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华南师范大学:《教学媒体理论与实践》课程教学资源(参考书籍)Integrating Technology and Media into Instruction The ASSURE Model

华南师范大学:《教学媒体理论与实践》课程教学资源(参考书籍)Integrating Technology and Media into Instruction The ASSURE Model

Integrating Technology and Media into Instruction:The ASSURE Model Knowledge outcomes This chapter addresses ISTE NETS-T2,4.and 2.Discuss the rationale and purposes of learning objectives. de the audience, choice is appropriate. ic steps in utilizing 6.Describe and justify methods for elici during the instruction. ent,,strategies,and Use the ASSURE model to systematically plan lessons that effectively integrate classroom use of technology and media

ASSURE Claseroom Case Scudy The ASSURE model is designed to help teachers plan that effectively integrate classroom use of technology and media.To lustrate howtouse the six steps of the ASSURE model,we provide a classroom case study of each step after it is described.These steps taken together constitute asampleASSURE esplan that describes the instructionplanfactalamteachers This ASSURE classroom case study describes the instructional planning used by Tiare Ahu,a high school English teacher who wants to increase student leaming and skills through the use,ofe referred to as e-portfolios.Tiare feels that her ninth-grade studentsoften lack interest in improving their writing and oral communication skills Her students typically complete each class assignment without reflecting on past learning experiences-thus inhibiting their ability togrow and improve.Shefirst addresse he by having students create paper-based portfolios of theirriting. However,it proves difficult for students to revise and improve an existing paper and o add reflective commens without detracting from the original documents.Her solution is to use e-portfolios that allow students toeasily update,modify and add vide their assignments.Throughout the chapter you can follow Tiare's use of the ASSURE that integrates the use of To view the ASSURE Classroom Case Study Video for this the MyEducationKit for your text and click on the ASSURE Video under Chapter 3to view the video of Ms.Ahu's ninth-grade English myeducationkit

NTRODUCTION Reviews ords to ants and b ral patler mities to go bey olyinmytofocs This which uses rion and w ep-bytepp lessons that effectively le,mkcd-eendenhibitstdentlear e mid sents.When s ning.Le heNig ultural identity yin Educa and va s.For 20o81nddcns152007hc ler referr e this background understand s fro ted with your obs tions of stu to es lesson plan template lress THE ASSURE MODEL SPECIFIC ENTRY COMPETENCIES All effective instructio nrequires careful planning.Teach plogical trait (Did ing with is certainly ion.This c ogy and me a critical component of de logy an We can do this informally (such as in-class questionine ore formal means (such as revi ing standardize nstructio nand leaming have that c or example,if you are going to te k,asse ANALYZE LEARNERS The ASSURE modelp or analyzing learn loredtometCsl nation ner analys tics.specific entr GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS sting ntegrating Technology and 52 ion:The ASSURE Model

A Model to Help ASSURE Learning nalyze Learners Tnetpnmaes5cnoe petencesg c).and tate Standards and Objectives elect Strategies,Technoogy Media,and Materials tiliz Technology.Media,and Materials equire Learner Participation llow them to practice th and to re valuate and Revise After implementing a lesson,evaluate its impact on student lear ng.This a Integrating Technology and Medianto Instruction:The ASSURE Model

Analyze Learners 买愿ASSURE Classroom Casn Study General Characteristics Learning Styles Tiare has found that hers and media.Uei ties that in motivati ized work a g.n ate to tudents vary ferred forms of expre ughts as aoture ther has also discovered that m g whe hcy9howsckofnere es are te nts have difficulty working in aco papr-and-pencinte Entry Competencies The are able to do the following: Create and save word-processed documents and verbal commun e gra STATE STANDARDS son Ani AND OBJECTIVES The second step in theASSURE model is to state thes and objectivesfor the les on what new capab earing obi ers posses ogy riptions of ex ted student ne um and tec LEARNING STYLES dards provide ge ct,are very specific.I onds emotionally to le g enviro nts: to note that a learning what ead leamer will achieve,not how theesson will be taught d stre The information you learn from analyzing the general IMPORTANCE OF STANDARDS y compe and eaing AND OBJECTIV essas you design your ASSURE so (se the ASSURE Basis for,Technology,and Media sc case study for an example of the process) statements of what s Inte ating Tec and Media into Ins ruction:The ASSURE Model

PK-4 ar mples National Technology Standards ent storyt claed dards the p wi道 2:The o the for ing t 2.Com nd Co oration asts the ork co or region. those from 100 years ibute to 6.Tec NETS-S (see www.cnets adigital nd Ion ng. vative products and and Col ation ept o at a distan ice ofr art that g of ho w the art rs and historical o the r iques,and periods,cultures,and countries.(1.2) I Center for conclusion of the lesson,you are leamning.Explicitly stated student outcom guide the rable to ct strategies,technology,and me. rate ass Integrting Technology and Medi into nstruction:The ASSURE Model 55

Tlvcthssltlsantsenblcrdeicsadhtkfm ooyinhsmn The ABCDs of well-stated obiectives provide an epocsfcrwritingleamingobjeciceg sao ends over time den will be targeted to students by name. aecnfaleienemtafaelsBndcbocihet Table 3.2 The Helpful Hundred Suggested Performance Terms Labe Explain Match 学 Square Technology and Media:The

aitenpag人hhtoathem ABCD OBJECTIVES CHECKLIST ABCD Objectives Checklist Audience Specifies the leamer(s)for whom the objective is intended Behavior (action verb) edoftheleanrfolomwinginstuction ◇ 0 Conditions (materials and/or environment) nder which the ◇ Degree (criterion) ◇ Integraing Technologyand Media into Insrio:The ASSURE Model 57

You will find that learning objectives appearing in cur riculum standards,textbooks,online lessons,and other instructional materials are written in a general format that often lacks one or more of the ABCD components.Teach- ers can modify such objectives to meet the specific learn- ing needs of their students.For example a district standard may state:"The leamer will be able to divide fractions.f you have students who struggle with math,you could adapt the objective by adding the following condition:"Given manipulatives,the learner will be able to divide fractions." The same objective for more advanced students would not include manipulatives. Many curriculum standards also lack the use of technol- ogy to assist students in achieving the learning objective. Therefore,you will need to modify standards to add the ap- propriate NETS for students (NETS-S)(ISTE,2007)by includ- ing technology in the Condition component of the objective, as in the following examples: Given spreadsheet software and data on population growth,natural resources,and global warming,sixth- grade science students will use a spreadsheet to esti- mate the impact of population growth on natural re- sources from at least three perspectives. .Given clip art and PowerPoint software,first-grade stu- dents will construct a four-slide presentation with one student-selected clip art image per slide to demonstrate four student moods:happy,sad,angry,and bored. Given access to word processing software and web- based resources on American wars,American history high school students will generate a word-processed When teaching learners who have disabilities. table that shows 25 similarities of and differences be- there may be as many different standards for each objective as there are individuals. tween World War I and World War ll. Elizabeth Crews Given a list of randomly grouped words and Inspira- tion software,seventh-grade language arts students will create a concept map that arranges the words into six parts-of-speech groups. might be realistic.For a student with physical disabilities might be a major victory to move 10 meters in 1 minute. Learning objectives are not intended to limit whats LEARNING OBJECTIVES AND dents,but rater are intended to providemin INDIVIDUAL DIFFERENCES ve ofcvtSerendipitousr It is important to adapt learning objectives to the abilities of learning should be expected to occurand should be individual learners.The stated philosophy of most schools )because ring takesfern o is to help students achieve their full potential.In a physical restudensCladiscussiohndsf education class with students of mixed ability,for instance, invoementintheinstructionalsituation,therefore,oal the midsemester goal might be for all students to complete rybeigiyimt oiiv a run of 100 meters,with time standards that vary to show fosterincidenaleamingandprovidelorindinidialt similarity of achievement.For a few,12 seconds might be issometimessb haveste attainable;for many others,16 seconds;and for some,20 sgormeotherovnleamingobjecive.lSeeasetofsantad and learning objectives in the ASSURE case study.) 58 Integrating Technology and Media into Instruction:The ASSURE Model 星

tate Standards and Objectives ASSURE Classroont Cnse Sttidy Standards "What do I hope to accomplish in these areas next Curriculum-National Council of Teachers of English year when I am a sophomore?" Standard 4:Students adjust their use of spoken,writ- 2.Using DreamWeaver software,the ninth-grade English ten,and visual language (e.g..conventions,style,vo student will create a new page titled"Final Year Re- cabulary)to communicate effectively with a variety of flections"that meets the formatting criteria for being audiences and for different purposes. included in the electronic portfolio Reflections folder. Technology-National Educational Technology Stan- 3.Using files of previously completed work.the ninth- dards for Students 3 (Technology Productivity Tools): grade student will be able to add the written reflection students use technology tools to enhance or upload a video reflection in an accessible format to the "Final Year Reflections"page in the electronic port- crease productivity,and promote creativity.Reprinted folio folder. with permission from National Educational Technology Standards for Students 2007,ISTE (International Society for Technology in Tiare Ahu discusses the curriculum and technology stan- Education, rights reserved. dards and objectives for the ninth-grade English lesson that was videotaped for Chapter 3.Visit the Chapter 3 section of Objectives for Lesson MyEducationKit to view the video of Ms.Ahu's ninth-grade 1.Given the following questions,the ninth-grade English English class. student will demonstrate the ability to express reflec- Standards for the English Language Arts,by the International Reading tive thinking by answering the following questions in Association and the National Council of Teachers of English,Copyright a written or video reflection that meets the"Final Year 1996 by the International Reading Assiciation and the National Coun Reflections"criteria listed on the assignment sheet. cil of Teachers of English.Reprinted with standards "What did I learn about myself.reading.writing. learning.and overall during the past year?" SELECT STRATEGIES, an Internet search,taking digital photos of a process,or lis- tening to podcasts on a current topic.Most lessons include several teacher and student strategies. TECHNOLOGY,MEDIA. Wagner(2008)suggests ways to align strategies that in- volve student use of cyberlearning tools with NETS-S and AND MATERIALS 21st century knowledge and skills-for example,engaging The next step in creating effective lessons that support learn- students in accessing and analyzing information through criti- ing through the appropriate use of technology and media is cal thinking and problem solving,collaborating and commu- the systematic selection of instructional strategies,technol- nicating with others within and beyond the classroom,and ogy and media,and lesson materials.The following guide- learning to be adaptable as well as creative and imaginative lines discuss the selection process. The primary consideration when selecting instructional strategies is that they result in student achievement of the SELECTING STRATEGIES standards and objectives.Also,keep students'learning styles and motivation in mind as you select strategies to better en- When identifying instructional strategies for a lesson,first sure meeting the diverse needs of students.Review the ARCS consider where teacher-centered approaches should be used model to see if your strategies will gain student Attention, and where student-centered strategies might be better.The be Relevant to their needs,require an appropriate level of teacher strategies involve your own teaching activities,as accomplishment to build their Confidence,and provide Sat- when you present a concept by showing a video or read- isfaction for what they learn. ing a story or when you use the interactive whiteboard to demonstrate how to conjugate a verb.The student-centered SELECTING TECHNOLOGY AND MEDIA strategies are those that engage students in active learning. such as discussing the pros and cons of a topic,conducting Selecting appropriate technology and media can be a com plex task-considering the vast array of available resources, Integrating Technology and Media into Instruction:The ASSURE Model 59
