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华南师范大学:《教学媒体理论与实践》课程教学资源(文献资料)21st Century Learning Environments

华南师范大学:《教学媒体理论与实践》课程教学资源(文献资料)21st Century Learning Environments

PARTNERSHIP FOR 21ST CENTURY SKILLS 21st Century Learning Environments 1

1 21st Century Learning Environments


2 TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION..................................................................................................................3 STRUCTURES FOR LEARNING......................................................................................6 TIME FOR LEARNING .....................................................................................................13 TOOLS FOR LEARNING..................................................................................................15 COMMUNITIES FOR LEARNING.................................................................................21 POLICY IN SUPPORT OF LEARNING........................................................................26

PARTNERSHIP FOR 21ST CENTURY SKILLS 21st CENTURY LEARNING ENVIRONMENTS INTRODUCTION This white paper has been created to provide an overview of research and e expert pin ion on 21st century lea vironments four support systems in the Partnership's Century s Framework.Its purpose is to offer a descriptive view of the places, tools,people,and policies that make up 21st century learning environments and,we hope,inspire its readers to work towards their To further guide schools and communities in designing weth of information on this and otherFram 21 ng envi the Partne ip's Resource 1 elements at What is a 21st century learning environment? The term"learning environment"suggests place and space a school, a classroom,a library.And indeed,much 21st century learning takes place in physical locations like these.But in today's interconnected and technology-driven world,a learning environment can be virtual,online, remote;in other better way to wodoesn't have to be a place at all Perhaps a o think cen ry learr ents as the support systems that organize the condition in which humans learn best-systems that accommodate the unique learning needs of every learner and support the positive human relationships needed for effective learnina.learnina environments are the and communities that inspire students and educators to attain the knowledge and skills the 21st century demands of us all. Experts say 21st century learning must take place in contexts that "promote interaction and a sense of community [that]enable formal and informal learning."Thus,this paper will address the relationship of physical spaces and techn ological systems to learning,but more importantly,it will also consid r how those resources support t positive human relationships that matter most to learning.And while technology,space,time,culture,and policy will be discussed separately,it is important to remember that their power is cumulative

3 21st CENTURY LEARNING ENVIRONMENTS INTRODUCTION This white paper has been created to provide an overview of research and expert opinion on 21st century learning environments, one of the four support systems in the Partnership‟s 21st Century Skills Framework. Its purpose is to offer a descriptive view of the places, tools, people, and policies that make up 21st century learning environments and, we hope, inspire its readers to work towards their realization. To further guide schools and communities in designing dynamic 21st learning environments, the Partnership‟s Resource 21 site provides a wealth of information on this and other Framework elements at What is a 21st century learning environment? The term “learning environment” suggests place and space – a school, a classroom, a library. And indeed, much 21st century learning takes place in physical locations like these. But in today‟s interconnected and technology-driven world, a learning environment can be virtual, online, remote; in other words, it doesn‟t have to be a place at all. Perhaps a better way to think of 21st century learning environments is as the support systems that organize the condition in which humans learn best – systems that accommodate the unique learning needs of every learner and support the positive human relationships needed for effective learning. Learning environments are the structures, tools, and communities that inspire students and educators to attain the knowledge and skills the 21st century demands of us all. Experts say 21st century learning must take place in contexts that “promote interaction and a sense of community [that] enable formal and informal learning.”i Thus, this paper will address the relationship of physical spaces and technological systems to learning, but more importantly, it will also consider how those resources support the positive human relationships that matter most to learning. And while technology, space, time, culture, and policy will be discussed separately, it is important to remember that their power is cumulative

PARTNERSHIP FOR 21ST CENTURY SKILLS Real learnin g effectiveness occurs when these systems are artfully integrated into a seamless whole in which each system reinforces the others. It is worth emphasizing,too,that these support systems are valuable not as ends,but as means to a greater goal-to helping children grow emotionally,socially,physically,and academically.Academic achievement,as research the Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development(ASCD)shows,is inextricably intertwined with social,emotional,and physical health.Thus,21st century learning environments address the multiple and interconnected learnina needs of the whole child. Whole environments for the whole child The age-old connection between strong minds and strong bodies has always made good sense,but we now have the educational research to back it up.If we want our children to have sound and agile minds,we nee to them sound nd agile b To edu the whole child,though,schools must devote themselves to more than the mind-body connection alone.They must attend to the emotional and social learning needs of children,as well as to more traditional objectives of academic achievement and physical education. While the ots of the whole child movement date back to the child centered philosophies of John Dewey,current educational research and a new broader conception of student achievement add even greater significance and urgency to its appeal.The ASCD,a Partnership for 21st Century Skills member,has joined with over 30 leading education, health,arts,and civic organizations to establish the Whole Child initiative which encourages sch and co work to ether to create learning environments that enabl e children to be healthy, safe,engaged,supported,and challenged. The Partnership's 215t Century Skills Framework reflects the same spirit as the Whole Child goals.The Framework outlines the multiple student o tha dern life em as well as the s systems that will enable the realization of these outcomes.At first glance,a 21st century learning environment may appear to be one of several support systems in the Framework,but in fact,it is itself an integrated system of multiple supports.Thus,the Partnership views a

4 Real learning effectiveness occurs when these systems are artfully integrated into a seamless whole in which each system reinforces the others. It is worth emphasizing, too, that these support systems are valuable not as ends, but as means to a greater goal – to helping children grow emotionally, socially, physically, and academically. Academic achievement, as research from the Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development (ASCD) shows, is inextricably intertwined with social, emotional, and physical health.ii Thus, 21st century learning environments address the multiple and interconnected learning needs of the whole child. Whole environments for the whole child The age-old connection between strong minds and strong bodies has always made good sense, but we now have the educational research to back it up. If we want our children to have sound and agile minds, we need to help them achieve sound and agile bodies. To educate the whole child, though, schools must devote themselves to more than the mind-body connection alone. They must attend to the emotional and social learning needs of children, as well as to more traditional objectives of academic achievement and physical education. While the roots of the whole child movement date back to the child￾centered philosophies of John Dewey, current educational research and a new broader conception of student achievement add even greater significance and urgency to its appeal. The ASCD, a Partnership for 21st Century Skills member, has joined with over 30 leading education, health, arts, and civic organizations to establish the Whole Child initiative which encourages schools and communities to work together to create learning environments that enable children to be healthy, safe, engaged, supported, and challenged.iii The Partnership‟s 21st Century Skills Framework reflects the same spirit as the Whole Child goals. The Framework outlines the multiple student outcomes that modern life demands, as well as the support systems that will enable the realization of these outcomes. At first glance, a 21st century learning environment may appear to be one of several support systems in the Framework, but in fact, it is itself an integrated system of multiple supports. Thus, the Partnership views a

PARTNERSHIP FOR 21ST CENTURY SKILLS 21st century learning environment as an aligned and synergistic system of systems that: Creates learning practices,human support and physical environments that will support the teaching and learning of 21s century skill outcomes Supports professional learning communities that enable educators to collaborate,share best practices,and integrate 21st century skills into classroom practice student s to learn in re evant,real world 21st century contexts(e.g.,through project-based or other applied work) Allows equitable access to quality learning tools,technologies, and resources Provides 21st century architectural and interior designs for group am, and individual learning Supports expar community and international involvement in learning,both face-to-face and online Such an environment fosters learning tailored to the needs and wants g occurs anytim when and where the learr ner desi e in a ext of relevance,"just in time,"rather thar "just in case. And such learning offers "just what I need"-that is,the opportunity to acquire knowledge and skills through learning strategies that are personalized and adapted to the learner's own learning styles and preferences.To guide policymakers,educational authorities,and school leaders,the Partnership has prepared this wh paper to the vibrant mumaha oryim ological and century learning all children deserve. 5

5 21st century learning environment as an aligned and synergistic system of systems that:  Creates learning practices, human support and physical environments that will support the teaching and learning of 21st century skill outcomes  Supports professional learning communities that enable educators to collaborate, share best practices, and integrate 21st century skills into classroom practice  Enables students to learn in relevant, real world 21st century contexts (e.g., through project-based or other applied work)  Allows equitable access to quality learning tools, technologies, and resources  Provides 21st century architectural and interior designs for group, team, and individual learning.  Supports expanded community and international involvement in learning, both face-to-face and online Such an environment fosters learning tailored to the needs and wants of the individual. This sort of learning occurs anytime and anyplace, when and where the learner desires. It takes place in a context of relevance, “just in time,” rather than “just in case.” And such learning offers “just what I need” – that is, the opportunity to acquire knowledge and skills through learning strategies that are personalized and adapted to the learner‟s own learning styles and preferences. To guide policymakers, educational authorities, and school leaders, the Partnership has prepared this white paper to promote the vibrant educational environments – physical and online, technological and human – that support the 21st century learning all children deserve

PARTNERSHIP FOR 21ST CENTURY SKILLS STRUCTURES FOR LEARNING What physical and temporal structures best support the teaching and learning of 21st century skills? Smart,Agile Schools School design is a critical issue in most school districts these days. According to the American Architectural Foundation,"Each day across the United States,more than 59 million students,teachers,and education employees spend considerable time in our nation's 120,000 school buildi as.Unfortunately,too many of these schools are aging crowded,and in need of repair Further,the AAF obser ves, with school enrollments growing "at record levels through 2013,and spending on school construction,renovation,and maintenance expected to total nearly $30 billion annually,the need to transform our schools has never been more urgent. Facing similar demands a century ago,school districts in the U.S.built thousands of schools that intentionally mimicked the industrial forms that had so sweepingly transformed the workplace.As historians Tyack and Cuban point out,this factory approach to schooling has been remarkably durable over time:children enter school at the same age are sorted into age-based grade levels, exposed to standardized curricula and textbooks,assessed at fixed points,and expected to progress at the same rate as their peers.Even today,many school buildings can be hard to tell apart from the factories they were built to resemble. of course,many schools have advanced well beyond this outdated colottul and tore nin thar ther mode century counterparts Students may no longer sit in rows of chairs bolted to the floor. Student work may be on displav.Technoloay may be present.perhaps in the form of a whiteboard at the front of the room or a few computers in the back.In some schools,there may even be e a laptop for every student. But such classrooms are just the beginning.Much more needs to be in place for 21st century learning to truly thrive.But with tight budgets and worries over the economy,some may ask whether school design 6

6 STRUCTURES FOR LEARNING What physical and temporal structures best support the teaching and learning of 21st century skills? Smart, Agile Schools School design is a critical issue in most school districts these days. According to the American Architectural Foundation, “Each day across the United States, more than 59 million students, teachers, and education employees spend considerable time in our nation‟s 120,000 school buildings. Unfortunately, too many of these schools are aging, crowded, and in need of repair.”iv Further, the AAF observes, “…with school enrollments growing “at record levels through 2013, and spending on school construction, renovation, and maintenance expected to total nearly $30 billion annually, the need to transform our schools has never been more urgent.”v Facing similar demands a century ago, school districts in the U.S. built thousands of schools that intentionally mimicked the industrial forms that had so sweepingly transformed the workplace. As historians Tyack and Cuban point out, this factory approach to schoolingvi has been remarkably durable over time: children enter school at the same age, are sorted into age-based grade levels, exposed to standardized curricula and textbooks, assessed at fixed points, and expected to progress at the same rate as their peers. Even today, many school buildings can be hard to tell apart from the factories they were built to resemble. Of course, many schools have advanced well beyond this outdated model. Most classrooms today are undeniably more flexible, more colorful, and more engaging than their 20th century counterparts. Students may no longer sit in rows of chairs bolted to the floor. Student work may be on display. Technology may be present, perhaps in the form of a whiteboard at the front of the room or a few computers in the back. In some schools, there may even be a laptop for every student. But such classrooms are just the beginning. Much more needs to be in place for 21st century learning to truly thrive. But with tight budgets and worries over the economy, some may ask whether school design

PARTNERSHIP FOR 21ST CENTURY SKILLS really makes a difference.While the building alone does not make a 21t centur common that the where we learn affect the quality of how we learn Georgetown University researchers,for instance,have found that improving a school's physical environment can increase test scores by up to The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) "accommo odate both the wn and identifiable nee and the uncertain demands of the future.They should provide an environment that will support and enhance the learning process, encourage innovation,foster positive human relationships--in short,be 'a tool for learning."So what does such an environment look like? For one thing,21st century learning spaces will not all look alike.The industrial era's cookie-cutter approach to school design does not map well to today's multifaceted educational needs.Instead,schools and other places of learning must to reflect our understanding of how aper.for al Elizabeth ay's stude te ed to be ed to become creative problem solvers and intellectual risk takers so that they are prepared for the world of the 21st century.School design will either inhibit or support and enhance such a robust education program."ix And while every school will reflect the unique needs of its community there are sound design principles to guide the c environmen hat promote kind of century students will thrive. Designs for Learning Perhaps the most fundamental auideline is desian for flexibility. Since no one can predict how educational technologies and teaching olve lea spaces must adapt to whateve ve this flexibility,architects are designing classrooms,or "learning studios,"with moveable furniture and walls that can easily be reconfigured for different class sizes and subjects.*The school building itself should inspire intellectual curiosity and promote social interactions.DesignShare,an organization devoted to sharir ing best t practices and i innovation ols, sponso ors a an annual awards program to recognize outstanding school design across the world. 7

7 really makes a difference. While the building alone does not make a 21st century school, common sense suggests that the qualities of where we learn affect the quality of how we learn. Georgetown University researchers, for instance, have found that improving a school‟s physical environment can increase test scores by up to 11%.vii The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) has considered learning needs around the globe in recommending that schools “accommodate both the known and identifiable needs of today, and the uncertain demands of the future. They should provide an environment that will support and enhance the learning process, encourage innovation, foster positive human relationships--in short, be „a tool for learning.‟” viii So what does such an environment look like? For one thing, 21st century learning spaces will not all look alike. The industrial era‟s cookie-cutter approach to school design does not map well to today‟s multifaceted educational needs. Instead, schools and other places of learning must to reflect our understanding of how people learn. In a recent AAF white paper, former principal Elizabeth Lodal notes that today‟s students “…need to be inspired to become creative problem solvers and intellectual risk takers so that they are prepared for the world of the 21st century. School design will either inhibit or support and enhance such a robust education program.”ix And while every school will reflect the unique needs of its community, there are sound design principles to guide the creation of learning environments that truly promote kind of education on which 21st century students will thrive. Designs for Learning Perhaps the most fundamental guideline is “design for flexibility.” Since no one can predict how educational technologies and teaching modalities will evolve, learning spaces must adapt to whatever changes the future may hold. To achieve this flexibility, architects are designing classrooms, or “learning studios,” with moveable furniture and walls that can easily be reconfigured for different class sizes and subjects.x The school building itself should inspire intellectual curiosity and promote social interactions. DesignShare, an organization devoted to sharing best practices and innovation in schools,xi sponsors an annual awards program to recognize outstanding school design across the world

PARTNERSHIP FOR 21ST CENTURY SKILLS The three DesignShare 2007 winners all look and feel very different,as one wo ld expect given their very different stude nt bodies and instructional missions.A nursery school in Japan features a huge indoor activity space that emphasizes unstructured play.An alternative learning center in Alaska,created from an old movie theatre, incorporates elements of that state's unique cultural heritage and focuses n self-directed learning.A Denver charter school,aimed at increasing the participation of low income a and female students in technology,integrates high tech design with "soft touch"furniture and moveable walls that promote the sensory experience of learning. Inherent in these and other 21st century designs is the notion of buildings that fle: accommodate the huma relat that are critical to successful learning.As a leading school architect has noted, schools must "create an environment where the kids know each other and know their instructors,not just academically but as people. School designs that convey friendliness,openness,and accessibility and reduce the tensions that can ntivenes ting up,an nd bu lying. What goes s goes for adults,too.Educators need tools and spaces that enable collaborative planning and information sharing. Fig.1:A 21st century classroom design 8

8 The three DesignShare 2007 winners all look and feel very different, as one would expect given their very different student bodies and instructional missions. A nursery school in Japan features a huge indoor activity space that emphasizes unstructured play. An alternative learning center in Alaska, created from an old movie theatre, incorporates elements of that state‟s unique cultural heritage and focuses on self-directed learning. A Denver charter school, aimed at increasing the participation of low income and female students in technology, integrates high tech design with “soft touch” furniture and moveable walls that promote the sensory experience of learning. Inherent in these and other 21st century designs is the notion of buildings that flex to accommodate the human relationships that are critical to successful learning. As a leading school architect has noted, schools must “create an environment where the kids know each other and know their instructors, not just academically but as people.” School designs that convey friendliness, openness, and accessibility promote cooperation and interaction, and reduce the tensions that can lead to inattentiveness, acting up, and bullying. What goes for kids, goes for adults, too. Educators need tools and spaces that enable collaborative planning and information sharing.xii Fig.1: A 21st century classroom design

PARTNERSHIP FOR 21ST CENTURY SKILLS Source:AMA Alexi Marmot Associates Connecting with the Wider World Over a century ago Dewey,the noted American philosopher and educator,observed that learning that endures isgot throughfe itself."While the physical space of many 21st century learning environments may be small,the learning they engender extends out into the local community and the world at large.Students and community members may work together on service projects and internsh earners may cor vith the re data n a common problem like climate changeore r peers across the preservation.Teachers and students may seek the advice of world- renowned experts to guide them in their inquiry-based projects. Technology obviously enables such connections,but physical structure, can lay an important role in facilitating these essential 21st According to the American Architectural Foundation,one way to do this is through innovative sharing of space with the school's local community,such as making performance spaces and meeting rooms available to the neral public.S mmunities are establishing pre-school daycare or r centers within schod facilities and developing programs that bring students together in meaningful ways with those much younger or older than they.Such an effort can include schedulina classes at different times (not iust between the hours of 8 and 3),as well as going beyond to include homework support and mentoring,interge nal gathe ngs, and more Schools must become community centers with hours that extend well beyond the current school day to provide access to technology resources,recreational activities,and health services.Such collaborative arrangements can offset costs for all stakeholders while creating year-round multi-generational learning places that enrich relatic ships among community members Architects and school planners strongly suggest that educators seek input from the community when designing a new school or undertaking a major renovation of an existing structure.x Having an effective process for gathering and reflecting on public opinions and needs esult in greate uy- in for the plan,and,ultim ly,greater support for the resulting buildings.Students,too,are critica

9 Source: © AMA Alexi Marmot Associates Connecting with the Wider World Over a century ago John Dewey, the noted American philosopher and educator, observed that learning that endures is “got through life itself.” While the physical space of many 21st century learning environments may be small, the learning they engender extends out into the local community and the world at large. Students and community members may work together on service projects and internships. Learners may connect with their peers across the globe to share data on a common problem like climate change or wildlife preservation. Teachers and students may seek the advice of world￾renowned experts to guide them in their inquiry-based projects. Technology obviously enables such connections, but physical structure, too, can play an important role in facilitating these essential 21st century learning experiences. According to the American Architectural Foundation, one way to do this is through innovative sharing of space with the school‟s local community, such as making performance spaces and meeting rooms available to the general public.xiii Some communities are establishing pre-school daycare or senior centers within school facilities and developing programs that bring students together in meaningful ways with those much younger or older than they. Such an effort can include scheduling classes at different times (not just between the hours of 8 and 3), as well as going beyond to include homework support and mentoring, intergenerational gatherings, and more. Schools must become community centers with hours that extend well beyond the current school day to provide access to technology resources, recreational activities, and health services.xiv Such collaborative arrangements can offset costs for all stakeholders while creating year-round multi-generational learning places that enrich relationships among community members. Architects and school planners strongly suggest that educators seek input from the community when designing a new school or undertaking a major renovation of an existing structure.xv Having an effective process for gathering and reflecting on public opinions and needs will result in greater buy-in for the plan, and, ultimately, greater support for the resulting buildings. Students, too, are critical

PARTNERSHIP FOR 21ST CENTURY SKILLS participants in the process.As the ultimate consumers,their opinions their earning space matter greatly,of course urther students find that getting involved in building design provides them with a rich real-world learning experience. The american architectural foundation has tapped into the creative capacity of you ing people by asking them to design their own learning environments.The AAF and Target stores annually sponsor the Redesign Your Schoo/contest,the U.S.'largest design competition for high school students.x The contest generates innovative ideas for 21st century learnina spaces while encouraging collaboration and innovation among students,educators,parents,designers,and the media Sustainability and Re-use For schools these days,as with any construction project,the going green may once have been be a lu is no -sense ategy Schoo officials see value in investing in slightly higher construction expenses to realize lower operating costs over the lifespan of the building.To help educational authorities sort out their options,experts advise them to focus on areen desian elements-like air auality.temperature ighting that have a proven positive efficiency A 2006 report,Greening America's Schools:Costs and Benefits reviewed 30 U.S.schools designed for sustainability and found that they cost less than 2%more than conventional schools-or about $3 quare foot-to build,but provide long-term financial s th at are 20 times a ge report notes "fo an average conventional school, building green would save enough money to pay for an additional full-time teacher.Financial savings to the broader community are significantly larger,and include reduced blc intrastructure,lower air and water pollution,and a bette educated and cor Green schools also provide rich opportunities for students to explore sustainable planning and design,and learn about the impact that design and operations decisions have on the environment.Sustainable schools also serve as positive examples to students,educators,and 10

10 participants in the process. As the ultimate consumers, their opinions about their learning space matter greatly, of course. Further, students find that getting involved in building design provides them with a rich real-world learning experience. The American Architectural Foundation has tapped into the creative capacity of young people by asking them to design their own learning environments. The AAF and Target stores annually sponsor the Redesign Your School contest, the U.S.‟ largest design competition for high school students.xvi The contest generates innovative ideas for 21st century learning spaces while encouraging collaboration and innovation among students, educators, parents, designers, and the media. Sustainability and Re-use For schools these days, as with any construction project, the watchword is sustainability. While going green may once have been felt to be a luxury, it is now seen as a common-sense strategy. School officials see value in investing in slightly higher construction expenses to realize lower operating costs over the lifespan of the building. To help educational authorities sort out their options, experts advise them to focus on green design elements – like air quality, temperature control, and lighting – that have a proven positive effect on learning, and pay for themselves through long-term resource efficiency.xvii A 2006 report, Greening America’s Schools: Costs and Benefits, reviewed 30 U.S. schools designed for sustainability and found that they cost less than 2% more than conventional schools – or about $3 more per square foot – to build, but provide long-term financial benefits that are 20 times as large. Furthermore, the report notes, “for an average conventional school, building green would save enough money to pay for an additional full-time teacher. Financial savings to the broader community are significantly larger, and include reduced cost of public infrastructure, lower air and water pollution, and a better educated and compensated workforce.”xviii Green schools also provide rich opportunities for students to explore sustainable planning and design, and learn about the impact that design and operations decisions have on the environment. Sustainable schools also serve as positive examples to students, educators, and
