《实验心理学》课程PPT教学课件(讲稿)第七章 注意 attention

第七章注意 构造主义心理学:冯特(1908)《情感 和注意心理学》; 机能主义: W.James(1892)《心理学教科 书》 行为主义 格式塔心理学; 认知心理学;
1 第七章 注意 构造主义心理学:冯特(1908)《情感 和注意心理学》; 机能主义:W. James (1892)《心理学教科 书》; 行为主义; 格式塔心理学; 认知心理学;

Two types ofattention Focused attention Divided attention
2 Two types of attention Focused attention Divided attention

Focused attention Focus on(select)what's relevant and ignore what 's irrelevant Present two or more inputs and see how well people can concentrate on one and Ignore th e other Stroop effects: name the color a word is printed in while ignoring the word itself
3 Focused attention Focus on (select) what’s relevant and ignore what’s irrelevant. Present two or more inputs and see how well people can concentrate on one and ignore the other. Stroop effects: name the color a word is printed in while ignoring the word itself

Divided attention Present two or more inputs and see how well people can concentrate on more than one Studies of divided attention often used in designing aircraft --how well can people use information from several dials and indicators at once. Results from studies such as this are used to design displays that maximize people's ability to pay attention to multiple sources of information
4 Divided attention Present two or more inputs and see how well people can concentrate on more than one. Studies of divided attention often used in designing aircraft --how well can people use information from several dials and indicators at once. Results from studies such as this are used to design displays that maximize people’s ability to pay attention to multiple sources of information

注意研究中的主要变量 Dependent Variables: Reaction time is by far the preferred variable and is extensively used. Percentage of correct responses is also used, especially in studies of attention in which memory plays a role. When an experiment is framed within the context of a particular model, such as the theory of signal detection, derived statistics such as d and B are also used as dependent variables
5 一、注意研究中的主要变量 Dependent Variables: Reaction time is by far the preferred variable and is extensively used. Percentage of correct responses is also used, especially in studies of attention in which memory plays a role. When an experiment is framed within the context of a particular model, such as the theory of signal detection, derived statistics such as d ´ and ß are also used as dependent variables

注意研究中的主要变量 Independent Variables: These variables center around the need for the human to make decisions and the rate at which such decisions can be made varying the number of alternatives varying the presentation rate of a series of stimul
6 一、注意研究中的主要变量 Independent Variables: These variables center around the need for the human to make decisions and the rate at which such decisions can be made. varying the number of alternatives; varying the presentation rate of a series of stimuli;

注意研究中的主要变量 Control Variables: Perceptual factors such as the intensity and duration of stimuli are often under the control of a computer or other automated equipment that conducts the experiment
7 一、注意研究中的主要变量 Control Variables: Perceptual factors such as the intensity and duration of stimuli are often under the control of a computer or other automated equipment that conducts the experiment

过滤器模型及其双耳同的分听实验的依据 对注意的研究是从有关信息缩减问题开 始的。人类的各种感官每时每刻都在同 时受到许许多多的内外刺激的撞击,由 于人类信息加工系统的能力是有限的, 人不可能对所有撞击感官的刺激都进行 完善加工,所以,人们总是选择重要的 而忽略其他的。 因此,注意的核心问题也就是对信息的 选择分析
8 二、过滤器模型及其双耳同时分听实验的依据 对注意的研究是从有关信息缩减问题开 始的。人类的各种感官每时每刻都在同 时受到许许多多的内外刺激的撞击,由 于人类信息加工系统的能力是有限的, 人不可能对所有撞击感官的刺激都进行 完善加工,所以,人们总是选择重要的 而忽略其他的。 因此,注意的核心问题也就是对信息的 选择分析

(-)单通道的过滤器模型 过滤器模型( filter model)是英国心理学家 Broadbent(1958)在双耳同时分听实验的基础 上提出的一个较早的注意模型。 输入通道「选 择 刺激 性|→容量有限的通道|→反应 过 器 长时记忆 图7-1 Broadbent的过滤器模型
9 (一)单通道的过滤器模型 过滤器模型(filter model)是英国心理学家 Broadbent(1958)在双耳同时分听实验的基础 上提出的一个较早的注意模型

(一)单通道的过滤器模型 Broadbent认为,来自外界的信息是大量的,而 人的神经系统高级中枢的加工能力则是有限的, 于是就出现了瓶颈。为了避免系统超载,就需 要某种过滤器来对之加以调节,选择其中较少 的信息,使其进入高级分析阶段,这类信息将 受到进一步加工而被识别和存储,而其他信息 则不让通过。这种过滤器体现着注意的选择功 能。因此这种理论被称为“注意的过滤器模 型”。因为这种过滤器模型的核心思想是它到 达高级分析水平的通道只有一条,因而, Welford(1959)称之为“单通道模型
10 (一)单通道的过滤器模型 Broadbent认为,来自外界的信息是大量的,而 人的神经系统高级中枢的加工能力则是有限的, 于是就出现了瓶颈。为了避免系统超载,就需 要某种过滤器来对之加以调节,选择其中较少 的信息,使其进入高级分析阶段,这类信息将 受到进一步加工而被识别和存储,而其他信息 则不让通过。这种过滤器体现着注意的选择功 能。因此这种理论被称为“注意的过滤器模 型”。因为这种过滤器模型的核心思想是它到 达高级分析水平的通道只有一条,因而, Welford(1959)称之为“单通道模型
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