华南师范大学外文学院新课标高中英语必修5:Life in the Future ——Reading skill(陈菲侗)

新课标高中英语必修5 Life in the future reading skill LO/G/O 华南师范大学外文学院 陈菲侗
L/O/G/O Life in the Future ——Reading skill 华南师范大学外文学院 陈菲侗 新课标高中英语必修5

Have you ever imagined your life in the next one thousand years?
Have you ever imagined your life in the next one thousand years?


New words Spacecraft 宇宙飞船 Shuttle 太空梭 Air-scout 空中侦察机 Skyscraper 摩天大厦 capsule 太空舱 E门gis Chinese
Spacecraft Shuttle Air-scout Skyscraper capsule 宇宙飞船 太空梭 空中侦察机 摩天大厦 太空舱 English Chinese New words

Question How can we recite the following two words quickly? Spacecraft Q Skyscraper 太空十飞行器 天空+铲土机 宇宙飞船 摩天大楼
Question • How can we recite the following two words quickly? Spacecraft Skyscraper 太空 飞行器 天空 铲土机 宇宙飞船 摩天大楼

1。 Word-formation Analyse Split Connect Recombination
1. Word-formation Analyse Split Connect Recombination

More examples zoologist 杀虫剂 semiconscious 生态气候 insecticide 朝上 动物学家 bullfight 小道消息 ecoclimate 半意识 hearsay 斗牛 skyward
More examples • zoologist • semiconcious • insecticide • bullfight • ecoclimate • hearsay • skyward 杀虫剂 生态气候 朝上 动物学家 小道消息 半意识 斗牛

2. Language context 2 o First what is contexts Read the following passage carefully
2. Language context • First, what is context? Read the following passage carefully

A mans position among the black-tent people depends on his ancestors, relatives, and fellow tribesmen. If they are honored, he is also honored If they are disgraced, he too is disgraced Therefore one carefully guards the honor of his family, his lineage(宗系, and his tribe · Genre: expository writing Main object: a man's position Keynote: neutral disgrace: bring shame or dishonor upon clue honor
• Genre:_________________ • Main object:__________ • Keynote:_________ • disgrace:______________________ • clue:_____________ expository writing a man's position neutral bring shame or dishonor upon "honor

The GOKW strategy 2 00 e Hot tip This strategy is just an aid helping you to comprehend Structure of the strategy the paragraph more efficiently, which is an important skill in gussing word
The GOKW strategy Hot tip This strategy is just an aid helping you to comprehend the paragraph more efficiently , which is an important skill in gussing word. Structure of the strategy
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