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《实验心理学》课程PPT教学课件(讲稿)第八章 记忆

一、记忆研究中的各种变量 二、艾宾浩斯与巴特利特的研究 三、记忆过程:编码、存储与提取 四、启动效应与记忆系统

第八章记忆 记忆研究中的各种变量 二、艾宾浩斯与巴特利特的研究 记忆过程:编码、存储与提取 四、启动效应与记忆系统

1 第八章 记忆 一、记忆研究中的各种变量 二、艾宾浩斯与巴特利特的研究 三、记忆过程:编码、存储与提取 四、启动效应与记忆系统

记忆研究中的各种变量(1) Dependent Variables: Remembering may be measured in numerous ways; these often involve recallor recognition In recall tests reproduction of material is required. Whereas in recognition tests material is presented to people and they are required to judge whether or not they have seen it previously

2 一、记忆研究中的各种变量(1) Dependent Variables:Remembering may be measured in numerous ways; these often involve recall or recognition. In recall tests, reproduction of material is required. Whereas in recognition tests, material is presented to people and they are required to judge whether or not they have seen it previously

、记忆研究中的各种变量(2) Three popular recal Recognition tests are tests are serial generally of two types recall, free recall, Yes/No recognition and paired- tests associate recall Forced-choice recognition tests Forced-choice tests are preferred to yes/no tests because correcting for guessing is less of a problem

3 一、记忆研究中的各种变量(2) Three popular recall tests are serial recall, free recall, and paired￾associate recall. Recognition tests are generally of two types. Yes/No recognition tests; Forced-choice recognition tests Forced-choice tests are preferred to yes/no tests because correcting for guessing is less of a problem

、记忆研究中的各种变量(3) In each case the dependent measure in tests of recall and recognition is the number or proportion of items correctly recalled or of errors which amounts to the same thing? recognized in different conditions or the numbe Sometimes a derivative measure is used, such as d from the theory of signal detection Recently, investigators concerned with recognition have used reaction time as a dependent measure

4 一、记忆研究中的各种变量(3) In each case, the dependent measure in tests of recall and recognition is the number or proportion of items correctly recalled or recognized in different conditions or the number of errors, which amounts to the same thing. Sometimes a derivative measure is used, such as d ' from the theory of signal detection. Recently, investigators concerned with recognition have used reaction time as a dependent measure

记忆研究中的各种变量(4) Recently, the study of implicit memory tests has intrigued cognitive psychologists. Although these tests do not require people to consciously remember the material they have studied performance on these tasks is influenced or primed by previous exposure to the material That is, implicit memory tests are tasks that can be performed without specific reference to the previous experiences in the laboratory

5 一、记忆研究中的各种变量(4) Recently, the study of implicit memory tests has intrigued cognitive psychologists. Although these tests do not require people to consciously remember the material they have studied, performance on these tasks is influenced or “primed” by previous exposure to the material. That is, implicit memory tests are tasks that can be performed without specific reference to the previous experiences in the laboratory

、记忆研究中的各种变量(5) Independent Variables, Many types of variables are manipulated in experiments on human memory. One of the most popular variables historically has been the nature of the material presented for memory. It can be letters digits, nonsense syllables words phrases sentences paragraphs or long passages of prose; the characteristics of each of these types of material can also be varied The retention interval between presentation of material and test; Modality of presentation Study strategy the nature of the memory test given to people

6 一、记忆研究中的各种变量(5) Independent Variables: Many types of variables are manipulated in experiments on human memory. One of the most popular variables historically has been the nature of the material presented for memory. It can be letters, digits, nonsense syllables, words, phrases, sentences, paragraphs, or long passages of prose; the characteristics of each of these types of material can also be varied; The retention interval between presentation of material and test; Modality of presentation; Study strategy; The nature of the memory test given to people

、记忆研究中的各种变量(6) Control Variables: Memory experiments are typically quite well controlled. Important variables that are usually held constant across conditions are the amount of material presented and the rate of presentation though these can be interesting variables in their own The modality of presentation is another factor that must not vary unless it is a variable of major interest. If some characteristic of the material is being varied then it is necessary to hold constant other factors

7 一、记忆研究中的各种变量(6) Control Variables: Memory experiments are typically quite well controlled. Important variables that are usually held constant across conditions are the amount of material presented and the rate of presentation, though these can be interesting variables in their own right. The modality of presentation is another factor that must not vary, unless it is a variable of major interest. If some characteristic of the material is being varied, then it is necessary to hold constant other factors

艾宾浩斯与巴特利特的研究 艾宾浩斯(1850~1909)与巴特利特(FC Bartlett,1886~1979)是记忆研究的两位先驱, 虽然他们研究记忆的途径是对立的,但两人都对 后来的记忆研究产生了很大的影响。 1885, Ebbinghaus: On Memory, A Contribution to Experimenta/ psychology 1932F, Bartlett: Remembering: A Study in Experimental and Social psychology Minus Two: Some Limits on Our Capacity o- Or 1956F, Miller: Magica/ Number Seven, plus Processing Information

8 二、艾宾浩斯与巴特利特的研究 艾宾浩斯(1850~1909)与巴特利特(F. C. Bartlett,1886~1979)是记忆研究的两位先驱, 虽然他们研究记忆的途径是对立的,但两人都对 后来的记忆研究产生了很大的影响。 1885年,Ebbinghaus: On Memory: A Contribution to Experimental Psychology. 1932年,Bartlett: Remembering: A Study in Experimental and Social Psychology. 1956年,Miller: Magical Number Seven, Plus or Minus Two: Some Limits on Our Capacity for Processing Information

(一)艾宾浩斯的研究(1) Ebbinghaus受到 Fechner的《心理物理学 纲要》的启发,企图用 自然科学的方法来研究 英国经验主义者所描述 的联想过程。他在人为 的实验室条件下产生联 想,并在严格控制的条 件下对记忆进行客观的 测量,我们称之为新联 想主义心理学

9 (一)艾宾浩斯的研究(1) Ebbinghaus受到 Fechner的《心理物理学 纲要》的启发,企图用 自然科学的方法来研究 英国经验主义者所描述 的联想过程。他在人为 的实验室条件下产生联 想,并在严格控制的条 件下对记忆进行客观的 测量,我们称之为新联 想主义心理学

(一)艾宾浩斯的研究(2) 为了使记忆的研究数量化,艾宾浩斯创造 了两个工具。 第一是无意义音节( nonsense syllables) 第二是测量记忆的方法即节省( savings method)法。 10

10 (一)艾宾浩斯的研究(2) 为了使记忆的研究数量化,艾宾浩斯创造 了两个工具。 第一是无意义音节(nonsense syllables); 第二是测量记忆的方法即节省(savings method)法
