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《材料制备与加工 Materials Synthesis and Processing》课程教学资源(书籍文献)Advanced Ceramics Processing

《材料制备与加工 Materials Synthesis and Processing》课程教学资源(书籍文献)Advanced Ceramics Processing

UNIVERSITY OF TWENTE. M Advanced Ceramics Processing Lecture notes UT-c0de:193737010 Louis Winnubst University of Twente Inorganic Membranes Faculty of Science and Technology P.0.B0x217 7500 AE Enschede The Netherlands October 2019

UNIVERSITY OF TWENTE. Advanced Ceramics Processing Lecture notes UT-code: 193737010 Louis Winnubst University of Twente Inorganic Membranes Faculty of Science and Technology P.O. Box 217 7500 AE Enschede The Netherlands e-mail: October 2019

Preface These lecture notes are intended for a course on Advanced Ceramics Processing of in. oncesemphasized for understanding the effects of pro essing variables on the evolution of the ceramic microstructure during the fabrication process.If one has sufficient insight in the several process steps it is possible to make a reproducible material with regard to properties and micro- structure The objective in materials process engineering is to find relations between(desired)materials properties and relevant microstructural parameters on one side and to understand which process parameter change eter on the other han igiomeaienorptoiogesmdpcecheompihdl0ypostionmsalieszeamdagregaeor The integral ceramic fabrication process is divided into the following process steps or basic pro- cess powder reparat nts like milling and mixing Forming into a green shape ·Coating techniques 。Sintering in n the microstruc ure.The oontoland steps in a coherent way. The following basic phenmn will be treated in thecourse for obtaininga better understanding of teristies Particle siz Interaction between particles (ag and particlem ion stability,rheology,etc.) Reactions between solid state particles Nucleation and crystallisation

3 Preface These lecture notes are intended for a course on Advanced Ceramics Processing. The aim of this course is to obtain insights in processes, which play a role in the fabrication of in￾organic (or ceramic) materials and ceramic coatings. The fabrication process is treated and the im￾portance is emphasized for understanding the effects of processing variables on the evolution of the ceramic microstructure during the fabrication process. If one has sufficient insight in the several process steps it is possible to make a reproducible material with regard to properties and micro￾structure. The objective in materials process engineering is to find relations between (desired) materials properties and relevant microstructural parameters on one side and to understand which process parameter changes a certain microstructural parameter on the other hand. The microstructure in￾cludes characteristics like crystal structure, chemical composition, crystallite size and aggregate or agglomerate morphology, pore size and pore morphology. The integral ceramic fabrication process is divided into the following process steps or basic pro￾cesses: • Powder preparation • Powder treatments like milling and mixing • Forming into a green shape • Coating techniques • Sintering Each step has its specific influence on the microstructure. Therefore control and knowledge of the whole process is important. Optimal properties require optimisation and control of each of these steps in a coherent way. The following basic phenomena will be treated in the course for obtaining a better understanding of the basic processes: • Particle characteristics: Particle size and particle morphology • Interaction between particles (agglomeration, suspension stability, rheology, etc.) • Reactions between solid state particles • Nucleation and crystallisation

Literature er the broad field of ce Carter and Grant Norton "Ceramic Materials:Science and Engineering"Springer, J.S.Reed,"Principles of Ceramic Processing"2nd edition,John Willey Sons (New York) 1995(SBN0-471-59721-X. TARi mic powder processing and synthesis"Academic Press(San Dieg0)1996(1SBN0-12-588930-5 ·D02 Richerson,"Modern Ceramic Engineering"2nd Edition,Marcel Dekker (New York) A.R.West"Solid State Chemistry and its Applications"John Willey Sons(Chichester)1984 55 Sons (Chichester)199(ISBN0-471-95627-) a,"The chemistry of ceramics"John Willey .R.A.Terpstra,P.P.A.C.Pex and Vries"Ceramic Processing"Chapman Hall (Lon- om)1995(0s BN0-4 2-59830-2) Plcnum der D.SegaChemical synthesis of advanced ceramic materials"Cambridge University press (Cambridge)199

4 Literature. The following books cover the broad field of ceramic process engineering:  M.N. Rahaman, “Ceramic Processing” CRC Taylor & Francis (Boca Raton, London, New York) 2007 (ISBN 0-8493-7285-2).  C.B. Carter and M. Grant Norton “Ceramic Materials: Science and Engineering” Springer, 2007  J.S. Reed, “Principles of Ceramic Processing” 2nd edition, John Willey & Sons (New York) 1995 (ISBN 0-471-59721-X).  W.D. Kingery, H.K. Bowen, D.R. Uhlmann, “Introduction to Ceramics” 2nd edition, John Wiley & Sons (New York) 1976.  T.A Ring, “Fundamentals of ceramic powder processing and synthesis” Academic Press (San Diego) 1996 (ISBN 0-12-588930-5).  D.W. Richerson, “Modern Ceramic Engineering” 2nd Edition, Marcel Dekker (New York) 1992.  Y.M. Chiang, D. Bernie III, W.D. Kingery, “Physical ceramics; Principles for ceramic science and engineering”, John Wiley & Sons, Inc. (New York) 1997 (ISBN 0-471-59873-9).  A.R. West “Solid State Chemistry and its Applications” John Willey & Sons (Chichester) 1984 (ISBN 0-471-90337-9).  H. Yanagida, K. Koumoto and M. Miyayama, “The chemistry of ceramics” John Willey & Sons (Chichester) 1996 (ISBN 0-471-95627-9).  R.A. Terpstra, P.P.A.C. Pex and A.H. de Vries “Ceramic Processing” Chapman & Hall (Lon￾don) 1995 (ISBN 0-412-59830-2).  P.J. van der Put “The inorganic chemistry of materials: How to make things out of elements” Plenum press (New York, London) 1998.  D. Segal, “Chemical synthesis of advanced ceramic materials” Cambridge University press (Cambridge) 1989.  D.H. Everett “Basic principles of colloid science” Royal Society of Chemistry (Cambridge) 1988 (ISBN 0-85186-443-0)

5 Contents Preface Contents 5 Introduc 11 The process-microstructure and homogeneity 77 Fabrication of bulk ceramics Phase diagrams in ceramics 2.2 Particle morphology 18 2.41 light scatter haracterisation method 91 242 Flow behaviour of powders 23 2.5 3 Interactions betwe owder 3.1 ates 3.2 Particles in a solvent;the DLVO theory 322 3.2. The DLVO potential 34 3.3 Rheology onian fluic heha 15156 Shear rate- 6 334 Time-dependent behaviour 3.3. 3.4 Weissenberg effects Solid state mechanics 94号 Reaction betwe n solid narticle 41 An introduction to solid state diffusion state reactions reaction and coating 5.1.1 Theory 3 5.1.2 ample Dispersion methods of mixed metal oxide powders 5.2.1 3366 52.2 Co-Precipitation Complexation- Sol-Ge plexation-Pyrolysis 8990

5 Contents Preface 3 Contents 5 1 Introduction 7 1.1 The process – microstructure and homogeneity 7 1.2 Fabrication of bulk ceramics 9 1.3 Phase diagrams in ceramics 11 2 Characteristics of powders and compacts 15 2.1 Definitions of ceramic powders 15 2.2 Particle morphology 18 2.3 Particle size distribution 19 2.4 Chemical and physical characterisation methods 21 2.4.1 Dynamic light scattering 21 2.4.2 Flow behaviour of powders 23 2.5 Compact characteristics 23 2.5.1 Characterization of porosity, pore size and pore size distribution 24 3 Interactions between powder particles 27 3.1 Adhesive forces in agglomerates 27 3.2 Particles in a solvent; the DLVO theory 29 3.2.1 Electrostatic forces around a single particle; the electric double layer 29 3.2.2 Van der Waals attraction 33 3.2.3 The DLVO potential 34 3.3 Rheology 35 3.3.1 Newtonian fluid 35 3.3.2 Non-Newtonian behaviour 36 3.3.3 Shear rate-dependent behaviour 36 3.3.4 Time-dependent behaviour 39 3.3.5 Weissenberg effects 41 3.4 Solid state mechanics 43 4 Reaction between solid particles 45 4.1 An introduction to solid state diffusion 45 4.2 Mechanisms of solid state reactions 47 4.3 Kinetics of solid-solid reactions 49 5 Preparation of ceramic powders and coatings 53 5.1 Nucleation, crystallisation and crystal growth 53 5.1.1 Theory 53 5.1.2 Examples 53 5.2 Wet chemical preparation of mixed metal oxide powders 56 5.2.1 Dispersion methods 56 5.2.2 Co-Precipitation 58 5.2.3 Complexation-Precipitation 59 5.2.4 Complexation-Pyrolysis 59 5.3 Sol-Gel 60

34 Preparation from the gas phase reparatio from the (partly)melted phasc 6 Treatments of powders 6.1 Milling or comminution 83 Mixing 6.3.1 6.3.2 Press granulation 5555556 6.3.3 Spray drying 7 7.1.1 Powder properties 555 Filling the die or mould cro: Dry pre ssing in nr 9924 7.1.6 Special techniques in dry pressing 7.2 sion processing 723 Centrifugal castins 1eT33 7.3 726 Paste processing 73.1 Extrusion 7.3.2 Injection moulding 8 cessing of green compacts ing 82 Binder burn-out 9 force in solid state sinter 80 9.2.1 9.2.2 Grain growth and densification 9 ering Curve (MSC) 9.5 Reactive sintering 9.6 Special sintering techniques 96 963 9.6.4 Spark Plasma Sintering 9.7 Practical aspects of sintering 07 9000000 972 Temperature control 9.7.3 Atmosphere and additives 01

6 5.4 Preparation from the gas phase 61 5.5 Preparation from the (partly) melted phase 62 6 Treatments of powders 65 6.1 Milling or comminution 65 6.2 Mixing 65 6.3 Granulation (controlled agglomeration) 65 6.3.1 Layering granulation 65 6.3.2 Press granulation 65 6.3.3 Spray drying 66 7 Processes for compaction 67 7.1 Dry pressing 67 7.1.1 Powder properties 69 7.1.2 Filling the die or mould 69 7.1.3 Microstructure development during dry pressing 69 7.1.4 Die-wall friction during uniaxial compaction 72 7.1.5 Dry pressing in practice 74 7.1.6 Special techniques in dry pressing 75 7.2 Suspension processing 75 7.2.1 Slip casting 75 7.2.2 Colloidal filtration 76 7.2.3 Centrifugal casting 76 7.2.4 Tape casting 77 7.2.5 Other suspension/slurry techniques 81 7.2.6 Coatings from suspensions 82 7.3 Paste processing 82 7.3.1 Extrusion 82 7.3.2 Injection moulding 83 8 Thermal processing of green compacts 85 8.1 Drying 85 8.2 Binder burn-out 85 9 Sintering 89 9.1 Driving force in solid state sintering 90 9.2 The (solid state) sintering process 91 9.2.1 The coordination model 93 9.2.2 Grain growth and densification 96 9.3 Liquid phase sintering 97 9.4 The Master Sintering Curve (MSC) 97 9.5 Reactive sintering 98 9.6 Special sintering techniques 98 9.6.1 Pressure sintering 98 9.6.2 Microwave and RF sintering 99 9.6.3 Fast firing 99 9.6.4 Spark Plasma Sintering 100 9.7 Practical aspects of sintering 100 9.7.1 Furnaces 100 9.7.2 Temperature control 101 9.7.3 Atmosphere and additives 101

7 1 Introduction In this course on"Ceramic Processing and Microstructure"the main subject will be the fabrication of products f from pow ers.Skills will be handed for understar ome gen era mic In general one can state that ceramics are inorganic (non-metallic)materials,mostly able to with ess of 500 C).Ceramics are detined as inorganic compounds gen or carbon)primaril held in ionic or covalent bonds They are available as bulk materials or as a coating on other materials(metals,polymers or ceramics).One of the process steps in the fabrica- tion of bulk c ic obtains ch 1a afte material has a certain:ceramics may be single-phase or mixed phase and there is generally porosiry.ranging from almost 100%to near 0% Ceramic Materials materials are divided in two main groups:Tradi- Traditional Ceramics Advanced Ceramics temperature furnace refractory materials.the materials, 05中 In this course we will focus on the processi advanced ceramics.Advanced ceramics include ere tht there cal,magne optical,elec 5gueal:sSuhiison6ofceamiemitemasntomain paratio s for st ceramics 1.1 The process -microstructure and homogeneity Up to abou nd ntury most new (ceramic)material processing.the properties of the product were often correlated with changes in a processing operation.The probability that adjustments,based on these empirical correlations,will produce significant advances is small because the potential number of unsuccessful combinations e to identify (chemical and physical)charac teristics of the material system and understand the fect of processing variableson thevotio e心“oo心9 of thes chara olycry the material "Principles of ceramic processing" James S.Reed.John Wiley Sons (New York)1995

7 1 Introduction In this course on “Ceramic Processing and Microstructure” the main subject will be the fabrication of products from powders. Skills will be handed for understanding the processes, which play an important role in the fabrication of inorganic materials, especially ceramic materials. In this chapter first a “definition” of ceramics is given followed by some general aspects on ceramic processing. In general one can state that ceramics are inorganic (non-metallic) materials, mostly able to with￾stand elevated temperatures (in excess of 500°C). Ceramics are defined as inorganic compounds consisting of metals (e.g. silicon, aluminum, zirconium or titanium) and non-metals (oxygen, nitro￾gen or carbon) primarily held in ionic or covalent bonds. They are available as bulk materials or as a coating on other materials (metals, polymers or ceramics). One of the process steps in the fabrica￾tion of bulk ceramics (and sometimes also for ceramic coatings) is a firing or sintering step. Sinter￾ing means that it obtains a temperature treatment such that melting does not occur or on a limited scale only. A ceramic obtains its final characteristic properties after the sintering step. The resulting material has a certain microstructure; ceramics may be single-phase or mixed phase and there is generally porosity, ranging from almost 100% to near 0%. Ceramics find nowadays a widespread use in a broad range of applications. Generally ceramic materials are divided in two main groups: Tradi￾tional ceramics and advanced (also called engi￾neering or technical) ceramics (see Figure 1-1). Examples are bricks, household porcelain, high￾temperature furnace refractory materials, the insulating part of spark plugs, ferrite magnetic materials, BaTiO3 capacitor materials, etc. In this course we will focus on the processing of advanced ceramics. Advanced ceramics include ceramics for electrical, magnetic, optical, elec￾tronic and membrane (separation) applications (referred as to functional ceramics) and ceramics for structural applications (structural ceramics). However, it must be stated here that there is an analogy in processing of traditional and advanced ceramics. 1.1 The process – microstructure and homogeneity Up to about the first half of the 20th century most new products were seen as inventions rather than the planned outcome of research and development. Before the development of scientific insights of (ceramic) material processing, the properties of the product were often correlated with changes in a processing operation. The probability that adjustments, based on these empirical correlations, will produce significant advances is small, because the potential number of unsuccessful combinations of variables is always relatively large1 . The objectives of the science of ceramic processing are to identify (chemical and physical) charac￾teristics of the material system and understand the effects of processing variables on the evolution of these characteristics. These characteristics or microstructural parameters determine the proper￾ties of the material. The engineering properties of (polycrystalline) ceramics are determined (con￾trolled) by the microstructure which, in turn, depends on the process used for fabrication of the material. 1 “Principles of ceramic processing” ed. by James S. Reed, John Wiley & Sons (New York) 1995 Figure 1-1: Subdivision of ceramic materials in two main groups

Advanced Ceramies Processing Fabrication Product ant mic ostructura prope Process Properties on handnd ounraich prop eter on the rostructure Microstructure structure,crystallite size and aggregate or ag. glomerate morphology of thep vders.Sintered Figre:Relationships inmaterials Another important aspect within (inorganic)materials technology is the homogeneiry A good ho- otcer ad pores in the comp mogeneity ample of a dens (green)compac er sinte (A) (B) 2 Hm Fieure 1-3:S nd(B)the utes at)In th ed from one another by Fgure:Sca ture (compare Figure 1-3B with Figure 1-4B)

8 Advanced Ceramics Processing So, in materials process engineering one tries to find relations between (desired) materials proper￾ties and relevant microstructural parameters on one hand and to understand which process pa￾rameter changes a certain microstructural param￾eter on the other hand. Microstructure includes characteristics like chemical composition, crystal structure, crystallite size and aggregate or ag￾glomerate morphology of the powders. Sintered ceramics are a/o characterized by grain size, grain boundary morphology and (for porous ceramics) pore size and pore morphology. Another important aspect within (inorganic) materials technology is the homogeneity. A good ho￾mogeneity means a/o a narrow size distribution of both particles and pores in the compact. An ex￾ample of a dense homogeneous (green) compact of TiO2 powder and its microstructure after sinter￾ing are shown in Figure 1-3. For comparison the green compact of an agglomerated TiO2 powder and its final microstructure after sintering are shown in Figure 1-4. Figure 1-2: Relationships in materials processing Figure 1-3: Scanning electron microscope pictures of (A) a uniform compact of TiO2 powder and (B) the resulting mi￾crostructure of a sintered ceramic with density >99% of the theoretical density (sintered for 90 minutes at 1050ºC). In the sintered ceramic the individual grains, separated from one another by grain boundaries, are visible. Figure 1-4: Scanning electron micrographs of (A) a porous compact of agglomerated TiO2 and (B) the final microstruc￾ture of this compact after sintering for 90 minutes at 1000ºC. Here clearly the sintered compact has a porous microstruc￾ture (compare Figure 1-3B with Figure 1-4B)

I Introduction 1.2 Fabrication of bulk ceramics e Powder preparatior process divided into four subsequent steps: 2 mdLPmoia2gcenshapc, 3 sintering and Compaction processing of the whole process is important.Optimal properties Sintering way.Therefore, crty of the final material Post treatment ize and close to each other.This processing step transforms the into a green product with a specif- The formed compact should have sufficient strength for handling sintering this comnact by heat ing it to high temperatures gives the product its final strength,microstructure and property.In order Powder preparation fact paste-like suspensions of silicate-ba nd de pa tion pa eral-type raw materials were subjected to various refining steps such as particle and agglomerate dction.pniFor ceramics th highaded vaue the preparation reducti Some examples of synthetic ceramic powder preparation are: Recrvstallization processes such as the Baver process for the preparation of alumina powders what one might call from solution in a very controlled way in Solid-stare reactions in which the compound is prepared by reaction of two or more solid components. eparation by soli -state reaction may have been precede ed by a precipitation ed by a calcin step Methods involving vapour as reactants.A process where all reactive molecules are in the gas phase is Chemical Vapour Deposition(CVD).Reactio bonding (or reaction forming)is a gas and SiC(RBSC)

1 Introduction 9 1.2 Fabrication of bulk ceramics The production process for ceramic materials is sche￾matically given in Figure 1-5. The integral fabrication process is divided into four subsequent steps: 1. powder preparation, 2. compaction into a green shape, 3. sintering and 4. post treatment. Each step of this process has its specific influence on the microstructure and therefore control and knowledge of the whole process is important. Optimal properties require optimisation and control of each of these steps in a coherent way. Therefore, accurate attention should be paid to each processing step for obtaining (reproduc￾ibly) the desired, specific, property of the final material. The starting powder must have the desired chemical composition, particle size and morphology. Powder compacts are formed by bringing the powder particles close to each other. This processing step transforms the powder feed material into a green product with a specif￾ic size, shape, strength and microstructure. The formed compact should have sufficient strength for handling. Sintering this compact by heat￾ing it to high temperatures gives the product its final strength, microstructure and property. In order to obtain products that require close tolerances, post-treatments, like machining with more or less standard workshop tools, are carried out after the sintering step. Powder preparation In classical ceramics minerals, e.g. natural clays, are used as the raw material. These clays are in fact paste-like suspensions of silicate-based particles in water. With the development of ceramics and more specific, technical ceramics, in the past century requirements on composition, purity, par￾ticle morphology, size and degree of agglomeration increased enormously. Consequently the min￾eral-type raw materials were subjected to various refining steps such as particle and agglomerate reduction, purification and size classification. For ceramics with high added value the preparation of purely synthetic powders came into scope. Some examples of synthetic ceramic powder preparation are: • Recrystallization processes such as the Bayer process for the preparation of alumina powders • Precipitation is one of the wet chemical powder preparation methods. Here a precipitate is formed from a solution. A calcination process to form the final crystal phase often follows this process. • So-gel. With this technique particles are grown from a solution in a very controlled way in what one might call an “inorganic polymerisation process”. • Solid-state reactions in which the compound is prepared by reaction of two or more solid components. Preparation by solid-state reaction may have been preceded by a precipitation process in which for example hydroxides, nitrates, sulphates, acetates, citrates and carbonates are formed first and a final crystalline phase is formed by a calcinations (solid-state reaction) step. • Methods involving vapour as reactants. A process where all reactive molecules are in the gas phase is Chemical Vapour Deposition (CVD). Reaction bonding (or reaction forming) is a gas￾phase reaction were (porous) metal performs react with a gas (or sometimes a liquid) to pro￾duce chemical compounds like Reaction Bonded Aluminium Oxide (RBAO)2 , Si3N4 (RBSN)3 and SiC (RBSC) 2 N. Claussen, S. Wu and D. Holz, “Reaction bonding of aluminium oxide (RBAO) composites: processing, reaction mechanisms and properties”, J. Eur. Ceram. Soc., 14 (1994)97. Figure 1-5: Different processing steps in the fabrication of bulk ceramics

10 Advanced Ceramics Processing The wders and the degreeof ohcnpepaedbycoatioicdpecipiationtehniqutes primary goal of th om dry yet milling and for lab scale applications ultrasonic eagglomeration treatments.Also controlled granulation by.g spray drying is a method to improve powder morphology (see chapter 6). Compaction Processing Table 1-1 gives a survey of the main processing techniques for the consolidation of a mass of fine particles to a shaped article,often referred as a green body.As can be culants binders.ubricn s It m ust be m tioned that all these additives must be evaporated or burned-out from the compact prior to the pore- closure step in the sintering process. used to ide fluidity The e prevention of rs are a ough th to the th combnationith their purpose for that specific technique Table 1-1:Feed materials and shapes of the green compact for the common forming methods Forming method Feed material Shape ofgreen product dry or semi dry processing nigh vis Uniform c mectionmoulding Sintering Sintering is the crucial technological step for obtaining the final ceramic material with its desired properties.It can generally be defined as a high-temperature process of matter redistribution stimulat- nitride its for s".J.Mater.Sci. 1419791017 f con verting a liquid.A rsed st If the that simple compounds such as HNOcan have significant colaactivi

10 Advanced Ceramics Processing The purity and morphology of powders and the degree of agglomeration show a strong correlation with the method of preparation. For advanced, high quality ceramic components the powders are often prepared by controlled precipitation techniques. Powder preparation technology includes post-treatments to improve the particle morphology. The primary goal of these treatments is generally deagglomeration or deaggregation so that in the ideal case an assembly of “loose” primary particles is obtained with a narrow size distribution. Well-known examples of such treatments are wet attrition milling, vibration milling, dry yet milling and for lab scale applications ultrasonic deagglomeration treatments. Also controlled granulation by e.g. spray drying is a method to improve powder morphology (see chapter 6). Compaction Processing Table 1-1 gives a survey of the main processing techniques for the consolidation of a mass of fine particles to a shaped article, often referred as a green body. As can be seen from this table, the feed material for most of the processing techniques contains a mixture of powder and additives. Addi￾tives can be divided in solvents, deflocculants, binders, lubricants and plasticisers. It must be men￾tioned that all these additives must be evaporated or burned-out from the compact prior to the pore￾closure step in the sintering process. Solvents are used to wet the powder particles and to provide fluidity. The extent of dispersion is influenced by deflocculants, which affect the electrostatic interactions or steric hindrance between particles. The main objective of deflocculants is the de-agglomeration of powders into uniform par￾ticles and the prevention of flocculation4 . Binders are added to provide enough adhesive strength, to increase the viscosity of the suspension or the paste and, thereby, influence the rheology of the system. In addition, binders are used to provide strength to the green body. Plasticisers are mostly used in combination with a binder to soften the binder in the dry state, thereby increasing the flexi￾bility of the green compact. Lubricants are used in many compaction techniques to reduce the mu￾tual friction between the particles and the friction between the particles and the die. For each of the processing techniques, which are discussed in this course, the use of additives will be addressed in combination with their purpose for that specific technique. After this green forming step the product must have sufficient strength for further handling. The most common compaction technique for ceramics powders is the relative cheap pressing technique. Sintering Sintering is the crucial technological step for obtaining the final ceramic material with its desired properties. It can generally be defined as a high-temperature process of matter redistribution stimulat- 3 A.J. Moulsen, “Reaction-bonded silicon nitride: its formation and properties”, J. Mater. Sci., 14(1979)1017 4 The word deflocculant is derived from the process of converting a flocked system or a batch of powder into a system of well-dispersed particles. In the same way the word dispersant is used, derived from the process of dispersing powders in a liquid. A stabiliser is added to maintain a system in a well-dispersed state. If these agents are described in chemical terms one speaks of surfactants in case of small interface-active molecules while larger molecules are simply indicated as polymers. In addition it is well-known that simple ionic compounds such as HNO3 can have a significant colloidal activi￾ty too through surface charging effects. Table 1-1; Feed materials and shapes of the green compact for the common forming methods. Forming method Feed material Shape of green product dry or semi dry processing uniaxial pressing isostatic pressing powder or free-flowing granules powder or fragile granules Small simple shapes Larger, more complex shapes Suspension/colloidal processing slip casting, colloidal filtration tape casting suspension with low concentration of additives suspension with relatively high binder content Thin complex shapes Thin sheets Paste processing extrusion injection moulding high viscous mixture of powder and binder mixture of powder and thermoplastic binders Uniform cross section Small complex shapes

I Introduction 11 ed by the free energy,associated with the large free surface energy of fine particles in powder com De the interal free surtac as a rule,to densincanon an amount of liquid phase (liquid phase sintering)is p of technical (dvanced) ceramics △G=△G,+△G。=y,△4,+y△4 1.1 Where AG is the change in Gibbs energy of the compact.Y,and ys the surface energy,and AA vapour and the s important factor.Later in the pro ess smaller and accordingly the increase in AG must slow down to keep AG negative.This can be real- ised by grain growth thre not clerl sngushae nonly divided i Figure I-6)月 Initial stage:the powder particles grow to scther and e mt icle r well.Porosity is in the range of 0-60%A large influence of the particle size on the rate e:the rticles increases to85or%where pore channels nels,(D)closed pores and grain growth. (C)por break e pore Conse y type ch to closed,and grain growth ccurs stage,d crete pores are present,v h can only be removed by further grain growth 1.3 Phase diagrams in ceramics In materials science phase diagrams are important tools.a phase diggram is a graphic representa tion of the phases as present in equilibrium state of materials with a certain composition and as function In this par graph the zirconia-yttria(ZrO: nia-yttria systems s examples nt steps in the ramic fabrication proc At ambient pressure(undoped,pure)ZrO can occur in three crystallographic distinct polymorphs depending on temp erature.cub into the tetragonal(t)structure.Upon further heating a transformation to the cubic phase takes place at 2370C and this phase is stable up to the melting point of about 2680C.By addition of stabilising oxides like Mgo.Cao.YO and Ce O2 the cubic pha can be room tem perature.In Figure I 203 system

1 Introduction 11 ed by the free energy, associated with the large free surface energy of fine particles in powder com￾pacts. Decrease of the internal free surface during sintering leads, as a rule, to densification and strengthening of the compact. Generally no liquid phase (solid state sintering) or just a limited amount of liquid phase (liquid phase sintering) is present during sintering of technical (advanced) ceramics. So the driving force for sintering is the reduction of the interface energy. If no second phases are present equation (1.1) holds: ∆G = ∆Gs + ∆Gb = s∆As + b∆Ab γ γ (1.1) Where ∆G is the change in Gibbs energy of the compact, γs and γb the surface energy, and ∆As and ∆Ab the change in surface area of the solid￾vapour and the solid-solid (grain boundary) inter￾face, respectively. Sintering occurs if ∆G < 0. Early in the process the decrease in Gs is the most important factor. Later in the process ∆Gs is smaller and accordingly the increase in ∆Gb must slow down to keep ∆G negative. This can be real￾ised by grain growth. Solid state sintering is commonly divided into three, not clearly distinguishable, stages (see also Figure 1-6): • Initial stage; the powder particles grow to￾gether and necks are formed at the interfaces. Some particle rearrangement may occur as well. Porosity is in the range of 40-60%. A large influence of the particle size on the rate is observed. • Intermediate stage; the pores and particles form an intersecting network. The density increases to 85 or 90% where pore channels break up and form discrete pores. Conse￾quently, the porosity type changes from open to closed, and grain growth occurs. • Final stage; discrete pores are present, which can only be removed by further grain growth. 1.3 Phase diagrams in ceramics In materials science phase diagrams are important tools. A phase diagram is a graphic representa￾tion of the phases as present in equilibrium state of materials with a certain composition and as function of temperature. In this paragraph the zirconia-yttria (ZrO2 –Y2O3) system will be treated as an example. Also in other parts of this course zirconia-yttria systems will be used as examples for the different steps in the ceramic fabrication process. At ambient pressure (undoped, pure) ZrO2 can occur in three crystallographic distinct polymorphs, depending on temperature: cubic, tetragonal and monoclinic. At room temperature, pure zirconia has a monoclinic (m) structure that is stable up to about 1170ºC, at which temperature it transforms into the tetragonal (t) structure. Upon further heating a transformation to the cubic phase takes place at 2370ºC and this phase is stable up to the melting point of about 2680ºC. By addition of stabilising oxides like MgO, CaO, Y2O3 and CeO2 the cubic phase can be stabilised to room tem￾perature. In Figure 1-7 a phase diagram is given for the zirconia rich part of the ZrO2-Y2O3 system. Figure 1-6: Schematic representation of the microstruc￾ture development during the several stages of sintering: (A) “green” compact, (B) neck formation, (C) pore chan￾nels, (D) closed pores and grain growth
