华南师范大学:《教育心理学》课程教学资源(PPT课件讲稿,英文版)Chapter 10 transfer of learning

Chapter 10 Transfer of learning The primary purpose of school is to give students the skills and knowledge necessary for them to function effectively as adults in reality
Chapter 10 Transfer of learning The primary purpose of school is to give students the skills and knowledge necessary for them to function effectively as adults in reality

Chapter 10 Transfer of learning 10.1 What is transfer of learning consider the two students: Henry is bilingual: He speaks both English and Spanish fluently. He begins a French course in high school and immediately recognizes many similarities between French and spanish.“Aha;” he thinks,“m knowledge of Spanish will help me learn French Teds mathematics class has been working with decimals for several weeks. his teacher asked. which number is larger, 4.4 or 4.14? Ted recalls something that he knows about whole numbers: Number with three digits are larger than numbers with only two digits. The larger number is 4.14, he concludes
Chapter 10 Transfer of learning • 10.1 What is transfer of learning? • consider the two students: • Henry is bilingual:He speaks both English and Spanish fluently.He begins a French course in high school and immediately recognizes many similarities between French and Spanish. “Aha,”he thinks, “my knowledge of Spanish will help me learn French”. • Ted’s mathematics class has been working with decimals for several weeks. His teacher asked, “which number is larger, 4.4 or 4.14?” Ted recalls something that he knows about whole numbers: Number with three digits are larger than numbers with only two digits. “The larger number is 4.14”, he concludes

Chapter 10 Transfer of learning 10.1 What is transfer of learning When something students have previously learned affects how they learn or perform in another situation, transfer is occurring. (the effect of one kind of learning on the another kind of learning). e.g. write in pencil and in pen, drive a car and a truck, learn mathematics and physIcS. Transfer takes place whenever our existing knowledge, abilities, and skills affect the learning or performance of new tasks
Chapter 10 Transfer of learning • 10.1 What is transfer of learning? • When something students have previously learned affects how they learn or perform in another situation, transfer is occurring.(the effect of one kind of learning on the another kind of learning). e.g. write in pencil and in pen, drive a car and a truck, learn mathematics and physics. • Transfer takes place whenever our existing knowledge, abilities, and skills affect the learning or performance of new tasks

Chapter 10 Transfer of learning 10.1 What is transfer of learning? Transfer of learning from one situation to another depends on the degree of similarity between the situation in which the skill or concept was learned and the situation to which it is to be applied
Chapter 10 Transfer of learning • 10.1 What is transfer of learning? • Transfer of learning from one situation to another depends on the degree of similarity between the situation in which the skill or concept was learned and the situation to which it is to be applied

Chapter 10 Transfer of learning 10.2 the kinds of transfer of learning (1) positive and negative transfer. Positive transfer occurs when something that a person has learned in one situation helps that person learn or perform in another Situation Negative transfer occurs when prior knowledge hinders a person's learning or performance at a later time. Question: How to minimize negative transfer?
Chapter 10 Transfer of learning • 10.2 the kinds of transfer of learning • (1) positive and negative transfer: • Positive transfer occurs when something that a person has learned in one situation helps that person learn or perform in another situation. • Negative transfer occurs when prior knowledge hinders a person’s learning or performance at a later time. • Question: How to minimize negative transfer?

Chapter 10 Transfer of learning (2)forward and backward transfer: 3)general transfer and specific transfer: General transfer is content independent, which (Learning in one situation affects learning and u affects a wide range of new knowledge and skills performance in a somewhat dissimilar situation).e.g. ta king notes Specific transfer is content dependent, which affects only particular knowledge and skills within a circumscribed subject matter. (when transfer occurs because the original task and the transfer task overlap in content, we have specific transfer)
Chapter 10 Transfer of learning • (2) forward and backward transfer: • (3) general transfer and specific transfer: • General transfer is content independent, which affects a wide range of new knowledge and skills (Learning in one situation affects learning and performance in a somewhat dissimilar situation).e.g. taking notes. • Specific transfer is content dependent, which affects only particular knowledge and skills within a circumscribed subject matter.(when transfer occurs because the original task and the transfer task overlap in content, we have specific transfer)

Chapter 10 Transfer of learning 3)general transfer and specific transfer: Specific transfer occurs far more frequently than general transfer(gray, Orasanu, 1987). In fact, the question of whether general transfer occurs at all has been the subiect of considerable debate
Chapter 10 Transfer of learning • (3) general transfer and specific transfer: • Specific transfer occurs far more frequently than general transfer(Gray, Orasanu,1987). In fact, the question of whether general transfer occurs at all has been the subject of considerable debate

Chapter 10 Transfer of learning 10.2 the kinds of transfer of learning (4)near transfer and far transfer Near transfer of skills and knowledge are applied the same way every time the skills and knowledge are used. e.g. from drive a car to drive a bus
Chapter 10 Transfer of learning • 10.2 the kinds of transfer of learning • (4) near transfer and far transfer • Near transfer of skills and knowledge are applied the same way every time the skills and knowledge are used.e.g. from drive a car to drive a bus

Chapter 10 Transfer of learning (4)near transfer and far transfer Far transfer tasks involve skills and knowledge being applied in situations that change. One of the benefits of far transfer is that once the skills and knowledge are acquired, the learner is a ble to make judgments and adapt to different situations
Chapter 10 Transfer of learning • (4) near transfer and far transfer • Far transfer tasks involve skills and knowledge being applied in situations that change. One of the benefits of far transfer is that once the skills and knowledge are acquired, the learner is able to make judgments and adapt to different situations

Chapter 10 Transfer of learning (4 )near transfer and far transfer a person who learned the principles of wind flow to design a windmill can transfer that knowledge to direct the sail on a sailboat
Chapter 10 Transfer of learning • (4) near transfer and far transfer • A person who learned the principles of wind flow to design a windmill can transfer that knowledge to direct the sail on a sailboat
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