanced wheelchairs are already motorized and can be moved by using a small joystick mounted on the armrest, it is still far from enough, those wheelchairs should be more intelligent. Standard wheelchair Motorized wheelchair Smart wheelchair 1. Introduction

h 上游充通大皇 1.Introduction Shanghai Jiao Tong University Wheelchair/wheelbench typed robots In 2000,the Institute of Automation of Academia designed and developed China's first smart wheelchair,which could simply communicate with the user and realize autonomous visual navigation in the obstacle environment,as shown below: 双目视觉摄像村 五白由度机械 sznew com The first smart wheelchair of China developed by the Institute of Automation of Academia Sinica and its upgraded version

Shanghai Jiao Tong University Wheelchair/wheelbench typed robots In 2000, the Institute of Automation of Academia designed and developed China’s first smart wheelchair, which could simply communicate with the user and realize autonomous visual navigation in the obstacle environment, as shown below: The first smart wheelchair of China developed by the Institute of Automation of Academia Sinica and its upgraded version. 1. Introduction

上游充通大淫 1.Introduction Shanghai Jiao Tong University Wheelchair/wheelbench typed robots L.Wang et al.from Shanghai Jiao Tong University developed a new smart motorized wheelchair,which could realize self-localization and navigation in a dynamic environment.A laser sensor was used to scan and map the local environment.Based on the established 2D map,the smart wheelchair could move from one location to another location automatically. 激光测距仪 Laser sensor. 工控机 Computer. 摇杆 DSP运动控制器 Joystick. DSP motion controller 编码器 Encoders 电池 Battery. 直流电机 DC servo motors. The Jiao Long smart wheelchair developed by Shanghai Jiao Tong University

Shanghai Jiao Tong University Wheelchair/wheelbench typed robots L. Wang et al. from Shanghai Jiao Tong University developed a new smart motorized wheelchair, which could realize self-localization and navigation in a dynamic environment. A laser sensor was used to scan and map the local environment. Based on the established 2D map, the smart wheelchair could move from one location to another location automatically. The Jiao Long smart wheelchair developed by Shanghai Jiao Tong University 1. Introduction

h 上游充通大学 1.Introduction 后 Shanghai Jiao Tong University Wheelchair/wheelbench typed robots @ Researchers from Chongqing University of Posts and Telecommunications (Y. Zhang et al.and Y.Chen et al.)also developed a similar intelligent wheelchair as Shanghai Jiao Tong University,which could also realize self-localization and navigation in an indoor environment. The smart wheelchair from Chongqing University of Posts and Telecommunications

Shanghai Jiao Tong University Wheelchair/wheelbench typed robots Researchers from Chongqing University of Posts and Telecommunications (Y. Zhang et al. and Y. Chen et al.) also developed a similar intelligent wheelchair as Shanghai Jiao Tong University, which could also realize self-localization and navigation in an indoor environment. The smart wheelchair from Chongqing University of Posts and Telecommunications 1. Introduction

上游充通大学 1.Introduction Shanghai Jiao Tong University Wheelchair/wheelbench typed robots It can also recognize the user's hand gesture and head gesture Turn left Tumn right Stop. Forward. Backward. Forward. Backward. Turn left Tumn right 重夫晚报第】 the vision-based hand gesture recognition(left)and head gesture recognition(right)function of the smart wheelchair from Chongqing University of Posts and Telecommunications

Shanghai Jiao Tong University Wheelchair/wheelbench typed robots It can also recognize the user’s hand gesture and head gesture. the vision-based hand gesture recognition (left) and head gesture recognition (right) function of the smart wheelchair from Chongqing University of Posts and Telecommunications 1. Introduction
