华南师范大学:《教育心理学》课程教学资源(PPT课件讲稿,英文版)Chapter 4 Behavioral Learning Theories:Thorndyke’s Connectionism

Chapter 4 Behavioral Learning Theories Thorndy ke's Connectionism 4.1.1 Edward Lee Thorndyke: 1874-1949, American educational psychologist. ●1891-1895 studied English literature in Wesleyan University
Chapter 4 Behavioral Learning Theories: Thorndyke’s Connectionism ⚫ 4.1.1 Edward Lee Thorndyke:1874-1949, American educational psychologist. ⚫ 1891-1895,studied English literature in Wesleyan University

Chapter 4 Behavioral learning Theories 04.1 Thorndike's connectionism o 1895-1897 studied psychology in harvard Unviversity. James) o 1897-1898, studied in Columbia University, and got his PH D (Cattel) 1912 became chairman ofapa
Chapter 4 Behavioral Learning Theories ⚫ 4.1 Thorndike’s Connectionism ⚫ 1895-1897,studied psychology in Harvard Unviversity.(James) ⚫ 1897-1898, studied in Columbia University, and got his PH.D.(Cattel) ⚫ 1912, became Chairman of APA

TThorndike's connectionism o 4.1.2 Maior theoretical notions Thorndike called the association between sense impressions and impulses to action a bond or a connection. This marked the first formal attempt to link sensory events to behavior. Earlier brands of associationism attempted to show how ideas became linked together; thus Thorndike's approach is quite different and can be regarded as the first modern theme of learning. His emphasis on the functional aspects of behavior is due mainly to the influence of Darwin. In fact, Thorndyke's theory can be understood as a combination of associationism, Darwinism, and the methods of science
Thorndike’s Connectionism ⚫ 4.1.2 Major theoretical notions ⚫ Thorndike called the association between sense impressions and impulses to action a bond or a connection. This marked the first formal attempt to link sensory events to behavior. Earlier brands of associationism attempted to show how ideas became linked together; thus Thorndike's approach is quite different and can be regarded as the first modern theme of learning. His emphasis on the functional aspects of behavior is due mainly to the influence of Darwin. In fact, Thorndyke's theory can be understood as a combination of associationism, Darwinism, and the methods of science

Thorndike's connectionism o Thorndike's concern was not only for stimulus conditions and tendencies to action but also for what held the stimulus and response together. He believed they were connected by a neural bond. His theory is called connectionism, the connection referred to being the neural connection between stimuli(S)and responses (R)
Thorndike’s Connectionism ⚫ Thorndike's concern was not only for stimulus conditions and tendencies to action but also for what held the stimulus and response together. He believed they were connected by a neural bond. His theory is called connectionism, the connection referred to being the neural connection between stimuli (S) and responses (R)

TThorndike's connectionism o 4.1.2 Maior theoretical notions Experimental foundation: puze box o a small confining box with a pole sticking up in the middle or a chain hanging from its top Pushing against the pole or pulling on the chain enabled the animal to escape. Some arrangements, however required the animal to engage in a complex series of responses before it could escape. Different responses were called for at different times in Thorndike's experiments, but the idea was always the same--the animal had to perform in a certain way before it was allowed to leave the box
Thorndike’s Connectionism ⚫ 4.1.2 Major theoretical notions ⚫ Experimental foundation:puzzle box ⚫ a small confining box with a pole sticking up in the middle or a chain hanging from its top. Pushing against the pole or pulling on the chain enabled the animal to escape. Some arrangements, however, required the animal to engage in a complex series of responses before it could escape. Different responses were called for at different times in Thorndike's experiments, but the idea was always the same--the animal had to perform in a certain way before it was allowed to leave the box

Thorndike's connectionism 4.1.2 Major theoretical notions Learning is incremental not insightful o Learning occurs in very small systematic steps rather than in huge jumps k Learning is not mediated by ideas o Learning is direct and is not mediated by thin king or reasoning. all mammals earn in the same manner o Learning of all mammals, including human, followed the same laws. No special processes need to be postulated when one is attempting to explain human learning
Thorndike’s Connectionism ⚫ 4.1.2 Major theoretical notions ⚫ ﹡Learning is incremental ,not insightful ⚫ Learning occurs in very small systematic steps rather than in huge jumps. ⚫ ﹡Learning is not mediated by ideas ⚫ Learning is direct and is not mediated by thinking or reasoning. ⚫ ﹡all mammals learn in the same manner ⚫ Learning of all mammals, including human, followed the same laws. No special processes need to be postulated when one is attempting to explain human learning

Thorndike's connectionism o 4.1.3 Ideas before 1930 ※ The law of readiness o(1)When a conduction unit is ready to conduct, conduction by it is satisfying. o(2) For a conduction unit ready to conduct, not to conduct is annoying. 3)When a conduction unit is not ready for conduction and is forced to conduct conduction by it is annoying
Thorndike’s Connectionism ⚫ 4.1.3 Ideas before 1930 ⚫ ※The law of readiness ⚫ (1) When a conduction unit is ready to conduct, conduction by it is satisfying. ⚫ (2) For a conduction unit ready to conduct, not to conduct is annoying. ⚫ (3) When a conduction unit is not ready for conduction and is forced to conduct,conduction by it is annoying

TThorndike's connectionism o 4.1.3 Ideas before 1930 XX The law of exercise (learning by doing and forget by not doing e(1) Law of use: connections between a stimulus and a response are strengthened as they are used o(2) Law of disuse: connections between situations and responses are weaken when practice is discontinued or if the neural bond is not used
Thorndike’s Connectionism ⚫ 4.1.3 Ideas before 1930 ⚫ ※ The law of exercise(learning by doing and forget by not doing) ⚫ (1) Law of use: connections between a stimulus and a response are strengthened as they are used. ⚫ (2) Law of disuse: connections between situations and responses are weaken when practice is discontinued or if the neural bond is not used

Thorndike's connectionism o 4.1.3 Ideas before 1930 ●※ The law of effect It refers to the strengthening or weakening of a connection between S andr as the consequences of the response. If a response is followed by a satisfying state of affairs, the strength of the connection is increased If it is followed by an annoying state of affairs the strength is decreased
Thorndike’s Connectionism ⚫ 4.1.3 Ideas before 1930 ⚫ ※ The law of effect ⚫ It refers to the strengthening or weakening of a connection between S and R as the consequences of the response. If a response is followed by a satisfying state of affairs, the strength of the connection is increased. If it is followed by an annoying state of affairs, the strength is decreased

Thorndike's connectionism o 4.1.3 Ideas before 1930 ●※ The law of effect The law of effect is a historical break from traditional associationistic theory that claims frequency of occurrence or mere contiguity to be the determiners of the strength of an association
Thorndike’s Connectionism ⚫ 4.1.3 Ideas before 1930 ⚫ ※ The law of effect ⚫ The law of effect is a historical break from traditional associationistic theory that claims frequency of occurrence or mere contiguity to be the determiners of the strength of an association
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