

o The gastrointestinal disease o The liver and The biliary disease
⚫ The Gastrointestinal Disease ⚫ The Liver and The Biliary Disease

The Gastrointestinal Disease gastritis 二、 peptic ulcer the gastrointestinal carcinoma
The Gastrointestinal Disease ⚫一、gastritis ⚫二、peptic ulcer ⚫三、the gastrointestinal carcinoma

gastritis ●(-) acute gastritis ●(二) chronic gastritis
一、 gastritis ⚫(一)acute gastritis ⚫ ⚫(二)chronic gastritis

(一) acute gastritis ●1、 acute irritated gastritis ●2、 acute hemorrhagic gastritis ●3、 acute corrosive gastritis o 4 acute infective gastritis
(一) acute gastritis ⚫ 1、 acute irritated gastritis ⚫ 2、 acute hemorrhagic gastritis ⚫ 3、 acute corrosive gastritis ⚫ 4、 acute infective gastritis

(二) chronic gastritis ● Pathologic types 1 chronic superficial gastritis 2 chronic atrophic gastritis
(二) chronic gastritis ⚫ Pathologic types 1、 chronic superficial gastritis 2、 chronic atrophic gastritis

etiology o 1. chronic irritation o 2. reflux of the duodenal juice 3. autoimmune injury o 4. helicobacter pylori
etiology ⚫ 1.chronic irritation ⚫ 2.reflux of the duodenal juice ⚫ 3.autoimmune injury ⚫ 4.helicobacter pylori

chronic superficial gastritis o Mostly happened: 20-40% o Distributed diffusely, mainly in py lorus antrum
chronic superficial gastritis ⚫ Mostly happened:20-40% ⚫ Distributed diffusely,mainly in pylorus antrum

morpho⊥ogy 1.inflammatory changes limit to the upper 1/3 of the mucosa 2. a lymphocytic and plasma cell infiltrate in the upper mucosa 3. swelling degeneration and necrosis of the superficial mucosal epithelium
morphology ⒈inflammatory changes limit to the upper 1/3 of the mucosa; ⒉ a lymphocytic and plasma cell infiltrate in the upper mucosa; ⒊swelling 、degeneration and necrosis of the superficial mucosal epithelium

:家 蒸 · C ∴∷氵了;
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