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《抗体及其应用》课程教学资源(参考资料,电子版)06-Antibody microarray

《抗体及其应用》课程教学资源(参考资料,电子版)06-Antibody microarray

06-Antibody microarray Antibody microarray From Wikipedia cyclo An antibo Cmmartayaokaonasantiodyarayj Ameoymecreaeanddeted solid surface such as glass,plastic,membrane,or silicon chip,and the interaction between the antibody and its target d a Contents 3Applications rray creations and 4 References Background vere first introduced by Tse Wen Chang in 1983 in a working at Centocor in Malvem Pennsylvania.Chang coined the term"antibody matrix"and discussed"aray"arrangement of minute antibody spots on small glass or plastic surtaces.He demonstrated that a I x10 (100 in total)and 20x20 (400 in total) dy spo mated tha I anan 025mm diameter.Chang's invention focused on the employment of antibody microarrays for the detection and quantification of cells bearing certain surface antigens,such as CD antigens and HLA allotypic antigens, particulate anti such as viruses and bacteria,and soluble antigens. The principle of o esample ons,assay con nd me scribed and Nap T Chang were setti n Texas in 1986 chased the ights on the antibody matrix patents from Centocor as part of the technology base to build their new startup.Their first product in development was an assay,termed "immunosorbent cytometry",which could be employed to HmianaiWis,ie,theconcentaiosandaiasotcD3,cD,andcDerTcls.inhebodoi nd cllethe aeand binding sy as further developed by Roger Aortio3goeodLanthodmicoamarswouldnotoaly permit simu neous screeningo an analyte panel,but woul a also be mor esensitive and rap f the achievements in genomics by DNA micrparrays and the Human Genome Project The capability,the small surface area in each well limits the number of antibody spots and thus,the number of

06-Antibody microarray

based arrays are flexible,easy to handle,and have increased protein binding capacity,but are less amenable to high throughput or automated processing.Chemically derivatized glass slides allow for printing of sub- microliter sized antibody spots,reducing the array surface area without sacrificing spot density.This in tu e iquid handling syst arrays,owing to their smooth and rigid structure Most antib array systen s employ 1 of 2 non- antibody detection the binding of 2 dist c binding to a unique epitope).confersgreater specificity and lower background signal compared with label-based immunodetection(where only 1 capture antibody is used and detection is achieved by chemically labeling all proteins in the star Sandw n-base lly attain the high spec o the d of d tched antihe the are easier to develop at a lower cost using the single antibody label-based approach.In this methodology,one set of specific antibodies is used and all the proteins in a sample are labelled directly by fluorescent dyes or haptens I analyzing autoimmune prote-protenneracons Dan U panel of 24 cvtokines from cell culture conditioned media and patient's sera and was able to profile cytokine expression at physiological levels.Huang took this technology and started a new business,RayBiotech,Inc. the first to successfully commercialize a planar antibody array In the last ten years,the sensitivity of the method was improved by an optimization of the surface chemistry as chemical labeling Cuely,the sensity of antibodyy and antibody arrays are regularly used for profiling experiments on tissue samples,plasma or serum samples and many nofannctc or cane geoDzWT0goAnp200aanoyaycosn07oosceosipw growth factors,angiogenic factors,proteases,soluble receptors,soluble adhesion molecules,and other proteins asshserm ofcancer parietsaheho on between normal and cance r sample More recently,antibody arrays have mne sp gy-re is 37)p erum proteins whe are as 01 h glioma and car ful in eas other than cancer cal dise heimer's A number of studies have attempted to identify biomarker panels that can distinguish Alzheimer's patients,and many have used er and colle ays ar orks afte ationships f th enis [38)Cu tly the andwich- cts 1000 diffor ins.3]Antibody ar are often used for detecting otein expression from man sample types,but also expression in two different blood preparations:serum and dried blood spots These different bloo preparations were analyze d sample u using thre eantibody array plattor s:sandwich- tve,and eans of pbtainin -ho areas,can be used effectively with antibody array analysis for biomarker discovery,protein profiling.and disease screening.diagnosis,and treatment

Applications Using antibody microarray in different medical diagnostic areas.Digital hiected to acterised by a microscope through counting fluorescing wells.A cost-effective gaoaanmsstmoydoadd See also ·ELISA .Tissue microarray hemical compound micr References -Paz M Cnz-Gil p Gomez-Elvira i paro y (Nove mbe g for univ ps://P dete cBoD%4951L5BN978-158829.679-5PMD1g F978-1-60327-047-2 Mao.Y.Q..Luo, Tang.H.o al.( .Seven- 4.Y.Lin.R.C.Huang.Cao.S.-M.Wang.Q.Shi,R.-P.Huang.(2003).Detection of multiple cytokines 5.Tw( rays t ysate and tis lysate.Clin Chem ab Med.41 139-149 solid surface" k.65 8kcosmioi6t9sg6a8io6d9do106amwna器2g 2:217-23.PMD6606681G ://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.g Tse W US Patent 4 591570 (httns ts/US4591570)"Matrix of antibody-coated oots for deterr mination of antigens Priority date February 2,198 Chang.Tse W.U.S.Patent .8(hups:// 829010)"mmg 8 Chang Tse W US Patent 5 100 777 (httns/www o gle om/patents/US5100777)"Antibody matrix device and m thod for evaluating immune status",Priority date April 27.1 g/10.10389%2F bt0393-291) 0169%2F0731-70859%28899%2980079-2 ical con d/1934470).doi:10.1016/0167-7799(9490111-2tps:/do.0rg/10.10169%2F0167.7799%628949%299011 1-2)

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