广州医科大学(广州医学院):《病理学》课程教学资源(PPP课件,四,英文版)Chapter 7 Chronic bronchitis

冷 心西

1. Chronic bronchitis 2 Pneumonia a3, Pneumoconiosis -4 Carcinoma of the respiratory
◼ 1.Chronic bronchitis ◼ 2.Pneumonia ◼ 3.Pneumoconiosis ◼ 4.Carcinoma of the respiratory

sony styie Chronic bronchitis and emphysema(COPD almost always Co-exist to some degree Together they rank fifth in the global burden of disease in the uK copd affects approximately 6% of men and 4% of women over the age of 45
◼ Chronic bronchitis and emphysema (COPD) almost always co-exist to some degree. Together they rank fifth in the global burden of disease; in the UK COPD affects approximately 6% of men and 4% of women over the age of 45

sony styie a chronic bronchitis is a clinical term defined as chronic cough and sputum for at least 3 months each year for 2 consecutive years
◼ Chronic bronchitis is a clinical term defined as chronic cough and sputum for at least 3 months each year for 2 consecutive years

sony styie Emphysema is an anatomical term defined as permanent enlargement of airspaces distal to the terminal bronchioles together with destruction of their walls
◼ Emphysema is an anatomical term defined as permanent enlargement of airspaces distal to the terminal bronchioles, together with destruction of their walls

sony style Chronic bronchitis 1、 Chronic bronchitis 2、 Pulmonary emphysema 3、 Cor pulmonale 4、 Bronchiectasis
Chronic bronchitis ◼ 1、Chronic bronchitis ◼ 2、Pulmonary emphysema ◼ 3、Cor pulmonale ◼ 4、Bronchiectasis

sony styie Chronic bronchitis Aetiology 1、 Cigarette smoking 2、 Air pollution 3 Low-grade bronchial infections
一、 Chronic bronchitis Aetiology ◼ 1、Cigarette smoking. ◼ 2、Air pollution ◼ 3、Low-grade bronchial infections

sony styie The earliest abnormality in chronic bronchitis is thought to be a respiratory bronchiolitis, affecting airways of less than 2 mm in diameter
The earliest abnormality in chronic bronchitis is thought to be a respiratory bronchiolitis, affecting airways of less than 2 mm in diameter

活吧物 squamous metaplasia
squamous metaplasia

sony styie Bronchia abnormalities are mainly mucus hypersecretion with chronic inflammation these features produce the typical cough and sputum
◼ Bronchial abnormalities are mainly mucus hypersecretion with chronic inflammation; these features produce the typical cough and sputum
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