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山东大学:《生命伦理学》课程教学资源(PPT课件讲稿)第一章 绪论 Medical Ethics(主讲:曹永福)

◼ Section 1 Medical ethics & medicine ◼ Section 2 Morality & medical morality ◼ Section 3 Why to learn medical ethics ◼ Section 4 How to learn medical ethics

Chapter 1 Introduction Section 1 Medical ethics medicine ■ Section 2 Morality medical morality Section 3 Why to learn medical ethics Section 4 How to learn medical ethics

Chapter 1 Introduction ◼ Section 1 Medical ethics & medicine ◼ Section 2 Morality & medical morality ◼ Section 3 Why to learn medical ethics ◼ Section 4 How to learn medical ethics

Case-1 2007年11月21日,怀孕9个月的李某某因 呼吸困难,在其男友肖某某的陪同下赴北 京某医院检查,医生检查发现孕妇及胎儿 均生命垂危,建议行剖宫产手术,但肖某 某多次拒绝签字。 在抢救了3小时后,医生宣布孕妇抢救无效 死亡

Case-1 ◼ 2007年11月21日,怀孕9个月的李某某因 呼吸困难,在其男友肖某某的陪同下赴北 京某医院检查,医生检查发现孕妇及胎儿 均生命垂危,建议行剖宫产手术,但肖某 某多次拒绝签字。 ◼ 在抢救了3小时后,医生宣布孕妇抢救无效 死亡

Case-2 ■2008年1月11日,浙江德清人民医院收治 产妇周某某,大出血,生命垂危,需要切 除子宫,但其丈夫拒绝签字同意手术。 该家医院由两名主治医生联合签字手术, 产妇顺利产下一名男婴,母子平安

Case-2 ◼ 2008年1月11日,浙江德清人民医院收治 产妇周某某,大出血,生命垂危,需要切 除子宫,但其丈夫拒绝签字同意手术。 ◼ 该家医院由两名主治医生联合签字手术, 产妇顺利产下一名男婴,母子平安

Discussion The practice of which hospital do you agree with?

Discussion ◼ The practice of which hospital do you agree with?

Chapter 1 Introduction Section 1 Medical ethics medicine ■ Section 2 Morality medical morality Section 3 Why to learn medical ethics Section 4 How to learn medical ethics

Chapter 1 Introduction ◼ Section 1 Medical ethics & medicine ◼ Section 2 Morality & medical morality ◼ Section 3 Why to learn medical ethics ◼ Section 4 How to learn medical ethics

Section 1 Medical ethics medicine The character of medical ethics Category and meaning of ethics Medical ethics has been the integral part of the medicine The concept of medical ethics The category in the history The modern meaning

Section 1 Medical ethics & medicine ◼ The character of medical ethics ◼ Category and meaning of ethics ◼ Medical ethics has been the integral part of the medicine ◼ The concept of medical ethics ◼ The category in the history ◼ The modern meaning

The category of ethics 规范伦理学 Normative ethics ■元伦理学 ■Meta-ethics ·美德伦理学 ■Virtue ethics ■描述伦理学 Descriptive ethics

The category of ethics ◼ 规范伦理学 ◼ Normative ethics ◼ 元伦理学 ◼ Meta-ethics ◼ 美德伦理学 ◼ Virtue ethics ◼ 描述伦理学 ◼ Descriptive ethics

Normative ethics To construct the morality system (norm, standard) To achieve the purpose of improve society and the mankind itself Moral principles Justice,equality,humanity,freedom happiness Moral rules Honesty,cherish life,self-esteem,modesty, wisdom,restraint,braveness,the doctrine of the mean

Normative ethics ◼ To construct the morality system (norm, standard) ◼ To achieve the purpose of improve society and the mankind itself ◼ Moral principles ◼ Justice, equality, humanity、freedom happiness ◼ Moral rules ◼ Honesty, cherish life, self-esteem, modesty, wisdom, restraint, braveness, the doctrine of the mean

Meta-ethics About the meaning of the ethics concepts and the justification of moral judgment -Category:value,good evil,ought, right fact is .The justification of meta-ethics: is→ought

Meta-ethics ◼ About the meaning of the ethics concepts and the justification of moral judgment ◼ Category: value, good & evil, ought, right;fact & is ◼ The justification of meta-ethics: is→ought

Virtue ethics To achieve the good human morality To cultivate the virtue Moral evaluation Conscience and reputation Moral cultivation Moral education self-education

Virtue ethics ◼ To achieve the good human morality ◼ To cultivate the virtue ◼ Moral evaluation ◼ Conscience and reputation ◼ Moral cultivation ◼ Moral education & self-education
