
抑郁症简介 depression 第十小组 刘书聪刘方杨王祺文郑增胜耿玉晗
抑郁症简介 depression 第十小组 刘书聪 刘方杨 王祺文 郑增胜 耿玉晗

1.抑郁症历史] ·古代(15世纪之前) ·精神疾病被视为与鬼神、宗教、信仰有关 ·文艺复兴时期 1ELANCHOLY ·人文主义的兴起 ·罗伯特伯顿《忧郁的解剖》2] ·800多页 ·前后修订5次 ·除了抑郁症,涉及大量的科学和哲学 ·将抑郁症分为内因和外因
1. 抑郁症历史[1] • 古代(15世纪之前) • 精神疾病被视为与鬼神、宗教、信仰有关 • 文艺复兴时期 • 人文主义的兴起 • 罗伯特·伯顿 《忧郁的解剖》[2] • 800多页 • 前后修订5次 • 除了抑郁症,涉及大量的科学和哲学 • 将抑郁症分为内因和外因

1.抑郁症历史1] Melancholy,the subject of our present discourse,is either in disposition or in habit.In disposition,is that transitory Melancholy which goes and comes upon every small occasion of sorrow,need. sickness,trouble,fear,grief,passion,or perturbation of the mind, any manner of care,discontent,or thought,which causes anguish dulness,heaviness and vexation of spirit,any ways opposite to pleasure,mirth,joy,delight,causing frowardness in us,or a dislike. In which eguivocal and improper sense,we call him melancholy, that is dull,sad,sour,lumpish,ill-disposed,solitary.any way moved. or displeased.And from these melancholy dispositions no man living is free,no Stoick,none so wise,none so happy,none so patient,so generous,so godly,so divine,that can vindicate himself so well-composed,but more or less,some time or other.he feels the smart of it.Melancholy in this sense is the character of Mortality. (This Melancholy of which we are to treat,is a habit, a serious ailment,a settled humour,as Aurelianus and others call it, not errant,but fixed:and as it was long increasing,so,now being (pleasant or paintul)grown to a habit,it will hardly be removed
1. 抑郁症历史[1] Melancholy, the subject of our present discourse, is either in disposition or in habit. In disposition, is that transitory Melancholy which goes and comes upon every small occasion of sorrow, need, sickness, trouble, fear, grief, passion, or perturbation of the mind, any manner of care, discontent, or thought, which causes anguish, dulness, heaviness and vexation of spirit, any ways opposite to pleasure, mirth, joy, delight, causing frowardness in us, or a dislike. In which equivocal and improper sense, we call him melancholy, that is dull, sad, sour, lumpish, ill-disposed, solitary, any way moved, or displeased. And from these melancholy dispositions no man living is free, no Stoick, none so wise, none so happy, none so patient, so generous, so godly, so divine, that can vindicate himself; so well-composed, but more or less, some time or other, he feels the smart of it. Melancholy in this sense is the character of Mortality. . . . (This Melancholy of which we are to treat, is a habit, a serious ailment, a settled humour, as Aurelianus and others call it, not errant, but fixed: and as it was long increasing, so, now being (pleasant or painful) grown to a habit, it will hardly be removed

1.抑郁症历史1] ·19世纪左右 ·抑郁症被认为与生理的病变有关 ·出现了一些物理疗法 ·水浸 ·本杰明·富兰克林的电击疗法3] ·19世纪末 ·解剖学和脑科学的进一步深入 ·抑郁症是否被认为是精神或身体上的问题 ·现代精神病学创始人埃米尔•克雷佩林的《精神病学概要》[4 ·区分了躁狂抑郁症、精神分裂症、妄想症
1. 抑郁症历史[1] • 19世纪左右 • 抑郁症被认为与生理的病变有关 • 出现了一些物理疗法 • 水浸 • 本杰明•富兰克林的电击疗法[3] • 19世纪末 • 解剖学和脑科学的进一步深入 • 抑郁症是否被认为是精神或身体上的问题 • 现代精神病学创始人埃米尔•克雷佩林的《精神病学概要》[4] • 区分了躁狂抑郁症、精神分裂症、妄想症

1.抑郁症历史1] ·20世纪 ·很多病人进行了脑科手术,效果不佳 ·20世纪50年代 ·抑郁症被划分为内源性和外源性 ·医生泽勒发现异烟肼(抗结核药)有治疗效果] ·今天 ·抑郁症涉及生物学心理学社会学 ·新的进展:更多的药物被尝试用于治疗抑郁症,效果较好
1. 抑郁症历史[1] • 20世纪 • 很多病人进行了脑科手术,效果不佳 • 20世纪50年代 • 抑郁症被划分为内源性和外源性 • 医生泽勒发现异烟肼(抗结核药)有治疗效果[5] • 今天 • 抑郁症涉及 生物学 心理学 社会学 • 新的进展:更多的药物被尝试用于治疗抑郁症,效果较好

2.定义/诊断 Prolonged anhedonia (the inability to experience pleasure), hopelessness,and failure to experience an increase in mood in response positive events rarely accompany "normal"sadness. ·无法体验快感 ·不正常的悲伤 ·单极抑郁症Unipolar depression ·双极抑郁症Bipolar depression ·重症抑郁症Major depression
2. 定义/诊断 • Prolonged anhedonia (the inability to experience pleasure), hopelessness, and failure to experience an increase in mood in response positive events rarely accompany "normal" sadness. • 无法体验快感 • 不正常的悲伤 • 单极抑郁症 Unipolar depression • 双极抑郁症 Bipolar depression • 重症抑郁症 Major depression

2.定义/诊断 ·抑郁症DSM-IV的诊断标准6] ·几乎每天大部分的时间心境抑郁 ·几乎每天大部分时间对所有的或几乎所有活动的兴趣或者愉快感显著减 低 ·没有节食时体重明显下降,或体重明显增加 DIAGNOSTIC AND STATISTICAL MANUAL OF MENTAL DISORDERS FIFTH EDITION DSM-5 AMERICAN PSYCHIATRIC ASSOCIATION
2. 定义/诊断 • 抑郁症DSM-IV的诊断标准[6] • 几乎每天大部分的时间心境抑郁 • 几乎每天大部分时间对所有的或几乎所有活动的兴趣或者愉快感显著减 低 • 没有节食时体重明显下降,或体重明显增加 …………

2.定义/诊断 ·症状标签 ·慢性 ·紧张特征 ·忧郁 ·异常 ·产后发病 ·季节模式
2. 定义/诊断 • 症状标签 • 慢性 • 紧张特征 • 忧郁 • 异常 • 产后发病 • 季节模式

3.抑郁症与创造力 ·「生ま九C、办ま世人 ·-太宰治 ·历史上的著名作家多被认为患有抑郁症 ·被诊断为神经衰弱的夏目漱石 ·川端康成(含煤气管自杀) ·芥川龙之介(服毒自杀)
3. 抑郁症与创造力 • 「生まれて、すみません」 • -- 太宰治 • 历史上的著名作家多被认为患有抑郁症 • 被诊断为神经衰弱的夏目漱石 • 川端康成(含煤气管自杀) • 芥川龙之介(服毒自杀)

3.抑郁症与创造力 ·作家和作家的亲属患有抑郁症的概率更高☑ ·15个成功的作家家族 ·作家的主要亲属有21.4%患有精神疾病 The Creative Writer: Psychiatric Symptoms and Family History ·对照组为4.4% N.J.C.Andreasen and Arthur Canter Ten和tr,over.and the poet Are ofimeginafion all cnmopact. Shakespeare.A Midrummer Nighr's Dream Dryden,Abssfom avd Achi触g学hd An0oaHernneron creativity with both epilepsy and melancholia.Although the association was rarely mentioned during the Middle Ages.renewed tolerance for individuality and eccen tricity during the Renaissance evived interest in the connection,and thereafte the issue has bcen morc or less hotly discussed Lombroso's work on genius and insanity.first published in 1864.was the first reached the conciusion that eenus was often a "ceeenerative asvchosis of tbe several attempts have beer
3. 抑郁症与创造力 • 作家和作家的亲属患有抑郁症的概率更高[7] • 15个成功的作家家族 • 作家的主要亲属有21.4%患有精神疾病 • 对照组为4.4%
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