江汉大学:《病理学》课程PPT教学课件(讲稿)Chapter 03 hemodynamic derangements

Chapter 3 hemodynamic derangements O*⑩ 象误人 department of pathology
Chapter 3 hemodynamic derangements department of pathology

Hemodynamic amount hyperaemia ischemia Intravascular component appearance mass thrombosis caducity arte Vascular infarct completion X blood bleeding permeability↑ edema
Hemodynamic amount hyperaemia ischemia Intravascular component appearance mass thrombosis embolism Vascular infarct completion bleeding permeability edema caducity artery × blood fluid

Section 1. hyperaemia an increased volume of blood in an affected tissue or pert arterial hyperaemia( active venous hyperaemia(passive 谈人孝 gag:I department of pathology
Section 1. hyperaemia an increased volume of blood in an affected tissue or pert arterial hyperaemia ( active ) venous hyperaemia ( passive ) department of pathology

When arterial or arteriolar dilatation produces an increased flow of blood into capillary beds are called arterial hyperaemia, also called active hyperaemia ear and face into red 象误人 department of pathology
When arterial or arteriolar dilatation produces an increased flow of blood into capillary beds,are called arterial hyperaemia,also called active hyperaemia. ‘ ear and face into red ’ department of pathology

Active hyperaemia r Physiological Inflammatory After reducing pressure 谈人孝 gag:I department of pathology
Active hyperaemia Physiological Inflammatory After reducing pressure department of pathology

Passive hyperaemia may be pathological meaning When impaired venous drainage, are called passive hyperaemia a also called congestion may occur as a systemic occur as a localized 谈人孝 gag:I department of pathology
Passive hyperaemia may be pathological meaning When impaired venous drainage, are called passive hyperaemia also called congestion may occur as a systemic occur as a localized department of pathology

Pathogenesis of congestion localize d detaining Pressure 命命日 2. Systemic: heart failure 谈人孝 gag:I department of pathology
Pathogenesis of congestion 1. localized 2. Systemic: heart failure detaining Pressure department of pathology

Morphology. wet↑ weight an Increase o blue-red coloration +deoxygenated temperature↓ haemoglobin 谈人孝 gag:I department of pathology
Morphology: wet weight blue-red coloration temperature an increase of deoxygenated haemoglobin department of pathology

Morphology Normal capillary congestion Congestive edema Congestive haemorrhage Congestive sclerosis
Morphology: Normal capillary congestion Congestive edema Congestive haemorrhage Congestive sclerosis

congestion of important organs 1. congestion of lung: pathogenesis familiar in left ventricular failure left ventricular failure- elevated left atrial pressure elevated pulmonary venous pressure 谈人孝 gag:I department of pathology
congestion of important organs : 1.congestion of lung: pathogenesis--- familiar in left ventricular failure left ventricular failure elevated left atrial pressure elevated pulmonary venous pressure department of pathology
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