华南师范大学:《教育心理学》课程教学资源(PPT课件讲稿,英文版)Educational Psychology
Educational Psychology Pro Xianyou He Department of Psychology South China normal university, Guangzhou. PRC
Educational Psychology Pro. Xianyou He Department of Psychology, South China Normal University, Guangzhou, PRC
References Reference books in chinese 1.潘菽,《教育心理学》,1983,人民教育出版社 2.邵瑞珍,《教育心理学》,1987,上海教育出版社 3.韩进之,《教育心理学》,1985,人民教育出版社 4.冯忠良,《教育心理学》,2000,人民教育出版社 ●5.陈琦等,《当代教育心理学》,1997,北京师范大 学出版社 ●6.张春兴,《教育心理学》,1998,浙江教育出版社 ●7 R.J. Sternberg著,张厚粲译,《教育心理学》,中 国轻工业出版社,2003
References Reference Books in Chinese : ⚫ 1. 潘菽,《教育心理学》,1983,人民教育出版社 ⚫ 2. 邵瑞珍,《教育心理学》,1987,上海教育出版社 ⚫ 3. 韩进之,《教育心理学》,1985,人民教育出版社 ⚫ 4. 冯忠良,《教育心理学》,2000,人民教育出版社 ⚫ 5. 陈琦等,《当代教育心理学》,1997,北京师范大 学出版社 ⚫ 6. 张春兴,《教育心理学》,1998,浙江教育出版社 ⚫ 7. R.J.Sternberg著,张厚粲译,《教育心理学》,中 国轻工业出版社,2003
References ● Journals in chinese ●★1. Acta Psychologica Sinica《心理学报》,中国科 学院心理研究所 ●★2 Psychological Science《心理科学》,上海华东 师范大学心理学系 ●3 Psyehologieal Develepment and Etdueatioi《心理发 展与教育》,北京师范大学发展心理研究所 4 Advances in Psychological Science《心理科学进 展》,中国科学院心理研究所 ●5 Applied psychology《应用心理学》浙江大学 ●6 Psychological Exploration《心理学探新》,江西师 范大学、华南师范大学等四单位合办 ●7.《心理与行为研究》,天津师范大学主办
References ⚫ Journals in Chinese: ⚫ ★1. Acta Psychologica Sinica《心理学报》,中国科 学院心理研究所 ⚫ ★2.Psychological Science《心理科学》,上海华东 师范大学心理学系 ⚫ 3.Psychological Development and Education《心理发 展与教育》,北京师范大学发展心理研究所 ⚫ 4.Advances in Psychological Science《心理科学进 展》,中国科学院心理研究所 ⚫ 5.Applied Psychology《应用心理学》浙江大学 ⚫ 6.Psychological Exploration《心理学探新》,江西师 范大学、华南师范大学等四单位合办 ⚫ 7. 《心理与行为研究》,天津师范大学主办
References Some journals in English: o I.Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition. o American Psychology Association(APA 2. Journal of educational Psychology, APA o 3. Contemporary Educational Psychology APA o 4. Educational Psychologist.APA
References ⚫ Some journals in English: ⚫ 1.Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition. ⚫ American Psychology Association(APA) ⚫ 2.Journal of Educational Psychology,APA ⚫ 3. Contemporary Educational Psychology. APA ⚫ 4. Educational Psychologist.APA
Contents of Educational Psychology o Chapterl: educationalPsychology: Introduction o Chapter 2: Theories of Development and Education o Chapter 3: Behavioral Theories of learning o Chapter4: Cognitive Theories of learning o Chapter 5: Cognitive Theories: Constructivist Approaches o Chapter 6: Knowledge Learning
Contents of Educational Psychology ⚫ Chapterl: EducationalPsycho1ogy:Introduction ⚫ Chapter 2: Theories of Development and ⚫ Education ⚫ Chapter 3: BehavioralTheories of Learning ⚫ Chapter4: Cognitive Theories of Learning ⚫ Chapter 5: Cognitive Theories:Constructivist Approaches ⚫ Chapter 6: Knowledge Learning
Contents of Educational Psychology o Chapter 7: Transfer of learning o Chapter 8: Moral trait Chapter 9: Learning strategy Chapter 10: How to motivate Students to Learn Chapter 11: classroom Management Chapter 12: Teaching psychology
Contents of Educational Psychology ⚫ Chapter 7 : Transfer of Learning ⚫ Chapter 8: Moral Trait ⚫ Chapter 9: Learning strategy ⚫ Chapter 10: How to motivate Students to Learn ⚫ Chapter 11: C1assroom Management ⚫ Chapter 12: Teaching Psychology
Chapter I Educational Psychology. Introduction o 1.1 What is educational psychology? An academic definition would perhaps say that educational psychology is the study of learners, learning, and teaching. Educational psychologists carry out research on the nature of students, principles of learning, and methods of teaching, to give educators the information they need to think critically about their craft and to make teaching decisions that will work for their students
Chapter l Educational Psycho1ogy: Introduction ⚫ 1.1 What is educational Psychology? ⚫ An academic definition would perhaps say that educational psychology is the study of learners, learning, and teaching. ⚫ Educational psychologists carry out research on the nature of students, principles of learning, and methods of teaching, to give educators the information they need to think critically about their craft and to make teaching decisions that will work for their students
1.1 What is educational Psychology? o Educational psychology is to give tomorrow' s teachers the intellectual grounding and practical strategies needed to be effective as instructors
1.1 What is educational Psychology? ⚫ Educational psychology is to give tomorrow' s teachers the intellectual grounding and practical strategies needed to be effective as instructors
1.1 What is educational Psychology? Some examples o l. The concept of number: 1. 233 et al o 2. Learning of plus and subtraction(minus): 2+4=26+9=?85= 87-76=?(1)87-19=2(2 o Which one is more difficult? (Dor(2)And why? o 3. The interference of Chinese and english: ●“厚”( ho or hou?)
1.1 What is educational Psychology? ⚫ Some examples: ⚫ 1. The concept of number:1,2,3, et al ⚫ 2. Learning of plus and subtraction(minus): ⚫ 2+4=? 6+9=? 8-5=? ⚫ 87-76=? (1) 87-19=?(2) ⚫ Which one is more difficult?(1)or (2) And why? ⚫ 3. The interference of Chinese and English: ⚫ “厚”(ho or hou?)
1.1 What is educational Psychology? o Dominant ideas from authorities in china o 1. E P. study the psychological phenomena and its rules in educational process O 2.E.P. study the basic rules of learning and teaching in school educational process. 03.E. P study thethe psychological phenomena and its rules in school educational process
1.1 What is educational Psychology? ⚫ Dominant ideas from authorities in China ⚫ 1. E.P.study the psychological phenomena and its rules in educational process. ⚫ 2.E.P. study the basic rules of learning and teaching in school educational process. ⚫ 3.E.P. study the the psychological phenomena and its rules in school educational process
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