《实验心理学》课程PPT教学课件(讲稿)第十章 思维和问题解决

题解 SNNIANNAWIRAMNPRW WA ANNPRIMAM 思维的普遍形式是问 题解决。当我们提出 “这是什么?”“为 什么”这些问题时, 我们就开始了思维活 动 问题解决的研究在心 理学中有较长的历史 图10-1绳子问题:这个人怎样够着另一根绳子 (Maier, 1931)
1 问题解决(1 ) • 思维的普遍形式是问 题解决。当我们提出 “这是什么?”“为 什么”这些问题时, 我们就开始了思维活 动。 • 问题解决的研究在心 理学中有较长的历史

解2 SNNIANNAWIRAMNPRW WA ANNPRIMAM 当一个人埋头思考时,其过程是十分隐蔽的。 今天的实验心理学不仅研究问题解决的外部行 为,而且还注意内部心理机制的研究。 问题的任务是用从0到9的数字分别代替这些字 母并要求算式计算正确,作为提示,D=5。 DONALD + GERALD ROBERT
2 问题解决(2) • 当一个人埋头思考时,其过程是十分隐蔽的。 今天的实验心理学不仅研究问题解决的外部行 为,而且还注意内部心理机制的研究。 • 问题的任务是用从0到9的数字分别代替这些字 母并要求算式计算正确,作为提示,D=5

题解3 SNNIANNAWIRAMNPRW WA ANNPRIMAM 两个火车站相距100km,某天下午2点,两个火车头相向开出 个火车的速度为60km/h,另一个火车的速度为40km/h,当火车头 开始行走时,一只鸟突然出现在第一个火车头前面而向第二个火 车头飞去,当鸟到达第二个火车头时,它又立即以原来的速度向 第一个火车头飞去,鸟以80km/h的速度在两个火车头之间来回飞。 问:在两火车头相遇时鸟飞了多少公里? 80公里 ⊙◎A 100公里 火车60公里 火车40公里 图10-2鸟和火车头问题
3 问题解决(3) • 两个火车站相距100km,某天下午2点,两个火车头相向开出。一 个火车的速度为60km/h,另一个火车的速度为40km/h,当火车头 开始行走时,一只鸟突然出现在第一个火车头前面而向第二个火 车头飞去,当鸟到达第二个火车头时,它又立即以原来的速度向 第一个火车头飞去,鸟以80km/h的速度在两个火车头之间来回飞。 问:在两火车头相遇时鸟飞了多少公里?

第学从题 ONHEWIAMNMHAWIRALNPEMARANHWICAMNH-IMAy 思维研究的两种方法 思维和问题解决研究中的各种变量 问题解决的早期研究 问题解决的计算机模拟 思维的计算机模拟的局限性 推理 决策
4 第十章 思维和问题解决 • 思维研究的两种方法 • 思维和问题解决研究中的各种变量 • 问题解决的早期研究 • 问题解决的计算机模拟 • 思维的计算机模拟的局限性 • 推理 • 决策

Historically, there have been two primary approaches to the study of problem solving that have different emphases Both have been very influential on the study of thinking and the study of learning The two approaches represent a bottom-up( data-driven) analysis and top-down(conceptually driven) analysis analogous to the ways of examining perception Thorndike,s Trial-and-Error Learning Insight in Kohlers Chimpanzees
5 一、思维研究的两种方法 • Historically, there have been two primary approaches to the study of problem solving that have different emphases. Both have been very influential on the study of thinking and the study of learning. • The two approaches represent a bottom-up (data-driven) analysis and top-down (conceptually driven) analysis analogous to the ways of examining perception. • Thorndike’s Trial-and-Error Learning • Insight in Köhler’s Chimpanzees

Dependent variable There are three primary ways to measure the process of problem solving The first and most obvious thing to measure is the number or proportion of subjects in different conditions that are able to solve the problem within a time limit The second measure of performance in solving the problem: latency,or the time taken to solve the problem a third measure that can be used in some problem-solving situations where more than one solution is possible is the quality of the solution It must be possible to rank the solutions on an ordinal scale; in other words, it must be possible to order them from best to worst
6 二、思维研究中的各种变量(1) • Dependent Variable • There are three primary ways to measure the process of problem solving. • The first and most obvious thing to measure is the number or proportion of subjects in different conditions that are able to solve the problem within a time limit. • The second measure of performance in solving the problem: latency, or the time taken to solve the problem. • A third measure that can be used in some problem-solving situations where more than one solution is possible is the quality of the solution. It must be possible to rank the solutions on an ordinal scale; in other words, it must be possible to order them from best to worst

丝的各种交绿2 Independent Variable The primary independent variable in the study of problem solving is the manner in which the problem is presented This can be varied in several different ways
7 二、思维研究中的各种变量(2) • Independent Variable • The primary independent variable in the study of problem solving is the manner in which the problem is presented. • This can be varied in several different ways

图各交3 Control Variable Experiments concerned with problem solving and thinking are often more complicated than others in human experimental psychology; thus, this area requires a great deal of care to produce experimental control Since it is typical in this field to use between-subjects designs care must be taken to ensure that subjects in the different conditions are statistically equivalent, either by randomly assigning them to conditions or by matching them on some dimension such as Io Similarly, one must control as tightly as feasible all extraneous variables
8 二、思维研究中的各种变量(3) • Control Variable • Experiments concerned with problem solving and thinking are often more complicated than others in human experimental psychology; thus, this area requires a great deal of care to produce experimental control. • Since it is typical in this field to use between-subjects designs, care must be taken to ensure that subjects in the different conditions are statistically equivalent, either by randomly assigning them to conditions or by matching them on some dimension such as IQ. • Similarly, one must control as tightly as feasible all extraneous variables

题解的影宠 NRAIAZNTWIOLNPAWINZNRAWINMLIPRN然 功能固定化( functional fixity) 定势(set)的作用 噪声
9 三、问题解决的早期研究 • 功能固定化(functional fixity) • 定势(set)的作用 • 噪声

间解第 如果我们想了解被试在解决问题时头脑内发生的情况,则可 以用口语记录分析的方法,即出声思维的方法。这种方法就 是让被试在解决问题时说出头脑内进行的一切活动,予以记 录,然后加以分析。 口语记录分析法是认知心理学进行思维的计算机模拟收集经 验数据的方法。 认知心理学还假定,人是一个信息加工系统,信息加工系统 也叫“符号操作系统”,更常称作“物理符号系统”。计算 机也是一个物理符号系统。 将人脑比喻为计算机,就可以从一个已知的系统去加深对 个不甚清楚的系统的理解。这样,我们可以用计算机程序来 模拟人的思维过程
10 四、问题解决的计算机模拟 • 如果我们想了解被试在解决问题时头脑内发生的情况,则可 以用口语记录分析的方法,即出声思维的方法。这种方法就 是让被试在解决问题时说出头脑内进行的一切活动,予以记 录,然后加以分析。 • 口语记录分析法是认知心理学进行思维的计算机模拟收集经 验数据的方法。 • 认知心理学还假定,人是一个信息加工系统,信息加工系统 也叫“符号操作系统”,更常称作“物理符号系统”。计算 机也是一个物理符号系统。 • 将人脑比喻为计算机,就可以从一个已知的系统去加深对一 个不甚清楚的系统的理解。这样,我们可以用计算机程序来 模拟人的思维过程
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