安徽医科大学:《医学细胞生物学》课程教学资源(课件讲稿,打印版)Endomembrane system and vesicle transport

Endomembrane system incoming vesicle secretory vesicle Golgi appa时atu from the ER:sorts and -protein transport vesicle transport vesicle n0hs的 Golgl apparatus Golgi apparatun od⊙ mooth endoplasmic This document is produced by trial version of Print2Flash.Visit www.print2flash.com for more information

The major intracellular compartments of an animal cell endosome cytosol lysosome Golgi apparatus peroxisome- mitochondrion endoplasmic reticulum with membrane-bound polyribosomes free polyribosomes nucleus plasma membrane 15m 2 This document is produced by trial version of Print2Flash.Visit www.print2flash.com for more information

An electron micrograph of part of a liver cell rough endoplasmic nucleus lysosomes reticulum 5 um peroxisome mitochondrion 3 This document is produced by trial version of Print2Flash.Visit www.print2flash.com for more information

Outline Endomembrane system Endoplasmic Reticulum(ER) 2 Golgi Complex 3 Lysosome Peroxisome Vesicle and vesicle transport This document is produced by trial version of Print2Flash.Visit www.print2flash.com for more information

Endomembrane System Plasma membrane vesicle Perinuclear space Earl complex -Rough reticulum Peroxisomes Cytosol Endomembrane System A series of membrane structure composed of structural and functional related organelles including ER,Golgi complex,lysosomes,endosomes, secretory vesicles. This document is produced by trial version of Print2Flash.Visit www.print2flash.com for more information

Endomembrane System peroxisome Lysosome Golgi Endomembrane Complex System Vesicle Endoplasmic Reticulum Nuclear membrane This document is produced by trial version of Print2Flash.Visit www.print2flash.com for more information

Endomembrane System Endomembrane system divides the cell into functional and structural compartments. microtubules chromatin nuclear envelope mitochondrion nuclear pore -nucleus N nucleolus centriole Golgi complex How to understand vesicle lysosome the relationship between mitochondrion and endomembrane cytosol flagellum system? plasma membrane rough smooth endoplasmic endoplasmic reticulum ribosomes reticulum 7 This document is produced by trial version of Print2Flash.Visit www.print2flash.com for more information

Relative volumes occupied by the major intracellular compartments in Liver Cell Intracellular compartment of total cell volume Cytosol 54 Mitochondria 22 Rough ER cisternae 9 Smooth ER cisternae plus Golgi cisternae 6 Nucleus 6 Peroxisome 1 Lysosomes 1 Endosomes 1 This document is produced by trial version of Print2Flash.Visit www.print2flash.com for more information

Approaches to the study of endomembrane system Autoradiography(放射自显影); Biochemical analysis(生化分析)of subcellular fractions; Genetic mutants(遗传突变体) The dynamic activities of endomembrane systems are highly conserved despite the structural diversity of different cell types. This document is produced by trial version of Print2Flash.Visit www.print2flash.com for more information

The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 1974 (Albert Claude,Christian de Duve and George E.Palade) Rough endoplasmic reticulum Golgi vesicles "for their discoveries concerning the structural and functional organization of the cell". Time of chase (min 20 min 20m 10 This document is produced by trial version of Print2Flash.Visit www.print2flash.com for more information
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