华南师范大学:《教育心理学》课程教学资源(PPT课件讲稿,英文版)Educational Psychology

Educational Psychology Xianyou He Department of Psychology, South china normal university, Guangzhou, PRC
Educational Psychology Xianyou He Department of Psychology, South China Normal University, Guangzhou, PRC

Tolmans Learning Theory o Instructional objectives XX What does one learn in his learning according to Tolman? XX What is the opinion of Tolman about reinforcement and reinforcement expectancy?
Tolman’s Learning Theory ⚫ Instructional objectives: ⚫ ※ What does one learn in his learning, according to Tolman? ⚫ ※ What is the opinion of Tolman about reinforcement and reinforcement expectancy?

Tolmans Learning Theory ol. Edward chace tolman. o(1886-1959), American psychologist o Received his M.A. 1912 and Ph. D (1915)degrees at harvard uni o Famous for his learning theory
Tolman’s Learning Theory ⚫ 1. Edward Chace Tolman: ⚫ (1886-1959), American psychologist. ⚫ Received his M.A.(1912) and Ph.D.(1915) degrees at Harvard Uni. ⚫ Famous for his learning theory

Tolman's Learning Theory o2 Maior theoretical notions ●大 What is learned? o xWhat is latent learning? *s reinforcement itself or reinforcement expectancy more important?
Tolman’s Learning Theory ⚫ 2. Major theoretical notions: ⚫ *What is learned? ⚫ *What is latent learning? ⚫ *Is reinforcement itself or reinforcement expectancy more important?

Tolman's Learning Theory o 2. Tolman's learning theory: an overview o a blend of gestalt theory and behaviorism o His main disagreement with the behaviorists was over the unit of behavior to be studied molar behavior(克分子的) or molecular(分子 的) behavior ● Molar behavior are large, intact完整无缺的), meaningful behavior patterns, e.g. a rat running a maze, a man driving home to dinner
Tolman’s Learning Theory ⚫ 2. Tolman’s Learning Theory: an overview ⚫ a blend of Gestalt theory and behaviorism. ⚫ His main disagreement with the behaviorists was over the unit of behavior to be studied. ⚫ molar behavior (克分子的) or molecular (分子 的) behavior? ⚫ Molar behavior are large, intact(完整无缺的), meaningful behavior patterns,e.g. a rat running a maze, a man driving home to dinner

Tolmans Learning Theory ●(1) What is learned? Cognitive map is a picture of the environment that can be used to get around in it o Learning is essentially a process of discovering what leads to what in the environment
Tolman’s Learning Theory ⚫ (1) What is learned? ⚫ Cognitive map is a picture of the environment that can be used to get around in it. ⚫ Learning is essentially a process of discovering what leads to what in the environment

Tolman's Learning Theory food path A path B path C star
Tolman’s Learning Theory

Tolman's Learning Theory ●(2) Latent learning: Latent learning is learning that is not translated into performance. In other words it is possible for learning to remain dormant for a considerable length of time before it is manifested in behavior ( learning without reinforcement). The empirical evidence from Tolman and Honzik in 1930:
Tolman’s Learning Theory ⚫ (2) Latent learning: ⚫ Latent learning is learning that is not translated into performance. In other words, it is possible for learning to remain dormant for a considerable length of time before it is manifested in behavior.(learning without reinforcement). ⚫ The empirical evidence from Tolman and Honzik in 1930:

Tolman's Learning Theory 10 No Food Reinforcement Until Day 11 8 No Food Reinforcement Regularly Reinforced 1234567891011121314151617 Days
Tolman’s Learning Theory

Tolmans Learning Theory ●(2) Latent learning: o Conclusion reinforcement is a performance variable and not a learning variable
Tolman’s Learning Theory ⚫ (2) Latent learning: ⚫ Conclusion: Reinforcement is a performance variable and not a learning variable
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- 华南师范大学:《教育心理学》课程教学资源(PPT课件讲稿,英文版)Chapter 5 Cognitive Learning Theories:Learning Theory of Gestalt Psychology.ppt
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