江汉大学:《病理学》课程PPT教学课件(讲稿)Chapter 09 The Lymphohem atopoietic Systems

F Immunodeficient Chapter9 Extended sura The eP Lymphohem Dendrite atopoietic Systems Actation/tection Er Zhou hongyan Nature Reviews I tm
The Lymphohem atopoietic Systems Chapter 9 Zhou Hongyan

ymphohematopoietic system: myeloid tissue lymphoid tissue
Lymphohematopoietic system: myeloid tissue lymphoid tissue

Medula tN Cortex GC nomal lymph node
nomal lymph node

您成 装签滚

LYMPHOID NEOPLASMS Arise in bone marrow and circulate in the peripheral blood Appear as tumor masses within either lymph nodes or other organs
LYMPHOID NEOPLASMS • Arise in bone marrow and circulate in the peripheral blood . • Appear as tumor masses within either lymph nodes or other organs

relevant pr inciples 1. Most lymphoid neoplasms(80%0 85%are of B-cell origin 2. The normal architecture of the lymph nodes is effaced. 3. Disrupt normal immune regulatory mechanism
relevant principles: 1.Most lymphoid neoplasms(80%- 85%) are of B-cell origin. 2. The normal architecture of the lymph nodes is effaced. 3. Disrupt normal immune regulatory mechanism

relevant principles 4. Monoclonal neoplasms 5.NHL--widely disseminated at the time of diagnosis. HL-spreads methodically to contiguous lymph node groups
4.Monoclonal neoplasms. 5.NHL---widely disseminated at the time of diagnosis. HL—spreads methodically to contiguous lymph node groups. relevant principles:

Classification: ( REAL and WHo) three maior categories (tumors of b cells (2)tumors of T cells and nk cells ()Hodgkin lymphoma
Classification:(REALand WHO) three major categories: (1)tumors of B cells (2)tumors of T cells and NK cells (3)Hodgkin lymphoma

LYMPHOID NEOPLASMS Hodgkin lvmphoma CHL) non- Hodgkin lymphoma (NHL
LYMPHOID NEOPLASMS: Hodgkin lymphoma --------- (HL) non - Hodgkin lymphoma --------- (NHL)

HL Hodgkin ymphoma
Hodgkin lymphoma HL:
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