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上海交通大学:《局部解剖学》课程教学资源(PPT课件讲稿)第五讲 臂前区、肘前区、前臂前区的局部解剖与操作

一、臂前区 Anterior Region of Arm 浅层结构 Superficial structures 深层结构 Deep structures

局部解创学(五) 臂前区、肘前区、前臂前区的 局部解剖与操作

局部解剖学(五) 臂前区、肘前区、前臂前区的 局部解剖与操作

臂前区 Anterior Region of Arm 浅层结构 Superficial structures 深层结构 Deep structures

一、臂前区 Anterior Region of Arm • 浅层结构 Superficial structures • 深层结构 Deep structures



Lateral supraclavicular nerve(from cervical plexus Intermediate supraclavicular nenve(from cervical plexus) Acromial branches of thoracoacromial vein Medial supraclavicular nerve 〔 rom cervical plexus) Supenor lateral brachial cutaneous nerve(from axillary nerve) Cephalic vein Medial brachial cutaneous nerve Inferior lateral brachial cutaneous nene--o Intercostobrachial nerve 〔 rom radial nerve) Branches of medial antebrachial cutaneous nerve Postenor antebrachial cutaneous Basilic vein nerve〔 rom radial nerve Lateral antebrachial cutaneous nerve Accessory cephalic vein (terminal part of musculocutaneous nerve -Intermediate(median cubital vein Perforating veins -Intermediate (median) antebrachial vein (一)浅层结构 皮肤:较薄。 浅筋膜ε薄而松弛,内有浅静脉和皮神经

• 皮肤:较薄。 • 浅筋膜:薄而松弛,内有浅静脉和皮神经。 (一)浅层结构

Cephalic vein Heads of Long biceps Short Musculocutaneous nerve Median nerve Brachialis Brachial artery Basilic vein UInar nerve Humerus Lateral intermuscular Medial intermuscular septum septum Brachial fascia Radial nerve Deep brachial artery and veins Lateral Heads of B Medial triceps bl ong (二)深层结构ε臂筋膜 brachial fascia,骨筋膜鞘及其 内容 osseofibrous sheath and its contents

(二)深层结构:臂筋膜brachial fascia, 骨筋膜鞘及其 内容 osseofibrous sheath and its contents

Civile Omohyoid, inTerloc bedy Pectoral manor 臂 月 群 Triceps brachi long head 肌 BItos uraca, tony hed 喙肱肌 Media! intermuscular septum ot erm Bracts 肱二头肌 achillis Mocal epicondyle 肱肌 Brachioradialis Extensor cap rad als longus Anmebachual neria

臂 前 群 肌 喙肱肌 肱二头肌 肱肌

a Deltoid 血管神经束 Axillary artory o Neurovascular Bundle 肱动脉及其分支。 a Pectoralis maor Teres maor a Brachial artery and its a Coracobrachialis branches ac al nerve Musculocutaneous nerve 肱静脉及其属支,贵要静脉。 Mecan nerve Brachial vein and its tributaries, basilic vein Profunda brace artery Deep anary of amle o Bcems brachil 正中神经 Median nerve Tnceps brachil, long head o- 尺神经和尺侧上副动脉。 Unat nerve Ulnar nerve and superior Supenor ulnar colateral artery e ulnar collateral artery. Trceps brachii, medial haad ( deep hsad a -e Brachiai 桡神经和肱深动脉。 Radial nerve and deep brachial Musculocutaneous ne artery. inferior ulnar coi latera artery o e Brach al artery 肌皮神经 Musculocutaneous nerve Medial epic Med an nerve 前臂外侧皮神经 Lateral antebrachial cutaneous nerve

血管神经束 Neurovascular Bundle • 肱动脉及其分支。 Brachial artery and its branches. • 肱静脉及其属支,贵要静脉。 Brachial vein and its tributaries, basilic vein. • 正中神经 Median nerve • 尺神经和尺侧上副动脉。 Ulnar nerve and superior ulnar collateral artery. • 桡神经和肱深动脉。Radial nerve and deep brachial artery. • 肌皮神经 Musculocutaneous nerve • 前臂外侧皮神经 Lateral antebrachial cutaneous nerve

二、肘前区 Anterior Region of Elbow 浅层结构 Superficial structures 深层结构 Deep structures

二、 肘前区 Anterior Region of Elbow • 浅层结构 Superficial structures • 深层结构 Deep structures

Medial cutaneous nerve of forearm (medial antebrachial cutaneous nerve Musculocutaneous nerve, lateral cutaneous nerve Basilic vein of forearm [lateral antebrachial cutaneous nerve] al cutaneous nerve of forearm (medial antebrachial Median cubital vein cutaneous nerve], posterior branch Radial nerve, posterior cutaneous nerve of forearm Medial cutaneous nerve of forearm [posterior antebrachial cutaneous nerve medial antebrachial cutaneous nerve, anterior branch Median antebrachial vein (median vein of forearm 407 Basilic vein 395 411 Fig. 402 Superficial veins and nerves of anterior regions of left arm and elbow; anterior aspect (35%) (一)肘前区的浅层结构


Cephalic vein Cephalic vein Basilic vein Basilic vein Basilic vein (Superficial brachial Median artery, var) cubital vein Median Median antebrachial vein cubital vein -(Median basilic [median vein of Median antebrachial vein (median vein of forearm Basilic vei b Cephalic vein Fig. 403 a-c Variations of superficial veins of right cubital A rare, however, important variation with regard to intravenous injection because fossa. Because of their easy access the cubital veins are usually of the possibility of an intra-arterial injection by mistake. preferred for blood draws and intravenous injections over those of other regions of the body. 肘窝内浅静脉的类型

• 肘窝内浅静脉的类型
