江汉大学:《病理学》课程PPT教学课件(讲稿)Chapter 15 communicable disease

Chapter 15 communicable disease 2004.2
Chapter 15 communicable disease 2004.2

Communicable disease Pathogen-body Infectious disease source of infection Pathogen route of transmission crowd easy to feel
Communicable disease: Pathogen body Infectious disease source of infection Pathogen route of transmission crowd easy to feel

Pathology of Tuberculosis c Overview Pulmonary tuberculosis Extra-pulmonary tuberculosis
Pathology of Tuberculosis Overview Pulmonary tuberculosis Extra-pulmonary tuberculosis

Overview t Infects one third of world population *8 million new case every year 2 million deaths due to tb every year i 320 million! China Since 1985 incidence is increasing in world AIDS, Diabetes, Immunosuppressed patients Drug resistance, over crowding, malnutrition
Overview Infects one third of world population! 8 million new case every year! 2 million deaths due to TB every year! 320 million!China Since 1985 incidence is increasing in world AIDS, Diabetes, Immunosuppressed patients. Drug resistance, over crowding, malnutrition

WORLD TB DAY :24 March WHO 1995 Koch
WHO 1995 Koch

world TB day OTs TB cure For All 24Marh2001

March 24th was World Day 2002

WorldTBDay2003 DOTS cured me- it will cure you too!

World tb day 2004 Every Breath Counts Stop TB Now!
World TB Day 2004 Every Breath Counts Stop TB Now!

S T 象B Do it with DOTs Directly observed therapy shortcourse
Directly observed therapy shortcourse
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