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华南师范大学:《教学媒体理论与实践》课程教学资源(参考书籍)Achieving 21st Century Learning Environments

华南师范大学:《教学媒体理论与实践》课程教学资源(参考书籍)Achieving 21st Century Learning Environments

Achieving 21st Century Learning Environments Knowledge outcomes This chapter addresses ISTE NETS-T1.2.3.and 5. 3.Describe how to select technology and media that facilitate learning experiences. 4.Discuss the types of learing environments and you might encounter in PK-12 schools 5.List the advantages and limitations of integrating free and inexpensive materials into instruction. Understand how to select and use appropriate learning strategies,technology, media,and materials to achieve 21st century learning in different PK-12 environments

ASSURE Classroom Case Study The ASSURE Classroom Case Study for this chapter describes the instructiona strategies used by teachers Lindsay Kaiser and Jena Marshall,who co-teach a fifth-grade social studies ass at a school ina middle-income rural The students read at or above grade level and are experienced users of a variety of technology applications.Each student is equipped with a laptop with high- .The teachers are challenged by the students'lack of interest in U.S.history and try to address this concern by engaging students in a variety of activities about the Lewis and Clark expedition.A key activity includes designing a boat that could have been used by Lewis and Clark The lessor begins with student pairs completing an interactive Lewis and Clark WebQuest to earn about the expedition and variousboat issues"they faced.To assist with the boat design,students conduct Internet searches to expand on information learne from the WebQuest.Students create an advertisement to sell their boat and write a letter to the president of a boat manufacturing company toseek interes in reproducing the Lewis and Clark boat.The students with the best design will receive an award. To view the ASSURE Classroom Case Study Video for this chapter,go to the MyEducationKit for your text and click on the ASSURE Video under Chapter 4to explore howMs.Kaisernd Ms.Marshall use strategies,technology media,and materials to achieve 21st century learning environments. Throughout the chapter you will find refiection questions to relate the chapter content to the ASSURE Classroom Case Study At theend of the chapter you myeducationkit will be challenged to develop your own ASSURE lesson that incorporates use of these strategies,technology media,and materials,for a topic and grade level o your choice

INTRODUCTION n this chapter we explo Next we examine 10 commonly used nsofeachandoicringcagtcn antages and lim Integration exts-fa elowingthatisanintroductioniofmelearni eaing Context ntormalThefinalsecionpoidTtcddg ndent,an Face-toac ndlinmaioaemicrtalsintoinstrucion,their tudy them.As you luating 21st century careers. better prepare students for Figure 4.1 21st Century Learning Environment Components 21ST CENTURY LEARNING ENVIRONMENTS CchenuaionWMhasdferentsheocCScr0nenig strategy. The explosonofinmatio TEACHER-CENTERED STRATEGIES he standing of the world around them.s seenin. which every leterof tea oach an process,helps you plan how to he Stated thestad tration of and materials to sunport of the s ves,and sele sandards and objectives stated in theASSURE model. h s.t is during the Utilizese spec in very pu waege.TEapeee When to Use Teach ntered strategies include TEACHER-AND STUDENT- gies engage stud to ensure that -practice,and tuto CENTERED STRATEGIES gher-order thinking tive use of technology and e,a teacher This section provides information about andex the behavio s of ir gital mic ard to haves aety of se whole-clase ed ave ientist Sud I interview with a leadin eorioco can use "click to answer teacher ques erse Leamners 86

⑦⑧to Teacher-Centered Strategies Instructional Situation Potential Technology/Media Demonstration Teher shows a YouTube vide about how tosaey handle the Drill-and-Practice The teacher has determi Tutorials online tutorials that indude practice and week topics for which students need re ECHNOLOGY f o r Div er se L e ar ne r s English Language Learners () s seven strategies for epor and group work When Eng the new technology terms based onndMdal7nees se props an s for subiect area hvisuals of e computer ing on t rskills that may be c ce for their needs man

leamn about specific instru ea STUDENT-CENTERED STRATEGIES ing&Pollock create a model, rative group (see Whe ies).Example RE model.With student-cen iouesutntCm0iediseusionCmgoing.Atoug acilitating the arrangements that put lctoraheccniecofleamig ①月gOto①Student.Centered Strategies Instructional Situation Strategy Potential Technology/Media Discussion Teacher posts question toonine discussion board. eadhemwtquesog Teache projects PowerPoint slide showing the discussion Cooperative Learning king.etc. ning. r Games on topcs related to The teacher that the Simulations ao9 in an activity with The teacher wants students Discovery mdgneWcgnalconceptmapstodiscoverrelatiornships understanding. dents Problem Solving Achieving 21s Century Leaming

ASSURE Case Study Reflection ntatio ough myeducationkit Note-taking diff the ASSURE have diff ded in the were the tea noeemtat ent age at ways did Ms (serand Ms Mar INTEGRATION There are a number of technology and media res PRESENTATION that can enhance your presentation of in n a presentation,a source tells,dramatizes, from student comments. es area ations can be highly interactiw earners a a who r in small group podcastofanauthorrcadghepoetnyoraconSi board.How ADVANTAGES .Present once.You only have to present the information es can ser e as quality sources for the most curren mation ntations.Students can present informatior they have aed to the whole group LIMITATIONS Difficult for some studen s to Dntent vor Smith/Alam Achieving 21st Century Learning Environments

ltaneously guide ary be low copyright guidelines when and your students re ne monstration allows the ts when responsesogetoesytnmmetiatelydsplhayingstudg ls and small three-d LIMITATIONS atching eicenceunlesstheyarCd owing along age of expandi ngonricd,andtestrae ,thus poss students in v e and p of the experience.A tec sing to to project the demonstratio higher levels of meaningful leaming. ng a d Notall students may be to io DEMONSTRATION In a dem n of a skill o INTEGRATION e to be leamed.Demonstrationscan be used with nce aspects of the dem stration or used by such as the proces en onstration the tapes can be vie or M Maker.Creating videos is pa to imitate a physical performa wind gauge,c toacopth ewec的inem心 working in c sp such as wind.temperatur hc p es the point is simply to illus ate ho w something works,such as the ene os often take e fo ns,with the experienced stu Iin mathematics and are projec nt showing another stude h mall-group viewin questions to be asked and integrating demonstra wto divide integers,or how to test ADVANTAGES gioronlinevideos,opl examples emerge ngsome guidelines. in and rememberto Achieving 21st Century Leaming

DRILL-AND- PRACTICE TheMagic School Bus ndhilandpraclice keo y9证 luency in content know d lanouace arts Use of this strategy as- umes that e the ADVANTAGES a 。Con instudents to review the materi TeMagic5cholBuproicanCe4rchaedig.ndspacg Practi is buil into the small chunks of informa Digit. versions of drill ath asterand Reader Rabbit.and LIMITATIONS eonline programs,like the Mag ·Repetitive.Not all students respond well to ther petitive nature s with vears of proven effectivenes er that offer a to working onth word cards.and worksheets in Potentially spelling,mathematics,and language instruction solution is to review the content and only assign mate udent is makine repeated tinued use of drill-and-practice TUTORIAL eaers working with an agent-nth orm o orspecia INTEGRATION problems req ts the learner'sr analyzes th Many computer applications offer njoying on anke exper ence.Otherdril-and. evel of competency.Students often work independently or Achieving 21st Century Learning Environments 91

through p dificrencebet apatient and s Succes htwaralniotcsiaanudhmandpacog hased instruction hes new material,whereas on procedure,entering a (eg nd-practice focuseso 0 in another typeof. ent previously taught specific name nd pass egin a new tut ewiouslysatednes5ioyofconf ADVANTAGES nsive,they are typically .Independent work.Stude about thei school setting is an excell ril formats,including com pace,repeat ers hav a wide nand print that you can ore moving checkout touse with students. ematerial. ed tutorials respond to DISCUSSION LIMITATIONS As a stratepy.discussion involves the exchange of ideas and amongstudents or among students and the teacher. Potentially boring.The re ne during instruct in sm they do or year whe cher's guid- oriasdprovidesorhn topicortodelhremoredeeplyiniofontrodluceane d discussions by introducing questions to discussion topics to stu INTEGRATION ent groups.Be sure ing "What if use higher-levelau peer-urin ents the opportunit ."statements to give in ul for students who have difficulty working generate respo s or who need extra assistance a As a teacher provi ADVANTAGES al or small gro ot studen npresenteda-urnv for the have clear instruc ic and dy know very popular in PK-12 classro ns due to the immediate. sive.Providesop n only a few answerine tudents to speak questions Achieving 21st Century Leaing Environments 92

LIMITATIONS Botential for limited pa ond w out teacher direc INTEGRATION pop COOPERATIVE LEARNING ouping strategy in which student ther's le Research haslong For example, sa9890n8cheaeasihee2 ned problem ng groups: Me ers who view their role as part of a whole tea ter ntability ou can create formal co rouns designed to ng out nember of the group 1 pe-baediscethe Steve Nesus/A the group benetit from the interactions. Achieving 21st Century Learning Envronments
