上海交通大学:《基因与人 Genes and Human》课程教学资源(PPT课件)基因的发现:科学探索与假说推动人类历史

上游充通大 上海交通大学教授李大伟电邮daweili@sjtu.edu.cn 电话:34204744 助救武正华电邮wuzhenghua@sjtu.edu.cn电话:34205436 SHANGHAI JIAO TONG UNIVERSITY 上海交通大学通识研讨课 基因与人 3、基因的发现:科学探索与假说推动人类历史 >人为什么进行科学探索? >修道士用豌豆创造历史? >科学技术创造知识? >基因是什么?
2022-3-11 1 1 基因 与 人 上海交通大学通识研讨课 上海交通大学教授 李大伟 电邮 daweili@sjtu.edu.cn 电话:34204744 助教 武正华 电邮 wuzhenghua@sjtu.edu.cn 电话:34205436 3、基因的发现:科学探索与假说推动人类历史 Ø人为什么进行科学探索? Ø修道士用豌豆创造历史? Ø科学技术创造知识? Ø基因是什么?

复习:生命延续的本质是基因自我复制 人→细胞→染色体→DNA→基因 Nucleus Chromosome Base pair DNA (double helix) P00000卷 Histone proteins( 2022-3-11 SCIENCEDhOtOLIBRARY 2 :http://www.sciencelearn.org.nz/Contexts/Uniquely-Me/Science-ldeas-and-Concepts/DNA-chromosomes-and-gene-expression
2022-3-11 1 2 复习:生命延续的本质是基因自我复制 :http://www.sciencelearn.org.nz/Contexts/Uniquely-Me/Science-Ideas-and-Concepts/DNA-chromosomes-and-gene-expression 人 细胞 染色体 DNA 基因

Corpus luteum Primary oocyte Ruptured follicle Primary follicle Ovary 2 8 Secondary oocyte Mature follicle Ovulation Secondary spermatocytes/oocyte x Second 戏 (haploid) meiotic Spermatids/ootid division (haploid) 1 Differentiation and maturation Sperm cells (haploid) Ovum (egg) (haploid)

DNA 复制 = DNA 上由 G、A、T、C、编码的基因复制

复习、答疑与讨论上堂内容:2、生命延续的物质基础是什么 >生命延续的意义是什么? >生命延续的必要条件是什么? >为什么基因是生命延续的必然选择? >生命的延续在于基因的延续? 思考题:为什么说生命的延续在于基因的延续? 2022-3-11 5
2022-3-11 5 复习、答疑与讨论上堂内容:2、生命延续的物质基础是什么 思考题: 为什么说生命的延续在于基因的延续? Ø生命延续的意义是什么? Ø生命延续的必要条件是什么? Ø为什么基因是生命延续的必然选择? Ø生命的延续在于基因的延续?

本节研讨: 基因的发现:科学探索与假说推动人类历史 >人为什么进行科学探索? >修道士用豌豆创造历史? >科学技术创造知识? >基因是什么? 2022-3-11 1 6
2022-3-11 1 6 本节研讨: 基因的发现:科学探索与假说推动人类历史 Ø人为什么进行科学探索? Ø修道士用豌豆创造历史? Ø科学技术创造知识? Ø基因是什么?

>人有探索的基因? 2022-3-11 1
2022-3-11 1 7 Ø 人有探索的基因?

科学探索与假说推动人类历史 Human Migration Map 25.000 40000 12000 100.00 7OD.O 20g.000 150 50.060 Homo saplens 网0 Neandertaler 卡uhe Homnidun 2022-3-11 8
2022-3-11 8 科学探索与假说推动人类历史 http://archaeology.about.com/od/stoneage/ss/tishkoff_2.htm Human Migration Map

探索发现是基因生存本能:人类遍布世界 Ethnic Groups in the World by the End of the 20th Century European (Caucasoid) Black (Capoid-Congoid) ☐Australoid Arab (Caucasoid) East Asian(Mongoloid) Central Asian(Caucasoid-Mongoloid) Inuit(Mongoloid) Indian (Caucasoid-Australoid) Amerindian(Mongoloid) Malagasy (Caucasoid-Australoid-Black) Mestizo (Amerindian-European) Indian-Black American American Multiracial (Amerindian,European,Black) Mulatto (Black-European) Australasian Multiracial(Australoid-European) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Ethnic_Groups_in_the_World.jpg 2022-3-11 9
2022-3-11 9 探索发现是基因生存本能:人类遍布世界 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Ethnic_Groups_in_the_World.jpg

科学探索与假说推动人类历史 人类迁徙的基因和语言数据 The results of 10 years of nuclear DNA research on Africans,collected by University of Maryland professor Sarah Tishkoff and colleagues,and intended to learn about the origins and migration patterns of all of us,was presented in an article in Science on May 1,2009. The study involved retrieving nuclear DNA from blood samples taken from over 3,000 Africans from 113 ethnic populations throughout the continent of Africa.Scholars from 11 different countries(U.S.,Italy,Germany,France,Cameroon,Mali,Sudan,South Africa,Tanzania,Kenya and Nigeria) took part in this research,which brought centrifuges and other laboratory equipment to the far-flung tribes in Africa, and involved what must have been a hugely complex web of obtaining permits.The study was explained in detail to all participants,as illustrated in this photograph from the project. The DNA was compiled and then integrated with data from the Human Genome Diversity Panel,leading the researchers to several interesting findings,that speak to the origins of humans and the migration patterns that are in evidence. Tishkoff and colleagues have built a database that will be made available to other researchers.They also performed some preliminary analysis of their own.The next few pages will discuss some of the results already realized by the study. http://archaeology.about.com/od/stoneage/ss/tishkoff.htm Tishkoff,Sarah A.,et al.2009 The Genetic Structure and History of Africans and African Americans.Science Express.30 April 2009 2022-3-11 10
2022-3-11 10 科学探索与假说推动人类历史 The results of 10 years of nuclear DNA research on Africans, collected by University of Maryland professor Sarah Tishkoff and colleagues, and intended to learn about the origins and migration patterns of all of us, was presented in an article in Science on May 1, 2009. The study involved retrieving nuclear DNA from blood samples taken from over 3,000 Africans from 113 ethnic populations throughout the continent of Africa. Scholars from 11 different countries (U.S., Italy, Germany, France, Cameroon, Mali, Sudan, South Africa, Tanzania, Kenya and Nigeria) took part in this research, which brought centrifuges and other laboratory equipment to the far-flung tribes in Africa, and involved what must have been a hugely complex web of obtaining permits. The study was explained in detail to all participants, as illustrated in this photograph from the project. The DNA was compiled and then integrated with data from the Human Genome Diversity Panel, leading the researchers to several interesting findings, that speak to the origins of humans and the migration patterns that are in evidence. Tishkoff and colleagues have built a database that will be made available to other researchers. They also performed some preliminary analysis of their own. The next few pages will discuss some of the results already realized by the study. Tishkoff, Sarah A., et al. 2009 The Genetic Structure and History of Africans and African Americans. Science Express. 30 April 2009 人类迁徙的基因和语言数据 http://archaeology.about.com/od/stoneage/ss/tishkoff.htm
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